Versie historie van DisplayFusion
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Veranderingen voor v7.3.4 - v8.0
- Change: Now targeting the .NET Framework 4.0, which will automatically install during setup if needed
- Change: Added an "Our Apps" tab to the settings window with details about other great Binary Fortress apps (you can disable this tab in the Advanced Settings if you don't want it)
- Change: New Feature: Triggers! Perform actions based on events like Desktop Unlocked, Windows Created, Window Focused, System Idle and many more
- Change: An all-new wallpaper source selector is now here!
- Change: New Wallpaper Source: "Website Wallpaper" to use a website as a wallpaper, including mouse and keyboard input!
- Change: New Wallpaper Source: "My Videos" for playing videos as your desktop wallpaper!
- Change: New Wallpaper Source: Tumblr
- Change: New Wallpaper Source: Pinterest
- Change: New Wallpaper Source: "Unsplash"
- Change: New Wallpaper Source: "Panoramio"
- Change: New Wallpaper Source: "Dropbox"
- Change: Added a "Request Trial License" button to the settings window to request new trial license keys (if needed)
- Change: Added a new desktop context menu item to pause wallpaper image changing
- Change: Added "Reset All" and "Enable All" to the Taskbars menu in the system tray
- Change: Added a new context menu option and Function to pause all wallpaper animations (video and website sources)
- Change: Removed the "Taskbar > Open Windows on monitor with Start Menu" feature and replaced it with "Window Management > Move Newly Opened Windows..."
- Change: New Feature: "Window Management > Move newly opened applications windows to the current monitor"
- Change: Wallpaper can now be enabled/disabled like any normal feature
- Change: Wallpaper auto-fix setting has been removed, when the Wallpaper setting is enabled it will auto-fix for you
- Change: Updated old Google+/Picasa wallpaper provider to be the new "Google Photos" wallpaper provider
- Change: The "Download Scripted Function" window is much improved
- Change: You can now filter/search for Functions in the Settings window by name
- Change: New wallpaper image info tag: wp-titleonly
- Change: Added an option to the 500px wallpaper provider to block nude images
- Change: Flickr wallpaper provider now supports albums and favourites
- Change: Compatibility rules now allow TitleBar offsets to be up to 99999px
- Change: Google Images wallpaper provider now requires a user API key
- Change: Added a new wallpaper info tag for system startup time as 24 hour clock
- Change: Lots of new built-in Functions
- Change: Lots of new scripting functions (
- Change: Lots of new Advanced Settings
- Fix: Taskbar no longer sits on top of the Windows 10 lock screen
- Fix: Website Wallpaper source is blocked on Windows 7 and lower (too many technical limits)
- Fix: Video Wallpaper source is blocked on Windows 7 and lower (too many technical limits)
- Fix: Digital Blasphemy wallpaper source fixes
- Fix: "Combine With..." wallpaper sources fixed when selected in the Source selector
- Fix: GPO policies are now enforced correctly if the window is opened directly from the command line
- Fix: Many Windows 10 window padding issues are resolved (split maximizing, custom functions... etc)
- Fix: InputList in Scripted Functions now works correctly again
- Fix: Save/Restore Window Positions function is much improved
- Fix: Window spanning/unspanning now works in Windows 10 correctly
- Fix: BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunction() now passes in the function's window handle by default
- Fix: "Load from URL" wallpaper source no longer loses the current URL sometimes
- Fix: deviantArt categories have been updated
- Fix: Instagram wallpaper source now works again (Instagram changed their API and made it more restrictive)
- Fix: Aero Peek on the DisplayFusion Taskbars now uses the Windows setting
- Fix: Window mangement improvements (fixed some timing issues and app-specific issues)
- Fix: Code editor improvements
- Fix: Vladstudio thumbnails sometimes didn't load on high-DPI monitors
- Fix: Inactive mouse scrolling is much improved now
- Fix: StartIsBack, Classic Shell compatibility improvements
- Fix: Minimizing a window no longer sometimes restores a Metro app
- Fix: Some wallpaper providers are now blocked in some versions of Windows (Vista and lower)
- Fix: Resolved issues with SetLocation and SetSizeAndLocation scripting functions
- Fix: Taskbar Jump Lists now have pinned and recent items correctly
- Fix: Metro apps now group correctly on the Taskbars
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons now expand after being collapsed
- Fix: Auto-fix now detects single-monitor changes, including rotation
- Fix: Inactive window mouse-wheel scrolling now works on focused windows with more than 1 scrollbar
- Fix: Windows Gadget windows now get moved correctly by scripting functions
- Fix: TitleBar buttons are no longer stretched on different DPI monitors
- Fix: Improved mouse-lock polling speed
- Fix: "Move to Centre and Size 75%" is no longer slightly off on first run
- Fix: Wallpaper image info tag metadata improvements
- Fix: No longer keeps prompting to disable the Windows taskbar, is much smarter about it
- Fix: Resolved a search issue with the "Google Image Search" wallpaper provider
- Fix: Mouse cursor is now visible over mirrored windows
- Fix: Trigger Timed Intervals no longer ignore the "Monitor Profile" condition
- Fix: Minimum window width advanced setting for TitleBar Buttons now works again
- Fix: Windows Logon now works correctly in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10
- Fix: Running the "Toggle Key Combinations" function from a script now works
- Fix: Full Vivaldi browser compatibility
- Fix: Scripted functions now use caching and are much faster to start
- Fix: Alt+Tab icons no longer overlap on non-primary monitors
- Fix: Resolved an issue that could cause a CPU usage spike every 60 seconds
- Fix: Focusing a window from Alt+Tab or the DF taskbar now focuses modal windows correctly (if present)
- Fix: Taskbar no longer shows in front of a fullscreen Chrome window when it's not supposed to
- Fix: Start Menu in Windows 10 opens on the correct monitor on non-English machines
- Fix: Random wallpaper changes now work if a monitor has an invalid source ID
- Fix: Flickr now uses authentication when searching for users (if needed)
- Fix: Windows with no process path no longer get buttons (hidden system windows)
- Fix: Alt+Tab is no longer slow to open when Aero/DWM is disabled
- Fix: Random wallpaper changer no longer stores duplicate images in the "Web Images" folder
- Fix: Window Snapping in Windows 10 no snaps to the bottom of the monitor correctly
- Fix: Wallpaper history now works for all plugins
- Fix: Added a Group Policy setting to disable alternate Start Menu links
- Fix: Added a Group Policy setting to disable the script download buttons
- Fix: More hotkey combinations are blocked if they are reserved by the system
- Fix: Monitor selector is no longer blank when using a high contract theme
- Fix: Right-clicking the Start Button in Windows 10 now brings up the Win+X menu
- Fix: "wp-exit-datetaken" now has the correct date
- Fix: Alt+Tab sometimes didn't change windows correctly
- Fix: "Ignore Monitors" advanced setting now works with split monitors
- Fix: A tray message is now shown when switching Monitor Profiles
- Fix: "Clock ToolTip Format" advanced setting now works as expected
- Fix: Yandex browser is now treated as a top-tabs browser like Chrome
- Fix: ClickOnce app shortcuts are now supported on the DisplayFusion Taskbars
- Fix: Alt+Tab window now scales correctly when font scaling is enabled
- Fix: Tray icons are now less blurry when font scaling is enabled
- Fix: Wallpaper changes are now paused when "Presentation Mode" is activated in Windows
- Fix: Photos screen saver images now scale correctly
- Fix: MobaxTerm has improved Taskbar support
- Fix: Changed to a new Flickr API key
- Fix: Updated the Pixabay plugin for the new Pixabay API
- Fix: Photos Screen Saver fixes and new settings
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons are no longer too high on some windows with top-aligned Taskbars
- Fix: Pinned taskbar items sometimes failed to launch
- Fix: Monitor Configuration sometimes made portrait monitors blurry
- Fix: Taskbar Shortcuts AppID is now editable in the UI
- Fix: Maximize and Ignore Splits (shift+maximize) now works on Primary monitors
- Fix: Chrome compatibility fixes
- Fix: Win+E and Ctrl+Win+E is no longer used by DisplayFusion
- Fix: Automatic Aero colour selection from wallpaper images is improved (faster, better colour choices)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: Fullscreen detection improvements
- Fix: Performance and memory usage improvements
- Fix: StartIsBack, Classic Shell, Start10, StartMenuX compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.1 - v7.2
- Change: Fully compatible with Windows 10
- Change: New Wallpaper provider: Digital Blasphemy
- Change: New Wallpaper provider: Wallpaper Abyss
- Change: Added a setting to choose which window gets opened when double-clicking the tray icon
- Change: Prefers .NET 4.0 now, but will still run with .NET 2.0
- Change: Includes 2 new screen savers
- Change: Updates to existing screen savers
- Change: Added many new functions and fixed some bugs with the Scripted Functions API
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to force the taskbar buttons to be sorted alphabetically
- Change: Added many new functions and fixed some bugs with the Scripted Functions API
- Fix: Improved Start8 and Start10 integration
- Fix: Hook performance reliability improvements (too many to list)
- Fix: Translation fixes
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused duplicate context menu entries
- Fix: Resolved a crashing issue
- Fix: Resolved some UI issues at 125% and 150% font scaling
- Fix: Improved compatibility with maximized windows on split monitors
- Fix: You can now use the Tab key in a HotKey binding
- Fix: Resolved some crashes and silent exits (silent crashes)
- Fix: No longer crashes when running the save/restore window location functions on some computers
- Fix: Group policy improvements
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused DisplayFusion to deadlock, hang or crash
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer overlap Chrome user-switching button
- Fix: Added an Advanced Setting to pass parameters to the application that runs when the wallpaper is set
- Fix: Key Combination editor now shows the correct keys, not just "OEM5"
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons on child windows no longer appear on top of other child windows
- Fix: Screen Saver timeout sometimes failed to save correctly
- Fix: Middle-clicking a taskbar button to open a new instance now passes the command line parameters correctly
- Fix: Taskbar previews sometimes failed to open
- Fix: Settings backup/restore now works correctly for all scripted functions
- Fix: Screen Saver performance improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Performance and memory usage improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.2.0 Beta 6 - v7.2.0 Beta 7
- Fix: Resolved some hook issues
Veranderingen voor v7.2.0 Beta 5 - v7.2.0 Beta 6
- Change: Includes 2 new screen savers
- Change: Updates to existing screen savers
- Fix: Improved Windows 10 compatibility
- Fix: Translation fixes
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused duplicate context menu entries
- Fix: Resolved a crashing issue
- Fix: Resolved some UI issues at 125% and 150% font scaling
Veranderingen voor v7.2.0 Beta 4 - v7.2.0 Beta 5
- Fix: Improved Windows 10 compatibility
Veranderingen voor v7.2.0 Beta 3 - v7.2.0 Beta 4
- Change: Added many new functions and fixed some bugs with the Scripted Functions API
- Fix: CPU usage improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.2.0 Beta 2 - v7.2.0 Beta 3
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to force the taskbar buttons to be sorted alphabetically
- Change: Added many new functions and fixed some bugs with the Scripted Functions API
- Fix: Improved compatibility with maximized windows on split monitors
- Fix: You can now use the Tab key in a HotKey binding
- Fix: Resolved some crashes and silent exits (silent crashes)
- Fix: No longer crashes when running the save/restore window location functions on some computers
- Fix: Group policy improvements
- Fix: Performance and memory usage improvements
- Fix: Windows 10 compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.2.0 Beta 1 - v7.2.0 Beta 2
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused DisplayFusion to deadlock, hang or crash
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer overlap Chrome user-switching button
- Fix: Added an Advanced Setting to pass parameters to the application that runs when the wallpaper is set
- Fix: Key Combination editor now shows the correct keys, not just "OEM5"
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons on child windows no longer appear on top of other child windows
Veranderingen voor v7.1 - v7.2.0 Beta 1
- Note: We are working with Microsoft on the GDI+ crashing/hanging issues, stay tuned!
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer overlap Chrome user-switching button
- Fix: Screen Saver timeout sometimes failed to save correctly
- Fix: Middle-clicking a taskbar button to open a new instance now passes the command line parameters correctly
- Fix: Taskbar previews sometimes failed to open
- Fix: Settings backup/restore now works correctly for all scripted functions
- Fix: Performance and stability improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.1.0 Beta 2 - v7.1.0 Beta 3
- Change: Wallpaper images can now be moved up to 999,999 pixels, not limited to 10,000
- Fix: GPO support improvements
- Fix: Performance and stability improvements
- Fix: Resolved some minor issues
Veranderingen voor v7.1.0 Beta 1 - v7.1.0 Beta 2
- Fix: Much improved "Rollup Window to TitleBar" Function, better compatibility and performance
- Fix: Attempting to fix CPU usage and crashing issues
- Fix: Performance and stability improvements
- Fix: Resolved some minor issues
Veranderingen voor v7.0 - v7.1.0 Beta 1
- Change: Improved Scripted Function downloader, now with function updates (highlighted in yellow in the list)
- Fix: Attempting to fix CPU usage and crashing issues
- Fix: Hook improvements
- Fix: Performance and stability improvements
Veranderingen voor v6.1.2 - v7.0
- Tons of new online wallpaper sources: Current Weather, Current Time of Day, Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), Google+ (formerly Picasa Web Albums), Facebook, Imgur, Instagram, Pixabay, Smugmug
- Monitor splitting support for Surround/Eyefinity setups with bezel corrected resolutions
- Monitor splitting support for asymmetrical split layouts
- New Remote Control feature allows you to run DisplayFusion Functions from your phone or tablet
- New Scripted Functions allow you to create any Function you can imagine
- The WallpaperFusion online wallpaper source now allows you to login and filter by your favourites and ratings
- You can now rate and comment on WallpaperFusion images from the desktop right-click menu
- New Functions for rolling up windows to the titlebar or icon
- You can now choose a screen saver to use for the logon screen when no users are logged in
- Support for Windows 10 Technical Preview
- 39 languages bundled (if you'd like to help translate DisplayFusion into your language, please contact us)
- Many other performance, stability and bug fixes
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 13 - v7.0.0 Beta 14
- This is planned as the final beta before the 7.0 release!
- Fix: Resolved a critical issue that prevented Scripted Functions from running on some machines
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 12 - v7.0.0 Beta 13
- This is planned as the final beta before the 7.0 release!
- Fix: Performance and compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 11 - v7.0.0 Beta 12
- This is planned as the final beta before the 7.0 release!
- Change: 5 new DisplayFusion Screen Savers bundled that are login-screen compatible
- Fix: WindowBlinds compatibility improvements
- Fix: Window Snapping compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar Aero colour issues have been resolved
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 10 - v7.0.0 Beta 11
- Change: New scripted functions
- Change: DisplayFusion can now set the login screen saver (for when no one is logged in)
- Fix: Monitor splitting auto-fill improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: Performance and stability improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 9 - v7.0.0 Beta 10
- Change: New Image Info tags: file date created and modified
- Change: Imgur provider now supports Albums
- Fix: Taskbar touch detection improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab handler now closes when Windows key is pressed
- Fix: Windows 10 improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 8 - v7.0.0 Beta 9
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused DisplayFusion to use 100% of the CPU on some machines
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the DisplayFusion Taskbars to hang on some machines
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 7 - v7.0.0 Beta 8
- Change: New Wallpaper Provider: Google+ (Picasa Web Albums)
- Change: New Function: "Maximize Window, Ignore Splits"
- Change: Added an option to only show the newest APOD image
- Change: Added a dozen new Image Info tags: wallpaper profile, EXIF data, network info and more
- Fix: Resolved a number of Pinned Taskbar issues, you will need to repin your shortcuts to fix grouping
- Fix: Scripted Functions now start much faster
- Fix: Pixabay now works correctly for random images
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the wrong taskbar button to be drag reordered
- Fix: Taskbar no longer hangs after trying to drag buttons sometimes
- Fix: Dragging taskbar buttons into other applications no longer causes crashes
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented WallpaperFusion images from being rated on some spanned monitor setups
- Fix: Improved CPU usage
- Fix: Many, many improvements to monitor splits and window management on split monitors
- Fix: Wallpaper info data is no longer left behind when switching to "solid colour"
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the hooks from starting correctly sometimes
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: Hooking compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 6 - v7.0.0 Beta 7
- Change: New Function: "Rollup Window to Icon"
- Change: New Function: "Rollup Window to TitleBar"
- Change: Added 2 new Window Location modes
- Fix: Splits and Padding improvements (UI and behaviour)
- Fix: Taskbar Start button image rendering improvements
- Fix: Windows 10 compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 5 - v7.0.0 Beta 6
- Change: All new "Splits and Padding" window in Monitor Configuration
- Change: Asymmetrical splits, split padding and odd-sized splits are now supported
- Change: Splits and Padding can be used with Bezel Compensation in nVidia and AMD drivers
- Change: New online wallpaper provider: Pixabay
- Change: New Function: "Move Window to Primary Monitor"
- Change: Wallpaper Info text can now be outlined instead of just a solid background colour, it looks much nicer
- Change: WallpaperFusion provider now support logins and filtering by "My Ratings" and "My Favourites"
- Fix: Special wallpaper provider caching improvements (time of day, weather)
- Fix: Windows Logon no longer applies an old wallpaper image sometimes when updating
- Fix: Button grouping now obeys Windows GPO setting
- Fix: Desktop context menu entries are now removed correctly when uninstalled
- Fix: Alt+Tab performance improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: Start8 compatibility improvements
- Fix: Classic Shell compatibility improvements
- Fix: Resolved an "object reference" error
- Fix: Certain applications are no longer sorted incorrectly in the Alt+Tab window
- Fix: Window Snapping no longer stops working on startup sometimes
- Fix: Taskbars now disappear correctly when disabling them on a split monitor
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 4 - v7.0.0 Beta 5
- Change: New Function: Save Window Positions (saves all window positions and sizes)
- Change: New Function: Restore Window Positions (restores previously saved positions and sizes)
- Change: New online wallpaper provider: Smugmug
- Change: New special wallpaper provider: Current Time of Day
- Change: New special wallpaper provider: Current Weather
- Fix: Resolved some crashing/hanging/closing issues
- Fix: No longer shows a reboot error when not needed
- Fix: Windows 10 toast notification improvements
- Fix: Windows Logon improvements (spanned monitors... etc)
- Fix: Monitor Config now works with the Oculus Rift DK2
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 3 - v7.0.0 Beta 4
- Change: Windows 10 Technical Preview support (let us know if you run into any issues please)
- Change: Scripted Functions have been heavily modified, some of your scripts may need to be updated
- Fix: Resolved some crashing/hanging/closing issues
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 2 - v7.0.0 Beta 3
- Change: Scripted Functions have been heavily modified, some of your scripts may need to be updated
- Change: Open wallpaper image URLs by right-clicking your desktop or a monitor in the Wallpaper window
- Change: New online wallpaper provider: Instagram
- Fix: Alt+Tab improvements when shown on all monitors
- Fix: Monitor, Wallpaper and Desktop Icon profiles now save their hotkeys correctly
Veranderingen voor v7.0.0 Beta 1 - v7.0.0 Beta 2
- Change: Scripted Functions are now here - Code anything you can imagine in DisplayFusion using C# and and run it like any other function
- Change: Rate WallpaperFusion images by right-clicking your desktop or a monitor in the Wallpaper window
- Change: Taskbar jumplists for pinned items now work for URLs, documents, applications and folders (all types)
- Change: Bing wallpaper provider now supports "Aspect Ratio" filtering (wide, tall, square, any)
- Change: New online wallpaper provider: Imgur
- Change: New command line parameter: -wallpaperapply
- Change: Flickr online provider now supports authentication
- Fix: Tray overflow button no longer stays highlighted sometimes
- Fix: Long wallpaper descriptions are now wrapped in the embedded wallpaper info
- Fix: Alt+Tab is no longer too wide for split/narrower monitors
Veranderingen voor v6.1.2 - v7.0.0 Beta 1
- Change: New Feature: DisplayFusion Remote Control (with mobile apps for Android, iOS and more)
- Change: New Wallpaper Provider: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)
- Change: New Wallpaper Provider: Facebook
- Change: Windows Update KB2918614 adds support for wide-screen Windows Logon images
- Change: Zenfolio wallpaper provider now support authentication
- Change: Added a new wallpaper info tag: wp-description
- Fix: Some translation and localization improvements
- Fix: Compatibility improvements with some proxy servers/firewalls
- Fix: Mouse snag stayed activated after trial and didn't work correctly
- Fix: Window snapping compatibility improvements (MSTSC and others)
- Fix: Auto-updater now logs updates for troubleshooting
- Fix: Installer cleans up better after a complete uninstall
- Fix: "Load Image From URL" now works with more proxy servers/firewalls that filter based on referrers and user agents
- Fix: Improved compatibility with Dexpot
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 - v6.1
- Added Zenfolio as an online wallpaper provider
- DeviantART image quality improvements
- Local random images no longer selects blank images sometimes
- Random local wallpaper image improvements (more random, better history)
- Alt+Tab Handler performance improvements
- Various Alt+Tab Handler usability improvements
- Resolved a few crashing bugs (crashing on startup, and when printing to PDF)
- VMware ThinApp apps no longer crash on startup
- 39 languages bundled (if you'd like to help translate DisplayFusion into your language, please contact us)
- Many other performance, stability and bug fixes
Veranderingen voor v6.0.1 Beta 5 - v6.1.0 Beta 6
- Change: Target version is now 6.1, not 6.0.1
- Change: Added a new wallpaper provider: Zenfolio
- Fix: Resolved a number of crashing bugs
- Fix: Resolved a few minor issues
Veranderingen voor v6.0.1 Beta 4 - v6.0.1 Beta 5
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements with StartIsBack
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements with Start8
- Fix: Alt+Tab bug fixes (not being triggered sometimes)
- Fix: Taskbar tray overflow sometimes opened in the wrong location on split monitors
- Fix: Improved CPU usage
- Fix: Resolved a number of crashing bugs
- Fix: Alt+Tab Aero Peek should trigger faster
- Fix: Alt+Tab mouse move no longer triggers until you move the mouse at least 5px
- Fix: Wallpaper info tag improvements (memory, OS name)
Veranderingen voor v6.0.1 Beta 3 - v6.0.1 Beta 4
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements with StartIsBack
- Fix: Alt+Tab bug fixes (not being triggered sometimes)
- Fix: Invalid username and password are now removed automatically from the Binary Fortress Account tab
- Fix: Bing wallpapers now work again
- Fix: Compatibility improvements for people that use roaming profiles
- Fix: Random local wallpaper image improvements (more random, better history)
- Fix: Fixes a few hanging issues
- Fix: Resolved an issue where hidden windows weren't added back to the Windows taskbar sometimes
Veranderingen voor v6.0.1 Beta 2 - v6.0.1 Beta 3
- Fix: Taskbar window previews no longer cross onto other monitors
- Fix: Middle-click window move compatibility improvements (Media Monkey, Opera, Chrome... etc)
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab performance improvements
- Fix: Resolved an Alt+Tab issue that caused the overlayed icons to disappear
- Fix: DisplayFusion Photos screen saver works on monitors that are split into 6 or more
- Fix: Alt+Tab no longer falls behind some windows
- Fix: Ctrl+A shortcut key works on all DisplayFusion UI textboxes now
- Fix: New command line parameter: -applywindowslogon
- Fix: Free version of DisplayFusion no longer prevents the Alt+Tab from functioning in some situations
- Fix: Wallpaper image history now works again for local random modes
- Fix: Improved logging for the DisplayFusion Service
Veranderingen voor v6.0.1 Beta 1 - v6.0.1 Beta 2
- Fix: DeviantART image quality improvements
- Fix: Taskbar clock tooltips now match the Windows taskbar
- Fix: Taskbar icon improvements (for grouped and pinned applications)
- Fix: Added an Advanced Setting to control how long random images are stored in the history
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons shouldn't cause some windows to hang when being dragged anymore
- Fix: Resolved an issue with maximized windows on split 4K monitors
- Fix: Alt+Tab no longer blocks the Alt+Tab sequence from being sent to VMware, RDP sessions... etc
- Fix: Middle-click compatibility improvements with Chrome/Canary
- Fix: Wallpaper images are no longer selected from hidden folders incorrectly
- Fix: VMware ThinApp apps no longer crash on startup
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 - v6.0.1 Beta 1
- Fix: Restoring the DisplayFusion settings from a backup now automatically applies the wallpaper settings too
- Fix: Some windows weren't being hooked correctly on startup
- Fix: CPU performance improvements
- Fix: Aero colour detection now works in Windows 7 when using a Windows 7 Theme
- Fix: Window Location no longer moves a child window if its new position will overlap its old position
- Fix: Taskbar now uses the correct icon for "small icon" mode
- Fix: Local random images no longer selects blank images sometimes
- Fix: Aero Shake is now correctly disabled in Windows 7 (setting in Window Management)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Audio Device improvements in Windows Vista
Veranderingen voor v5.1.1 - v6.0.0
- Change: New Feature: Alt+Tab Handler with 4 different modes
- Change: Wallpaper images can now be spanned across groups of monitors using the new "Combine with Monitor" wallpaper feature
- Change: New Wallpaper Mode: Load From URL (loads an image from a URL once or on a timer - great for webcam images)
- Change: New Function: "Minimize Window to System Tray" (Ctrl+Win+T by default)
- Change: New Windows 8 Tweak: Option to disable the Lock Screen image
- Change: New Windows 8 Tweak: Option to control Lock Screen monitor timeout
- Change: DisplayFusion can now manage your audio playback and recording devices (bind to monitor profiles, use hotkeys or the tray icon)
- Change: No DisplayFusion configuration changes require a UAC prompt anymore, it's all silently applied (Windows Logon screen, content menus, Windows 8 tweaks... etc)
- Change: Added an option to disable Aero Shake on the Window Management tab
- Change: Added an option to only wrap the mouse cursor when there is more than one monitor attached
- Change: Added a "Reset to Default" to the Windows Logon tab in the Settings Window
- Change: Added a new Taskbar Preview Mode: "Previews Disabled, Show ToolTips"
- Change: Added a "Launch as Administrator" option for custom taskbar shortcuts
- Change: Flickr API is now accessed over SSL (encrypted)
- Change: "Move Child Windows" setting now takes priority over Window Location rules
- Change: Windows 8 Apps (Metro Apps) can now be pinned to the DisplayFusion Taskbars
- Change: Wallpaper images in Windows 8.1 are now lossless (much better quality)
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to disable the taskbar clock hover effect
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to prevent Metro apps from appearing in the Alt+Tab handler
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to disable the live previews in the Monitor Configuration window
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to control where auto-backups are stored
- Change: New Advanced Setting to control the Aero Peek delay in the Alt+Tab handler
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: CPU and memory usage improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Improved UI compatibility when Font Scaling is enabled in Windows
- Fix: Resolved an issue with maximized windows on split monitors
- Fix: Win+M helper improvements
- Fix: Windows XP Monitor Configuration improvements when monitors are rotated
- Fix: Windows Explorer window positions are now remembered after using a DisplayFusion Function
- Fix: Wallpaper window no longer loses settings in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar buttons no longer switch monitors when minimized on a split monitor
- Fix: Resolved a few bugs that could cause crashes
- Fix: Taskbar button rendering is improved for grouped windows in Windows 7 classic mode
- Fix: Start Menu X compatibility improvements
- Fix: Inactive window mouse scroll improvements
- Fix: Improved compatibility with StartIsBack in Windows 8.0
- Fix: "Move Child Windows" improvements
- Fix: Improved taskbar time format detection
- Fix: Windows 8.1 taskbar start buttons now support the right-click menu
- Fix: Maximized windows now maintain their split monitor flags between DisplayFusion restarts
- Fix: Wallpaper changes now detect if system transitions are disabled so you don't end up with black screens
- Fix: Some DisplayFusion Functions no longer move the secondary Windows taskbar
- Fix: Improved taskbar rendering when Font Scaling is enabled
- Fix: Chrome fullscreen video windows can now be moved using DisplayFusion's key combinations
- Fix: Windows Snapping improvements in Windows 8 (easier to un-snap windows now)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements with StartIsBack
- Fix: Huge wallpaper performance (cpu/memory usage) improvements when using random local images
- Fix: When using Monitor Splitting, certain applications now maximize correctly (Chrome, Opera)
- Fix: DisplayFusion's Photos Screen Saver now rotates images automatically based on the EXIF tags
- Fix: Duplicate tray icons are no longer created for single-instance apps when using the "Minimize to System Tray" Function
- Fix: Added 2 new per-application compatibility options (use process icon, treat as fullscreen)
- Fix: Taskbar preview improvements for the grouped window lists
- Fix: Pinned taskbar windows now use the window icon, not the process icon (you'll need to re-pin any messed-up items to see this like Chrome Canary)
- Fix: Aero colour change detection improvements
- Fix: Bundled Photos Screen Saver settings now work per-monitor
- Fix: Window Management compatibility improvements (Opera... etc)
- Fix: Taskbar no longer crashes when unlocking the desktop in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar no longer crashes when connecting via RDP session in some situations
- Fix: Screen Saver now gets set to "Blank" when reverting to DisplayFusion Free (if using the multi-monitor screen savers)
- Fix: WindowBlinds compatibility improvements (grey borders, start button images... etc)
- Fix: Taskbar buttons are no longer missing some window icons
- Fix: No longer a floating bar in Windows XP when certain WindowBlinds themes are enabled
- Fix: Screen Savers are correctly reverted when switching to the Free version of DisplayFusion
- Fix: Compatibility improvements with DeskScapes
- Fix: Compatibility improvements with Dexpot
- Fix: Compatibility improvements for some applications when font scaling is used
- Fix: Metro window framing now works in Windows 8.1 Update 1
- Fix: Random wallpaper images no longer apply multiple times
- Fix: Auto-hidden taskbars no longer get stuck behind some windows
- Fix: Image history improvements for duplicate images
- Fix: Transitions no longer cause the wallpaper images to stop changing on some machines
- Fix: Wallpaper images no longer bleed between monitors (1 pixel bleed)
- Fix: Classic Shell 4.1 compatibility improvements
- Fix: Fixed a few handle leaks
- Fix: Wallpaper image pausing now works correctly between restarts
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons on Google Chrome (and other) windows no longer causes clicking issues with that application
- Fix: Certain applications no longer randomly scroll up/down when the TitleBar Buttons are enabled
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons now look correct on Windows Server 2012 and 2012R2
- Fix: Taskbar Tray Overflow window now works on Windows 8.1 Update 1
- Fix: Improved compatibility with Start8 and Monitor Splits
- Fix: Improved compatibility with WindowBlinds on Windows XP Taskbars
- Fix: Improved compatibility with top-tab browsers and mouse middle-clicking
- Fix: Wallpaper image info now supports Unicode (UTF-8) EXIF data
- Fix: Surround/Eyefinity compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar buttons no longer disappear leaving a gap
- Fix: Desktop Icons profiles now load correctly on startup for everyone
- Fix: Connecting to the console after a remote session no longer crashes DisplayFusion
- Fix: Fixed a few "Object Reference" errors
- Fix: Hooks now startup correctly all the time
- Fix: Silverlight fullscreen windows are no longer hooked in Chrome
- Fix: Monitor Splits are now applied correctly when switching profiles using the tray icon
- Fix: Right-aligned shortcuts no longer reverse their order on taskbar reload
- Fix: No longer loses the random folders setting for Wallpaper images
- Fix: No longer loses the license key randomly and reverts to the Free version
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 10 - v6.0.0 Beta 11
- Fix: Resolved an issue with maximized windows on split monitors
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 9 - v6.0.0 Beta 10
- Change: Added an option to only wrap the mouse cursor when there is more than one monitor attached
- Fix: Win+M helper improvements
- Fix: CPU usage improvements
- Fix: Windows XP Monitor Configuration improvements when monitors are rotated
- Fix: Windows Explorer window positions are now remembered after using a DisplayFusion Function
- Fix: Wallpaper window no longer loses settings in some situations
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented some tray menu items from expanding
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar buttons no longer switch monitors when minimized on a split monitor
- Fix: Resolved a few bugs that could cause crashes
- Fix: Taskbar button rendering is improved for grouped windows in Windows 7 classic mode
- Fix: Start Menu X compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 8 - v6.0.0 Beta 9
- Change: Added a "Reset to Default" to the Windows Logon tab in the Settings Window
- Change: Added a new Taskbar Preview Mode: "Previews Disabled, Show ToolTips"
- Change: New Advanced Setting to control the Aero Peek delay in the Alt+Tab handler
- Fix: Inactive window mouse scroll improvements
- Fix: CPU usage improvements
- Fix: Resolved some issues with incorrect translations
- Fix: Improved compatibility with StartIsBack in Windows 8.0
- Fix: "Move Child Windows" improvements
- Fix: Improved taskbar time format detection
- Fix: Windows 8.1 taskbar start buttons now support the right-click menu
- Fix: Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
- Fix: Corrupt image files no longer cause the Wallpaper window to fail
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 7 - v6.0.0 Beta 8
- Change: New Wallpaper Mode: Load From URL (loads an image from a URL once or on a timer - great for webcam images)
- Change: New Windows 8 Tweak: Option to disable the Lock Screen image
- Change: New Windows 8 Tweak: Option to control Lock Screen monitor timeout
- Change: Added 4 Alt+Tab modes for full customizability
- Change: No DisplayFusion configuration changes require a UAC prompt anymore, it's all silently applied (Windows Logon screen, content menus, Windows 8 tweaks... etc)
- Change: Added a "Launch as Administrator" option for custom taskbar shortcuts
- Fix: Huge Alt+Tab performance and reliability improvements (no longer selects wrong window, opens faster... etc)
- Fix: Maximized windows now maintain their split monitor flags between DisplayFusion restarts
- Fix: Wallpaper changes now detect if system transitions are disabled so you don't end up with black screens
- Fix: Some DisplayFusion Functions no longer move the secondary Windows taskbar
- Fix: Improved taskbar rendering when Font Scaling is enabled
- Fix: Chrome fullscreen video windows can now be moved using DisplayFusion's key combinations
- Fix: Windows Snapping improvements in Windows 8 (easier to un-snap windows now)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements with StartIsBack
- Fix: Alt+Tab background colour is now automatically detected in Windows 8.1
- Fix: Huge wallpaper performance (cpu/memory usage) improvements when using random local images
- Fix: When using Monitor Splitting, certain applications now maximize correctly (Chrome, Opera)
- Fix: DisplayFusion's Photos Screen Saver now rotates images automatically based on the EXIF tags
- Fix: Duplicate tray icons are no longer created for single-instance apps when using the "Minimize to System Tray" Function
- Fix: Added 2 new per-application compatibility options (use process icon, treat as fullscreen)
- Fix: Taskbar preview improvements for the grouped window lists
- Fix: Pinned taskbar windows now use the window icon, not the process icon (you'll need to re-pin any messed-up items to see this like Chrome Canary)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 6 - v6.0.0 Beta 7
- Change: Wallpaper images can now be spanned across groups of monitors using the new "Combine with Monitor" wallpaper feature
- Change: Flickr API is now accessed over SSL (encrypted)
- Change: Alt+Tab handler now supports the mouse wheel
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to disable the taskbar clock hover effect
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to prevent Metro apps from appearing in the Alt+Tab handler
- Fix: Aero colour change detection improvements
- Fix: Alt+Tab handler improvements (Metro apps, duplicate apps, window focusing... etc)
- Fix: Monitor splitting improvements for some maximized applications
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: Bundled Photos Screen Saver settings now work per-monitor
- Fix: Window Management compatibility improvements (Opera... etc)
- Fix: Taskbar no longer crashes when unlocking the desktop in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar no longer crashes when connecting via RDP session in some situations
- Fix: Screen Saver now gets set to "Blank" when reverting to DisplayFusion Free (if using the multi-monitor screen savers)
- Fix: WindowBlinds compatibility improvements (grey borders, start button images... etc)
- Fix: Inactive mouse wheel scrolling compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 4 - v6.0.0 Beta 5
- Change: Wallpaper images in Windows 8.1 are now lossless (much better quality)
- Fix: Metro window framing now works in Windows 8.1 Update 1
- Fix: Random wallpaper images no longer apply multiple times
- Fix: Auto-hidden taskbars no longer get stuck behind some windows
- Fix: "Run Function on Window" menu is no longer greyed out
- Fix: Monitors no longer have a blank wallpaper image after a random change
- Fix: Image history improvements for duplicate images
- Fix: Transitions no longer cause the wallpaper images to stop changing on some machines
- Fix: Wallpaper images no longer bleed between monitors (1 pixel bleed)
- Fix: Classic Shell 4.1 compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements with some applications
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 2 - v6.0.0 Beta 4
- Fix: Resolved a critical that prevented the Wallpaper window from being opened sometimes
- Fix: Inactive mouse wheel scrolling no longer scrolls too quickly
Veranderingen voor v6.0.0 Beta 1 - v6.0.0 Beta 2
- MPORTANT: Anyone who lost their settings in the last update will need to restore their settings from backup AFTER updating to Beta 2. Use the "Restore Settings" button on the Options tab in the Settings window, and select the file that has version in the file name.
- Fix: Settings window no longer fails to load on some machines
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented some online wallpaper providers from working in Windows XP
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 - v5.1.1
- Change: Added an option on the Taskbar tab to disable Aero transparency on all taskbars
- Change: Added a warning to the wallpaper window for people using an interval less than 1 minute
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Don't Show HotKey Bind Errors"
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Use Classic Functions for Monitor Configuration"
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Don't Show Desktop Window in DisplayFusion's Alt+Tab"
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Use /N instead of /E when opening Windows Explorer folders"
- Fix: Wallpaper changes longer cause the desktop to flicker in Windows 8.1
- Fix: Wallpaper changes no longer cause window focus issues (on some computers)
- Fix: Windows 8.1 improvements for the "Boot to Desktop" feature
- Fix: Improved support for RDP connections
- Fix: Framing Metro applications now works in Windows 8.1
- Fix: Auto-update improvements
- Fix: Wallpaper change no longer runs up the CPU when also setting the Logon image
- Fix: Auto-Split monitors are now detected correctly by the hooks
- Fix: Wallpaper images can now be pasted into the Wallpaper window
- Fix: Windows 8.1 DPI scaling compatibility improvements
- Fix: Windows 8.1 Aero Peek now works correctly on all machines
- Fix: Hooks sometimes failed to load for no apparent reason
- Fix: "Move to Next Monitor and Minimize" function now works correctly on maximized windows
- Fix: Desktop Icons can now be set correctly when changing monitor profiles
- Fix: Window Snapping fixes
- Fix: Wallpaper info text now appears on spanned solid-colour wallpaper images
- Fix: Split Monitor improvements
- Fix: Improved performance with certain applications
- Fix: Wallpaper window no longer puts a lock on files
- Fix: Improved compatibility with Windows XP x64
- Fix: All Settings window strings are now translated correctly when changing languages
- Fix: Tabs are now supported in Wallpaper Image Info text
- Fix: Screen Saver no longer crashes when ZoneAlarm is set to High security
- Fix: Improved CPU usage when changing the wallpaper
- Fix: Much improved inactive window mouse-wheel scrolling compatibility
- Fix: Language auto-detection now works on a fresh install
- Fix: DisplayFusion Photos screen saver now hides the mouse cursor
- Fix: DisplayFusion Photos screen saver now allows the computer to sleep
- Fix: Now supports systems that don't have SSE2 capable CPUs
- Fix: Desktop icon profiles now wait for 8 seconds on system boot before applying (need to let the desktop startup)
- Fix: Wallpaper gradient angle values are now saved correctly in all situations
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons are no longer added and removed very quickly
- Fix: Window Highlighting no longer crashes in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar Shortcuts edit window now works with a split primary monitor
- Fix: Clearing the wallpaper cache no longer shows a UI
- Fix: No longer receive the "No disk in drive" error message
- Fix: Screen Savers set to span and non-preview mode now work as expected
- Fix: Window Location and Monitor Splits have improved compatibility
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: Start8 compatibility improvements
- Fix: Start Menu X compatibility improvements
- Fix: Classic Shell 4 compatibility improvements
- Fix: StartIsBack compatibility improvements
- Fix: WindowBlinds compatibility improvements
- Fix: Directory Opus compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.1 Beta 8 - v5.1.1 Beta 9
- Fix: Wallpaper changes longer cause the desktop to flicker in Windows 8.1
- Fix: StartIsBack compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.1 Beta 7 - v5.1.1 Beta 8
- Fix: Wallpaper change transitions now work correctly
- Fix: Split Monitor improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: Windows 8.1 improvements for the "Boot to Desktop" feature
- Fix: Start8 compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.1 Beta 6 - v5.1.1 Beta 7
- Fix: Wallpaper change transitions now work correctly
- Fix: Auto-update improvements
- Fix: Maximized windows on split monitors now works correctly
- Fix: A few settings window improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.1 Beta 5 - v5.1.1 Beta 6
- Fix: Framing Metro applications now works in Windows 8.1
- Fix: Wallpaper changes no longer cause window focus issues (on some computers)
- Fix: Improved compatibility with WindowBlinds
- Fix: Improved support for RDP connections
Veranderingen voor v5.1.1 Beta 2 - v5.1.1 Beta 3
- Change: Added an option on the Taskbar tab to disable Aero transparency on all taskbars
- Change: Added a warning to the wallpaper window for people using an interval less than 1 minute
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Improved compatibility with Directory Opus
- Fix: Improved performance with certain applications
- Fix: Wallpaper window no longer puts a lock on files
- Fix: Improved compatibility with Windows XP x64
- Fix: All Settings window strings are now translated correctly when changing languages
- Fix: Tabs are now supported in Wallpaper Image Info text
- Fix: Screen Saver no longer crashes when ZoneAlarm is set to High security
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.1 Beta 1 - v5.1.1 Beta 2
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Don't Show HotKey Bind Errors"
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Use Classic Functions for Monitor Configuration"
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Don't Show Desktop Window in DisplayFusion's Alt+Tab"
- Fix: Improved CPU usage when changing the wallpaper
- Fix: Much improved inactive window mouse-wheel scrolling compatibility
- Fix: Language auto-detection now works on a fresh install
- Fix: DisplayFusion Photos screen saver now hides the mouse cursor
- Fix: DisplayFusion Photos screen saver now allows the computer to sleep
- Fix: Wallpaper fixes for images not appearing
- Fix: Now supports systems that don't have SSE2 capable CPUs
- Fix: Desktop icon profiles now wait for 8 seconds on system boot before applying (need to let the desktop startup)
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 - v5.1.1 Beta 1
- Change: New Advanced Setting: "Use /N instead of /E when opening Windows Explorer folders"
- Fix: Wallpaper gradient angle values are now saved correctly in all situations
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons are no longer added and removed very quickly
- Fix: Window Highlighting no longer crashes in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar Shortcuts edit window now works with a split primary monitor
- Fix: Clearing the wallpaper cache no longer shows a UI
- Fix: No longer receive the "No disk in drive" error message
- Fix: Screen Savers set to span and non-preview mode now work as expected
- Fix: Window Location and Monitor Splits have improved compatibility
Veranderingen voor v5.0.1 - v5.1.0
- Change: New Feature: Monitor Splitting for creating smaller, virtual monitors out of your large monitors (in the Monitor Configuration window)
- Change: New Feature: Circular mouse wrapping (cursor wraps from one edge back to the opposite edge)
- Change: New Feature: Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges
- Change: New Feature: Automatically move child windows over the parent (Settings > Window Management)
- Change: New Feature: Scroll whatever window is under the cursor using the mouse wheel (Settings > Window Management)
- Change: Monitor Configuration and Profiles now support Cloned Monitors
- Change: Windows 8.1 compatibility
- Change: Added InterfaceLIFT as a wallpaper provider
- Change: New Function: "Toggle Window Snapping"
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor
- Change: New Function: Launch Application
- Change: New Function: Frame Windows 8 Metro Application (creates a window for the Metro app and allows you to use it on the normal desktop)
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Specified Location
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Current Monitor
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Active Window
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Monitor #X
- Change: Locked mouse cursor can now be moved by a DisplayFusion function and re-locked automatically
- Change: Wallpaper window now supports Windows 7+ Libraries
- Change: Multiple tags can now be selected for the WallpaperFusion image provider
- Change: Tags can now be excluded from the WallpaperFusion image provider
- Change: Added History support to the online plugins to prevent duplicate images loading (history is per-monitor)
- Change: Added support for environment variables in paths for: Window Location rules, Compatibility rules and Taskbar Shortcuts
- Change: Added an option in the Settings window to login and automatically load your License Key
- Change: The mouse cursor is now shown when mirroring application windows
- Change: Taskbar button positions are now remembered between taskbar reloads
- Change: Generated wallpaper images are now uncompressed and super-high quality by default (Win7 and higher)
- Change: DFCommand now supports settings backup from the command line
- Change: Trying to load an already loaded Wallpaper Profile will force the next image to load
- Change: Multiple applications can be specified in one Compatibility rule using the | symbol
- Change: Wallpaper window UI improvements
- Change: Asian language UI improvements
- Change: New admin policy to disable the Advanced Settings button
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Don't Show Desktop Window in Alt+Tab
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Sound Effects
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Font Scaling Force X
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Font Scaling Force Y
- Change: New Advanced Setting: TitleBar Button Icon Offset Horizontal
- Change: New Advanced Setting: TitleBar Button Icon Offset Vertical
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Generate Smaller Wallpaper Files (lower quality)
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Touch Detection
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Mouse Cursor Lock adjustment values can now be set separately for each side
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Prevent the taskbar from being forced bottom-most when the screen saver is running
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Adjust the TitleBar Button separator size
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable the taskbar button tooltips when previews are disabled
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Aero transparency in Windows 8
- Fix: Improved Taskbar performance, stability and application compatibility
- Fix: Improved TitleBar Button performance, stability and application compatibility
- Fix: Improved Window Location performance, stability and application compatibility
- Fix: Improved Window Snapping performance, stability and application compatibility
- Fix: Improved Classic Shell compatibility
- Fix: Improved WindowBlinds compatibility
- Fix: Improved Dexpot compatibility
- Fix: Improved support for alternate Start Menus in Windows 8
- Fix: Wallpaper provider image history improvements
- Fix: Installer improvements
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused some Screen Savers to appear as "Unknown"
- Fix: Taskbar shortcuts for Windows Explorer folders now use /e instead of /n to open
- Fix: Launching a DisplayFusion pinned item as admin no longer loses the command line parameters
- Fix: No Longer shows the font scaling warning when not needed
- Fix: Taskbar buttons no longer lose their overlay icons when moving back to the Windows taskbar
- Fix: Load Next Monitor Profile function is now more reliable
- Fix: Visual Studio code windows can now be spanned
- Fix: Visual Studio no longer crashes when debugging on some computers
- Fix: No longer crashes when toggling DWM on Vista with some computers
- Fix: Mouse cursor now snaps to new window position with Window Location feature when needed
- Fix: Resolved a few hook related performance issues
- Fix: Taskbar jump lists are no longer slow to open for some items
- Fix: Taskbar jump list items no longer use the wrong names in some cases
- Fix: Window Location no longer moves Windows 8 system windows (like the Charms bar)
- Fix: Compatibility rules no longer disable application hooks unexpectedly
- Fix: Uninstaller now removes the DisplayFusionService all the time
- Fix: Taskbar pinned items on network shares now have icons
- Fix: Launching a second instance of an application from the DF taskbar now follows the Window Location rules
- Fix: The transparent taskbar with WindowBlinds is being fixed in the next beta of WindowBlinds, keep an eye out for it!
- Fix: "Ignore alternate start menus" now ignores them in more places correctly
- Fix: Alternate start menu start buttons no longer have a black outline in Win8.1
- Fix: Launching pinned Explorer folders no longer gives an error in some situations
- Fix: Classic Start Menu (Classic Shell) 3.9.x (4.0 beta) is now supported
- Fix: Taskbar will now reload itself if the workarea reservation is lost
- Fix: Alt+Tab improvements
- Fix: Application menus no longer open behind the DisplayFusion Taskbar in Windows 8
- Fix: Taskbar is no longer forced to the bottom of the monitor when a Metro app is snapped to the edge
- Fix: Middle-clicking a taskbar button to open a new instance now correctly passes the command line parameters
- Fix: Performance improvements through more registry caching
- Fix: Mouse no longer jumps to the Windows taskbar in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar icon rendering improvements
- Fix: Resolved a few issues related to wallpaper changes: flickering icons, focus changes, cursor jumping... etc
- Fix: Fixed an issue that caused the wallpaper info tags to say "Unknown"
- Fix: Improved taskbar detection for RDP/console logins
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the Windows Logon image from changing to the current wallpaper in Windows 8
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Google Chrome and Window Location rules
- Fix: Resolved an issue that could cause Firefox to move to another monitor when closing a tab
- Fix: No longer receive "CurrentMonitor is null" when reverting a monitor setup change in Windows 8
- Fix: Pinned Jump List sections now support custom sorting (when sorted on the Windows taskbar Jump List)
- Fix: Tray clock on XP is no longer cutoff in some situations
- Fix: DisplayFusion windows are no longer slow to open on some machines without an internet connection (code signing certificate checking)
- Fix: Windows Logon setting "use current wallpaper" now works in Windows 8 as expected
- Fix: Taskbar no longer gets trapped behind fullscreen windows
- Fix: Taskbar no longer disappears when Win+D is used
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons are no longer hidden on some top-tabs browsers
- Fix: Windows Logon preview is now shown correctly when using the current wallpaper
- Fix: Resolved some Desktop Icons profile saving issues
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Flickr that caused a "No one could be found" message to repeatedly appear
- Fix: Citrix windows are no longer ignored by DisplayFusion
- Fix: Backup Settings button no longer requires elevation and now works to network drives
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the Wallpaper window to sometimes have scrollbars
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the wallpaper History feature to not work for some local images
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the Jump Lists to hang for some processes
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused timers to stack then fire all at once
- Fix: Windows Logon now works correctly when using your desktop wallpaper as the image
- Fix: Unpinning shortcuts now works even when your taskbar buttons aren't combined
- Fix: Fixed an issue that causes quoted paths to fail for certain features (Window Location, Compatibility... etc)
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 18 - v5.1.0 Beta 19
- Fix: Improved Monitor Split compatibility with AMD Eyefinity and nVidia Surround
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 17 - v5.1.0 Beta 18
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused some Screen Savers to appear as "Unknown"
- Fix: Taskbar shortcuts for Windows Explorer folders now use /e instead of /n to open
- Fix: Improved Monitor Split compatibility with AMD Eyefinity and nVidia Surround
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 15 - v5.1.0 Beta 16
- Change: Mouse Cursor Lock adjustment values can now be set separately for each side
- Change: Mouse Wrapping improvements
- Change: Locked mouse cursor can now be moved by a DisplayFusion function and re-locked automatically
- Fix: Launching a DisplayFusion pinned item as admin no longer loses the command line parameters
- Fix: No Longer shows the font scaling warning when not needed
- Fix: Taskbar buttons no longer lose their overlay icons when moving back to the Windows taskbar
- Fix: Improved compatibility with Start8
- Fix: Improved TitleBar Button compatibility
- Fix: Improved Monitor Split compatibility with AMD Eyefinity and nVidia Surround
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 14 - v5.1.0 Beta 15
- Fix: Improved Monitor Split compatibility with AMD Eyefinity and nVidia Surround
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 12 - v5.1.0 Beta 14
- Change: Monitor Splitting is here! (in the Monitor Configuration window)
- Change: New Function: "Toggle Window Snapping"
- Fix: Load Next Monitor Profile function is now more reliable
- Fix: Visual Studio code windows can now be spanned
- Fix: Visual Studio no longer crashes when debugging on some computers
- Fix: No longer crashes when toggling DWM on Vista with some computers
- Fix: Mouse cursor now snaps to new window position with Window Location feature when needed
- Fix: Improved Window Snapping compatibility
- Fix: Improved TitleBar Button compatibility
- Fix: Improved Classic Shell compatibility
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 11 - v5.1.0 Beta 12
- Change: The in-active Mouse Wheel Scrolling feature has been completely re-worked (please remove any Mouse Wheel compatibility rules you may have)
- Fix: Resolved a handle leak issue that was crashing DisplayFusion and causing drawing issues
- Fix: Improved TitleBar Button compatibility
- Fix: Improved Classic Shell compatibility
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 10 - v5.1.0 Beta 11
- Change: Added "Monitor Splitting" in the Monitor Configuration window for creating smaller, virtual monitors out of your large monitors
- Change: You can now apply more than one wallpaper image to a monitor using the new Monitor Splitting feature
- Change: Wallpaper window now supports Windows 7+ Libraries
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor
- Change: New Function: Launch Application
- Change: New Function: Frame Windows 8 Metro Application (creates a window for the Metro app and allows you to use it on the normal desktop)
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Touch Detection
- Fix: Compatibility rules no longer disable application hooks unexpectedly
- Fix: Uninstaller now removes the DisplayFusionService all the time
- Fix: Taskbar pinned items on network shares now have icons
- Fix: Launching a second instance of an application from the DF taskbar now follows the Window Location rules
- Fix: The transparent taskbar with WindowBlinds is being fixed in the next beta of WindowBlinds, keep an eye out for it!
- Fix: Improved Dexpot compatibility
- Fix: Improved ActiveWords compatibility
- Fix: Improved Classic Shell compatibility
- Fix: Improved Windows 8.1 compatibility
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 8 - v5.1.0 Beta 10
- Change: Added InterfaceLIFT as a wallpaper provider
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Specified Location
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Current Monitor
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Active Window
- Change: New Function: Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Monitor #X
- Fix: "Ignore alternate start menus" now ignores them in more places correctly
- Fix: Alternate start menu start buttons no longer have a black outline in Win8.1
- Fix: Launching pinned Explorer folders no longer gives an error in some situations
- Fix: Classic Start Menu (Classic Shell) 3.9.x (4.0 beta) is now supported
- Fix: Installer improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 7 - v5.1.0 Beta 8
- Change: Monitor Configuration and Profiles now support Cloned Monitors
- Change: Taskbar button positions are now remembered between taskbar reloads
- Change: Generated wallpaper images are now uncompressed and super-high quality by default (Win7+)
- Change: DFCommand now supports settings backup from the command line
- Change: Trying to load an already loaded Wallpaper Profile will force the next image to load
- Change: Multiple applications can be specified in one Compatibility rule using the | symbol
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Don't Show Desktop Window in Alt+Tab
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Sound Effects
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Font Scaling Force X
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Font Scaling Force Y
- Change: New Advanced Setting: TitleBar Button Icon Offset Horizontal
- Change: New Advanced Setting: TitleBar Button Icon Offset Vertical
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Generate Smaller Wallpaper Files (lower quality)
- Fix: Taskbar will now reload itself if the workarea reservation is lost
- Fix: Alt+Tab improvements
- Fix: Application menus no longer open behind the DisplayFusion Taskbar in Windows 8
- Fix: Taskbar is no longer forced to the bottom of the monitor when a Metro app is snapped to the edge
- Fix: Asian language UI improvements
- Fix: Middle-clicking a taskbar button to open a new instance now correctly passes the command line parameters
- Fix: Performance improvements through more registry caching
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 6 - v5.1.0 Beta 7
- Change: Added a group policy option for Administrators to restrict wallpaper image locations
- Change: Added an option to only move modal child windows
- Fix: Mouse no longer jumps to the Windows taskbar in some situations
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar performance/stability improvements
- Fix: Desktop icons no longer flicker during a wallpaper change
- Fix: Disabling inactive mouse scrolling now fully disables it
- Fix: Taskbar icon rendering improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 4 - v5.1.0 Beta 6
- Change: Added a new feature to automatically move child windows over the parent (Settings > Window Management)
- Change: Added a new feature to scroll whatever is under the cursor when not focused (Settings > Window Management)
- Change: Added an advanced setting to adjust the TitleBar Button separator size
- Change: Added an advanced setting to disable the taskbar button tooltips when previews are disabled
- Change: The mouse cursor is now shown when mirroring application windows
- Change: UI improvements and bug fixes
- Fix: Resolved a few issues related to wallpaper changes: focus changes, cursor jumping... etc
- Fix: Resolved some Jump List item issues
- Fix: TitleBar Button performance improvements
- Fix: Fixed an issue that caused the wallpaper info tags to say "Unknown"
- Fix: Improved taskbar detection for RDP/console logins
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 3 - v5.1.0 Beta 4
- Fix: Resolved an issue that could cause Firefox to move to another monitor when closing a tab
- Fix: No longer receive "CurrentMonitor is null" when reverting a monitor setup change in Windows 8
- Fix: Improved support for alternate Start Menus in Windows 8
- Fix: Wallpaper provider image history improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 2 - v5.1.0 Beta 3
- Fix: Jump Lists items now launch correctly again
- Fix: Pinned Jump List sections now support custom sorting (when sorted on the Windows taskbar Jump List)
- Fix: Tray clock on XP is no longer cutoff in some situations
- Fix: DisplayFusion windows are no longer slow to open on some machines without an internet connection (code signing certificate checking)
- Fix: UI improvements and bug fixes
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Windows Logon setting "use current wallpaper" now works in Windows 8 as expected
- Fix: New admin policy to disable the Advanced Settings button
- Fix: Taskbar no longer gets trapped behind fullscreen windows
- Fix: Taskbar no longer disappears when Win+D is used
- Fix: Added an Advanced Setting to disable Aero transparency in Windows 8
Veranderingen voor v5.1.0 Beta 1 - v5.1.0 Beta 2
- Fix: Finished some missing Settings window translations
- Fix: Wallpaper window UI improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons are no longer hidden on some top-tabs browsers
- Fix: Windows Logon preview is now shown correctly when using the current wallpaper
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 - v5.1.0 Beta 1
- Change: Multiple tags can now be selected for the WallpaperFusion image provider
- Change: Tags can now be excluded from the WallpaperFusion image provider
- Change: Added History support to the online plugins to prevent duplicate images loading (history is per-monitor)
- Change: Added a label to the random wallpaper interval selector (numeric control)
- Change: Added support for environment variables in paths for: Window Location rules, Compatibility rules and Taskbar Shortcuts
- Change: Added an option in the Settings window to login and automatically load your License Key
- Fix: Resolved some Desktop Icons profile saving issues
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Flickr that caused a "No one could be found" message to repeatedly appear
- Fix: Citrix windows are no longer ignored by DisplayFusion
- Fix: Backup Settings button no longer requires elevation and now works to network drives
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the Wallpaper window to sometimes have scrollbars
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the wallpaper History feature to not work for some local images
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the Jump Lists to hang for some processes
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused timers to stack then fire all at once
- Fix: Windows Logon now works correctly when using your desktop wallpaper as the image
- Fix: Unpinning shortcuts now works even when your taskbar buttons aren't combined
- Fix: Fixed an issue that causes quoted paths to fail for certain features (Window Location, Compatibility... etc)
- Fix: Various UI and performance improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 - v5.0.1
- Change: Multiple tags can now be selected for the WallpaperFusion image provider
- Change: Tags can now be excluded from the WallpaperFusion image provider
- Change: Added History support to the online plugins to prevent duplicate images loading (history is per-monitor)
- Change: Added a label to the random wallpaper interval selector (numeric control)
- Change: Added support for environment variables in paths for: Window Location rules, Compatibility rules and Taskbar Shortcuts
- Change: Added an option in the Settings window to login and automatically load your License Key
- Change: Added an advanced setting to prevent the taskbar from being forced bottom-most when the screen saver is running
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the Windows Logon image from changing to the current wallpaper in Windows 8
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Google Chrome and Window Location rules
- Fix: Resolved an issue that could cause Firefox to move to another monitor when closing a tab
- Fix: No longer receive "CurrentMonitor is null" when reverting a monitor setup change in Windows 8
- Fix: Improved support for alternate Start Menus in Windows 8
- Fix: Pinned Jump List sections now support custom sorting (when sorted on the Windows taskbar Jump List)
- Fix: Tray clock on XP is no longer cutoff in some situations
- Fix: DisplayFusion windows are no longer slow to open on some machines without an internet connection (code signing certificate checking)
- Fix: New admin policy to disable the Advanced Settings button
- Fix: Taskbar no longer gets trapped behind fullscreen windows
- Fix: Taskbar no longer disappears when Win+D is used
- Fix: Added an Advanced Setting to disable Aero transparency in Windows 8
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons are no longer hidden on some top-tabs browsers
- Fix: Windows Logon preview is now shown correctly when using the current wallpaper
- Fix: Resolved some Desktop Icons profile saving issues
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Flickr that caused a "No one could be found" message to repeatedly appear
- Fix: Citrix windows are no longer ignored by DisplayFusion
- Fix: Backup Settings button no longer requires elevation and now works to network drives
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the Wallpaper window to sometimes have scrollbars
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the wallpaper History feature to not work for some local images
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the Jump Lists to hang for some processes
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused timers to stack then fire all at once
- Fix: Unpinning shortcuts now works even when your taskbar buttons aren't combined
- Fix: Fixed an issue that causes quoted paths to fail for certain features (Window Location, Compatibility... etc)
- Fix: Various UI and performance improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 12 - v5.0.0
- Change: Taskbar support for new alternate Start Menu: Classic Shell
- Change: Taskbar support for new alternate Start Menu: Start8
- Change: Taskbar support for new alternate Start Menu: StartIsBack
- Change: Taskbar support for new alternate Start Menu: Start Menu Х
- Change: Alternate Start Menu (Classic Shell) is no longer bundled, DisplayFusion will use the existing Classic Shell installation if detected
- Change: Taskbar Jump Lists now support the full Windows Jump Lists (frequent, pinned, tasks... etc)
- Change: Taskbar Jump Lists can now be navigated using the keyboard
- Change: Added a new Taskbar button mode: "DisplayFusion taskbars show all windows, Windows taskbar shows none"
- Change: New Wallpaper Image Provider: WallpaperFusion
- Change: New Wallpaper Image Provider: 500px
- Change: Wallpaper window re-uses the image loading windows, so you don't have to re-search for images on different monitors
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to allow scaling (grow or shrink) of the Start Buttons
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to remove the hot-corner gap in Windows 8 on the DisplayFusion taskbar
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to force TitleBar Buttons to be positioned using the normal size, even when maximized (good for Matrox monitor divider)
- Change: Added a prompt when deleting a Wallpaper or Desktop Icon profile that is in use by a Monitor Profile
- Change: You can now double-click a monitor image in the Wallpaper window to open that file in Windows Explorer
- Change: New Win8 Feature: "Move Power User Menu (Win+X) to current mouse position"
- Change: New Win8 Feature: "Bypass Windows Start Screen" (boots straight to the desktop)
- Change: New Win8 Feature: "Adjust Border Margin/Padding"
- Change: New Win8 Feature: "Mini-Start Screen" (shrink the Windows 8 Start Screen to a specific size)
- Change: Wallpaper background colour can now be a gradient
- Change: Added a Function to toggle the Window Location feature
- Change: Added an "Adjustments" tab in the wallpaper window for scaling/moving/rotating/flipping images
- Change: Added a "Show in Explorer" menu item to the wallpaper window (right-click a monitor in the preview pane at the top)
- Fix: Window Location performance and compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button performance and compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar button grouping detection improvements
- Fix: Performance improvements for the Settings and Wallpaper windows
- Fix: Wallpaper window is now sized correctly (with scrollbars when needed)
- Fix: Languages no longer revert to auto-detected when updating
- Fix: Taskbar buttons now show the correct icons for some problem applications
- Fix: DisplayFusion Taskbar transparency now matches the Windows Taskbar in Windows 8
- Fix: Windows 8 TitleBar Button alignment improvements
- Fix: Wallpaper preview icons no longer show "my computer" icon sometimes
- Fix: Context menus no longer open behind the Taskbar
- Fix: Improved alpha blending on Start Button images
- Fix: Wallpaper files are no longer locked in Explorer
- Fix: Taskbar no longer disappears when "Show Desktop" is used
- Fix: No longer receive a GDI+ error when pasting images into the Wallpaper window
- Fix: Screen Savers now allow "preview mode" to be unchecked when spanned
- Fix: Search Charm no longer appears in odd locations in-front of Metro apps
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer blink over certain applications (Adobe CS6)
- Fix: PuTTY can now be resized using Functions
- Fix: Start Menu is now drawn correctly when using a WindowBlinds custom theme
- Fix: Taskbar Preview Size advanced setting now works correctly
- Fix: Monitor Profile detection issues (with cloning, Eyefinity) are resolved
- Fix: "CurrentMonitor is NULL" issue has been resolved
- Fix: DisplayFusion Screen Saver is now correctly disabled when changing to the Free version of DisplayFusion
- Fix: Window Snapping with Adobe CS6 (and possibly others) now works without messing up the window
- Fix: Taskbar clock text improvements
- Fix: Screen Saver previews failed to load sometimes
- Fix: Screen Saver list was duplicated sometimes
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 11 - v5.0.0 Beta 12
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar improvements for alternate start menus
- Fix: TitleBar Button performance and compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 10 - v5.0.0 Beta 11
- Fix: Windows 8 TitleBar Button alignment improvements
- Fix: Wallpaper preview icons no longer show "my computer" icon sometimes
- Fix: Taskbar button grouping detection improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 9 - v5.0.0 Beta 10
- Fix: Context menus no longer open behind the Taskbar
- Fix: Vertical Start Menus no longer open behind the Taskbar
- Fix: Improved alpha blending on Start Button images
- Fix: Wallpaper files are no longer locked in Explorer
- Fix: Start8 compatibility improvements
- Fix: StartIsBack compatibility improvements
- Fix: Classic Shell compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 8 - v5.0.0 Beta 9
- Change: Start8 support is back (requires Start8 version 1.11 or higher)
- Change: Wallpaper window re-uses the image loading windows, so you don't have to re-search for images on different monitors
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to allow scaling (grow or shrink) of the Start Buttons
- Fix: Taskbar no longer disappears when "Show Desktop" is used
- Fix: Classic Shell compatibility improvements
- Fix: DisplayFusion will use the same Start Button image as Start8 (when detected)
- Fix: DisplayFusion will use the same Start Button image as StartIsBack (when detected)
- Fix: No longer receive a GDI+ error when pasting images into the Wallpaper window
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 7 - v5.0.0 Beta 8
- Change: StartIsBack support has been added (alternate Start Menu)
- Change: Start8 support has been removed (too buggy)
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to remove the hot-corner gap in Windows 8 on the DisplayFusion taskbar
- Change: Taskbar Jump Lists can now be navigated using the keyboard
- Fix: Clover 2 is now treated correctly as a top-tabs application
- Fix: Screen Savers now allowed "preview mode" to be unchecked when spanned
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Classic Shell compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 6 - v5.0.0 Beta 7
- Change: Start8 is now supported as an alternate Start Menu (has a few issues)
- Change: Added a new wallpaper provider: 500px
- Change: Added a prompt when deleting a Wallpaper or Desktop Icon profile that is in use by a Monitor Profile
- Change: You can now double-click a monitor image in the Wallpaper window to open that file in Windows Explorer
- Change: Added a new Taskbar button mode: "DisplayFusion taskbars show all windows, Windows taskbar shows none"
- Change: New Win8 Feature: "Move Power User Menu (Win+X) to current mouse position"
- Change: New Win8 Feature: Bypass Windows Start Screen (boots straight to the desktop)
- Fix: Search Charm no longer appears in odd locations in-front of Metro apps
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons now longer blink over certain applications (Adobe CS6)
- Fix: "Object reference" error resolved
- Fix: PuTTY can now be resized using Functions
- Fix: PuTTY's recent sessions now show up correctly in the Jump Lists
- Fix: Jump Lists now show the correct number of items (same as Windows Jump Lists)
- Fix: Start Menu is now drawn correctly when using a WindowBlinds custom theme
- Fix: Taskbar Preview Size advanced setting now works correctly
- Fix: Monitor Profile detection issues (with cloning, Eyefinity) are resolved
- Fix: "CurrentMonitor is NULL" issue has been resolved
- Fix: DisplayFusion Screen Saver is now correctly disabled when changing to the Free version of DisplayFusion
- Fix: Window Snapping with Adobe CS6 (and possibly others) now works without messing up the window
- Fix: Improved Taskbar compatibility
- Fix: Improved TitleBar Button compatibility
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 5 - v5.0.0 Beta 6
- Change: DisplayFusion Taskbars now have full Jump Lists
- Change: Wallpaper background colour can now be a gradient
- Change: Added a Function to toggle the Window Location feature
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: DisplayFusion Taskbar transparency now matches the Windows Taskbar [Win8]
- Fix: Taskbar clock text improvements
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 4 - v5.0.0 Beta 5
- Change: Added an "Adjustments" tab in the wallpaper window for scaling/moving/rotating/flipping images
- Change: Added a "Show in Explorer" menu item to the wallpaper window (right-click a monitor in the preview pane at the top)
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: iTunes 11
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements: Lotus Notes, Windows Live Messenger (older versions), AIMP3, KMPlayer, PotPlayer
- Fix: Screen Saver previews failed to load sometimes
- Fix: Screen Saver list was duplicated sometimes
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 2 - v5.0.0 Beta 3
- Change: Added a "Windows 8" tab in the Settings window
- Change: Added a feature to shrink the Start Screen to a mini-Start Screen (Win8 only)
- Change: Added a feature to adjust window border size (Win8 only)
- Fix: Classic Start Menuu compatibility improvements
- Fix: Compatibility improvements: Citrix, Thunderbird, Pandora One, VB6, Communicator 2007, IE8... etc
Veranderingen voor v5.0.0 Beta 1 - v5.0.0 Beta 2
- Change: The Start Menu Replacement feature now requires Classic Shell to be installed (more details in the Settings window)
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Office 2013, Citrix, NitroPDF
- Fix: Performance improvements for the Settings and Wallpaper windows
Veranderingen voor v4.3 - v5.0.0 Beta 1
- Change: WallpaperFusion now has full integration! More features coming soon.
- Fix: Wallpaper window is now sized correctly (with scrollbars when needed)
- Fix: Languages no longer revert to auto-detected when updating
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements: Visual Studio
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Visual Studio, Mitel UCA, Desktop iCalendar, custom combo boxes
- Fix: Taskbar buttons now show the correct icons for some problem applications
- Fix: Taskbar Start Button uses the Classic Shell custom image if specified
- Fix: Added and Advanced Setting to force TitleBar Buttons to be positioned using the normal size, even when maximized (good for Matrox monitor divider)
Veranderingen voor v4.2.0 Beta 6 - v4.2.0
- Change: Hold 'shift' while middle-clicking to move a window to previous monitor instead of the next monitor
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Enable custom Alt+Tab Handler
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Wallpaper History
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Adjust taskbar shortcut gap size
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Ignore Monitors (specify monitors that DisplayFusion should ignore for things like 'move to next monitor')
- Change: For Administrators: Previously enabled settings no longer get disabled when tabs are hidden by admin/group policy. The settings on hidden tabs will need to be specifically disabled using the other policies.
- Fix: Windows 8 compatiblity and performance improvements
- Fix: General UI, compatiblity and performance improvements for all versions of Windows
- Fix: Taskbar start button no longer overlaps shortcuts in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar shortcuts without icons can now be un-pinned by right-clicking on them
- Fix: Resolved some taskbar button combining issues (Chrome, Git)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements (FTP Rush, Transmission Remote GUI... etc)
- Fix: Resolved some taskbar WindowBlinds issues
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements (Office 2013, Visual Studio 2012... etc)
- Fix: Hanging issues at shutdown are resolved
- Fix: Window scaling issues have been resolved on lower resolution monitors
- Fix: "Download with DisplayFusion" from WallpaperFusion now looks correct with portrait monitors
- Fix: Windows no longer return quickly to their old position when being moved with the Functions (only affected a few apps)
- Fix: Improved Window Location detection/response
- Fix: Resolved some application hooking issues
- Fix: Windows Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: Resolved issues related to high-contract themes
- Fix: MMO launchers no longer crash when hooked (CO, STO... etc)
- Fix: Transparency Functions now work as expected on more windows
- Fix: sys-boottime wallpaper tag now uses regional formatting for long date
- Fix: Window Location wildcard rules no longer affect overlay windows or Screen Saver windows
Veranderingen voor v4.1 - v4.2.0 Beta 6
- Change: Hold 'shift' while middle-clicking to move a window to previous monitor instead of the next monitor
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Enable custom Alt+Tab Handler
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Wallpaper History
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Adjust taskbar shortcut gap size
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Ignore Monitors (specify monitors that DisplayFusion should ignore for things like 'move to next monitor')
- Fix: Windows 8 compatiblity and performance improvements
- Fix: General UI, compatiblity and performance improvements for all versions of Windows
- Fix: Taskbar start button no longer overlaps shortcuts in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar shortcuts without icons can now be un-pinned by right-clicking on them
- Fix: Resolved some taskbar button combining issues (Chrome, Git)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements (FTP Rush, Transmission Remote GUI... etc)
- Fix: Resolved some taskbar WindowBlinds issues
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements (Office 2013, Visual Studio 2012... etc)
- Fix: Hanging issues at shutdown are resolved
- Fix: Window scaling issues have been resolved on lower resolution monitors
- Fix: "Download with DisplayFusion" from WallpaperFusion now looks correct with portrait monitors
- Fix: Windows no longer return quickly to their old position when being moved with the Functions (only affected a few apps)
- Fix: Improved Window Location detection/response
- Fix: Resolved some application hooking issues
- Fix: Windows Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: Resolved issues related to high-contract themes
- Fix: MMO launchers no longer crash when hooked (CO, STO... etc)
- Fix: Transparency Functions now work as expected on more windows
- Fix: sys-boottime wallpaper tag now uses regional formatting for long date
- Fix: Window Location wildcard rules no longer affect overlay windows or Screen Saver windows
Veranderingen voor v4.2.0 Beta 4 - v4.2.0 Beta 5
- Fix: Translation/localization UI fixes
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements (Office 2013, Visual Studio 2012... etc)
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements (FTP Rush, Transmission Remote GUI... etc)
- Fix: Hanging issues at shutdown are resolved
- Fix: Window scaling issues have been resolved on lower resolution monitors
Veranderingen voor v4.2.0 Beta 2 - v4.2.0 Beta 3
- Change: Hold 'shift' while middle-clicking to move a window to previous monitor instead of the next monitor
- Fix: Resolved a startup settings issue
- Fix: Resolved some taskbar button combining issues (Chrome, Git)
- Fix: Resolved some taskbar WindowBlinds issues
- Fix: Improved taskbar compatibility with more applications
- Fix: Improved TitleBar Button compatibility
- Fix: Improved Window Location detection/response
Veranderingen voor v4.2.0 Beta 1 - v4.2.0 Beta 2
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Disable Wallpaper History
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Adjust taskbar shortcut gap size
- Change: New Advanced Setting: Ignore Monitors (specify monitors that DisplayFusion should ignore for things like 'move to next monitor')
- Fix: Resolved some Application Hooking
- Fix: Resolved some Windows Location issues
- Fix: Resolved issues related to high-contract themes
- Fix: Windows 8 improvements
Veranderingen voor v4.1 - v4.2.0 Beta 1
- Fix: Context menus no longer get moved by Window Location rules
- Fix: MMO launchers no longer crash when hooked (CO, STO... etc)
- Fix: More screen savers can be exited by keypresses
- Fix: Taskbar no longer shows infront of Win8 Metro apps
- Fix: Transparency Functions now work as expected on more windows
- Fix: sys-boottime wallpaper tag now uses regional formatting for long date
- Fix: Lots of small Windows 8 improvements
- Fix: Lots of general bug fixes and improvements
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 14 - v4.1
- Fully tested and supported on Windows 8
- Taskbars now support combining of pinned and running buttons to match the Windows 7/8 taskbar (can be disabled)
- HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons features have been combined and renamed to Functions
- New Functions for window and monitor mirroring, highlighting windows with a coloured border, moving a window to the current monitor, and more
- New Function for preventing most full screen game windows from deactivating on mouse-out or Alt+Tab (must be used in a Window Location rule)
- DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver has new customizable settings, including the delay between images
- Desktop Icon Profiles can now be linked to Monitor Profiles for automatic loading
- Desktop Icon Profiles can now be assigned to HotKeys or TitleBar Buttons
- Added a "Use the same Image on each Monitor" wallpaper background mode
- Window Location rules now allow you to choose "Current Monitor" instead of a specific monitor
- New Advanced Setting to force DisplayFusion to ignore sub-folders when using the random wallpaper changer
- Resolved some Monitor Configuration issues
- New admin settings to disable the "Check for Updates" and "Internet Connection Settings" buttons (updated ADMX templates)
- 27 languages bundled
- Many other bug fixes, performance, and stability improvements.
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 11 - v4.1.0 Beta 14
- Fix: Resolved an issue that caused some Pinned items to have the wrong icon
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Taskbar compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 10 - v4.1.0 Beta 11
- Change: Pinned items are now replaced like the Windows 7 taskbar (can be disabled)
- Fix: Wallpaper UI improvements
- Fix: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
- Fix: Windows 8 improvements
- Fix: Resolved a maximized Firefox window movement issue
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 9 - v4.1.0 Beta 10
- Change: Bing search results are now cached to help resolve Bing over-usage issues
- Change: More languages bundled
- Fix: Resolved an issue that could leave taskbar buttons on the taskbar when not needed
- Fix: Resolved a monitor enabling issue
- Fix: Faster monitor profile loading
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 8 - v4.1.0 Beta 9
- Change: Added a "Use the same Image on each Monitor" wallpaper option
- Change: "Image Scaling" for the wallpaper is now a per-monitor setting, even when spanned (allows for better flexibility with different resolution monitors)
- Fix: No longer crashes when clicking the "Identify" button in the Monitor Configuration window
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 7 - v4.1.0 Beta 8
- Change: Added Window and Monitor mirroring
- Change: Added a Function to highlight windows with a coloured border
- Change: Added a "Load From Image URL" option in the Wallpaper window
- Fix: Resolved a Taskbar focus-stealing issue
- Fix: Resolved a TitleBar Button Z-Order issue
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 6 - v4.1.0 Beta 7
- Fix: Resolved a Taskbar shortcuts issue
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 3 - v4.1.0 Beta 4
- Fix: Resolved a wallpaper preview issue in the Wallpaper window
- Fix: Resolved a few wallpaper UI issues
- Fix: Lots of little bug fixes
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 2 - v4.1.0 Beta 3
- Fix: Resolved a number of crashing/locking/freezing issues
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented the Screen Saver settings from appearing on some corporate computers
Veranderingen voor v4.0.0 - v4.0.1
- Change: Console windows can now be resized vertically using HotKeys / TitleBar Buttons
- Change: Compatibility rules now support wildcards for application paths
- Change: Window Location rules now accept wildcards for application paths
- Change: Added the "Use Preview Mode" setting again for screen savers
- Change: DisplayFusion Photos screen saver now has an option to scale smaller images
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting called "Shortcut Size" to allow the default shortcut/pinned item size to be overridden
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting called "Allow Reloading when Fullscreen" to allow taskbars to reload when a fullscreen window is detected
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting called "Memory Trim Enabled" for forcing more aggressive memory trimming
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to prevent DisplayFusion from loading random images when applying settings in the Wallpaper window
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to show different Time Zone's times on each DisplayFusion taskbar
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to force the taskbar clock text to be a specific colour
- Fix: Taskbar thumbnail preview improvements
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
- Fix: "Load More Images" button for Vladstudio now works as expected
- Fix: Taskbar clock no longer stays highlighted when showing the calendar
- Fix: Windows that frequently stop responding are no longer removed/re-added constantly (TrojanHunter, MalwareBytes)
- Fix: Wallpaper provider no longer shows an annoying message constantly when the network is unavailable
- Fix: HotKeys/TitleBar Buttons can now resize PuTTY windows
- Fix: DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver no longer shows duplicate images until it's shown all of them (per-monitor)
- Fix: Screen Saver crashing issues have been resolved
- Fix: Resolved some Taskbar crashing issues
- Fix: Taskbar grouping and incorrect icon issues have been resolved
- Fix: Fixed an issue that could cause Window Location rules to override Taskbar shortcut forced monitors
- Fix: Fixed an issue that could cause DisplayFusion (or just the hooks) to hang
- Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented console windows in Win7 from being hooked on the first try
- Fix: Window size/move tooltips now appear even when cursor overlaps
- Fix: Firefox TitleBar Buttons no longer have a gap (Firefox 12 removed the TabGroups button, the gap can be added again with a DF Compatibility rule)
- Fix: Middle-click to move windows is now more precise
- Fix: Corrected some taskbar button icon issues
- Fix: Various Screen Saver improvements
- Fix: Adobe Reader X TitleBar Buttons should update correctly now
- Fix: Fixed some Right-to-Left interface issues
- Fix: Fixed some Right-To-Left issues in the installer
- Fix: Vista Start Button now looks correct when taskbar is smaller than Start Button
- Fix: Improved compatibility with 3rd party screen savers
- Fix: No longer shows the "DisplayFusion is already running" message when not expected
- Fix: Window sizing tooltips are now more precise
- Fix: Window sizing tooltips no longer disappear when not expected
Veranderingen voor v4.0.1 Beta 6 - v4.0.1 Beta 7
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting called "Shortcut Size" to allow the default shortcut/pinned item size to be overridden
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting called "Allow Reloading when Fullscreen" to allow taskbars to reload when a fullscreen window is detected
- Fix: Resolved some Right-To-Left issues in the installer
- Fix: Improved the Win7-style taskbar thumbnail previews
Veranderingen voor v4.1.0 Beta 5 - v4.0.1 Beta 6
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to prevent DisplayFusion from loading random images when applying settings in the Wallpaper window
- Fix: Taskbar thumbnail preview improvements
- Fix: Window Location compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v4.0.1 Beta 4 - v4.0.1 Beta 5
- Fix: "Load More Images" button for Vladstudio now works as expected
- Fix: Taskbar clock no longer stays highlighted when showing the calendar
- Fix: Windows that frequently stop responding are no longer removed/re-added constantly (TrojanHunter, MalwareBytes)
- Fix: Wallpaper provider no longer shows an annoying message constantly when the network is unavailable
- Fix: HotKeys/TitleBar Buttons can now resize PuTTY windows
- Fix: DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver no longer shows duplicate images until it's shown all of them (per-monitor)
- Fix: Screen Saver crashing issues have been resolved
Veranderingen voor v4.0.1 Beta 3 - v4.0.1 Beta 4
- Change: Added a new advanced setting called "Memory Trim Enabled" for forcing more aggressive memory trimming
- Fix: DF Photos screen saver should work better now
- Fix: Resolved some Taskbar crashing issues
- Fix: Taskbar grouping and incorrect icon issues have been resolved
Veranderingen voor v4.0.1 Beta 2 - v4.0.1 Beta 3
- ** Note: Beta 2 users may need to kill the DisplayFusion process to update to Beta 3, Sorry! (because of the handle leak issue mentioned below)
- Change: Console windows can now be resized vertically using HotKeys / TitleBar Buttons
- Change: Compatibility rules now support wildcards for application paths
- Fix: Fixed a handle leak that could cause "out of memory" exceptions
- Fix: Fixed an issue that could cause Window Location rules to override Taskbar shortcut forced monitors
- Fix: Fixed an issue that could cause DisplayFusion (or just the hooks) to hang
- Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented console windows in Win7 from being hooked on the first try
Veranderingen voor v4.0.0 Beta 16 - v4.0.0
- Change: Windows 8 compatibility
- Change: Added a new feature to save/load desktop icon profiles
- Change: Added an option to set the Windows Aero colour to match the wallpaper or the currently active window (Win7 and higher)
- Change: A multi-monitor Photos screen saver is now included
- Change: Taskbars now have optional Jump Lists for the right-click menu
- Change: Alternate Start Menu is now included (great for Windows 8!)
- Change: Pinned Taskbar items can now have custom names
- Change: DisplayFusion Taskbars now have system tray icons that mirror that Windows system tray
- Change: DisplayFusion Taskbars now have basic pinning
- Change: Added an "Enable All Taskbars" button in the Settings window to easily enable any disabled taskbars
- Change: Taskbar Button Grouping now has 3 modes: Automatic, Enabled or Disabled
- Change: Ctrl+Shift+Click on Taskbar buttons now opens a new elevated instance
- Change: You can see a monitor's resolution and aspect ratio by right-clicking the monitor in the Wallpaper window
- Change: You can now swap Wallpaper settings between monitors by right-clicking on the monitor in the Wallpaper window
- Change: Added support for Flickr's "Interestingness" API
- Change: Added deviantART as a wallpaper source
- Change: Added Google Image Search as a wallpaper source
- Change: Added Bing Image Search as a wallpaper source
- Change: Removed the "Use Preview Mode" setting for Screen Savers
- Change: "Start Screen Saver" HotKey/TitleBar Button is no longer a Pro-only feature
- Change: Added 4 new preset HotKeys to move windows to the 4 corners of a monitor
- Change: Added a new command line parameter for running HotKeys via DisplayFusionCommand: -HotKeyRun "hotkey-name"
- Change: HotKey edit window lets you drag to select a target window to create a HotKey automatically using window's size and location
- Change: HotKeys are now grouped by category in the Settings window and "Run HotKey on this Window" menu
- Change: New HotKey/TitleBar Button: "Lock Desktop"
- Change: New HotKey/TitleBar Button: "Move window to monitor #X and size proportionally"
- Change: You can now add or edit HotKeys while creating TitleBar Buttons
- Change: You can now add or edit HotKeys while creating Window Location rules
- Change: Added new HotKeys to open the DisplayFusion Settings, Wallpaper and Monitor Configuration windows
- Change: Added an advanced setting to prevent tray icon notification balloons from showing
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to override the taskbar clock text tooltips
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to allow invalid language files to be force-loaded
- Change: Folder browser now allows you to type in a path (great for UNC paths)
- Change: Added a "Support Request" button to the Settings window for easily contacting us about any issues
- Fix: Window location rules with "Minimize" now work as expected
- Fix: Taskbar no longer appears in-front of other windows when it's not supposed to
- Fix: Better compatibility with font scaling enabled and non-DPI aware applications
- Fix: Huge performance improvements with the local random image changer with large image collections
- Fix: Taskbar clock text tooltip advanced setting now accepts new line characters (\n)
- Fix: TitleBar Button position issues have been fixed for a number of applications
- Fix: Taskbar button issues have been fixed for a number of applications
- Fix: Undocking a laptop or unplugging a monitor will no longer result in orphaned taskbar items
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer get jumbled the first time you configure them in some situations
- Fix: Huge improvements for right-to-left languages
- Fix: Middle-click to close tabs in Google Chrome Canary now works as expected
- Fix: Taskbar now longer crashes when using a 3rd party taskbar replacement application
- Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented RDP/VNC windows from giving-up mouse control in some situations
- Fix: Blank screen savers now work as expected
- Fix: Pinned apps marked as "require administrator" now launch as expected
- Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented large wallpaper files from downloading while the Wallpaper window was open
- Fix: Taskbars now reload if the monitor IDs change
- Fix: Steam windows should now redraw correctly when snapped
- Fix: Windows Vista taskbar tray icons for volume, network... etc now show up correctly
- Fix: The "Reset HotKeys" button in the Settings window no longer removes custom HotKeys
- Fix: DisplayFusion should no longer hang/freeze in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar shortcuts to the desktop now work as expected
- Fix: No longer receive "You need DF Pro" when trying to set Windows Logon background
- Fix: Monitor identification overlays now disappear when clicked
- Fix: Taskbar window animation on the Windows taskbar is now correct
- Fix: Taskbar font-scaling now works correctly
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer get cut-off on maximized windows in some situations
- Fix: Excel and Access 2000 windows are now properly detected on the DF taskbars
- Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented some applications from opening
- Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented some applications from receiving mouse input
- Fix: Taskbar shortcut order is no longer reversed incorrectly
- Fix: No longer runs as administrator after an auto-update
- Fix: Taskbar wouldn't come out of auto-hide sometimes when mousing over shortcuts
Veranderingen voor v4.0.0 Beta 15 - v4.0.0 Beta 16
- Change: More languages bundled
- Change: Alternate Start Menu is now included and working (great for Windows 8!)
- Fix: Better compatibility with font scaling enabled and non-DPI aware applications
- Fix: Start button is now properly translucent in Windows 7 as expected
- Fix: Desktop icon save/load windows now appear on current monitor
- Fix: Huge performance improvements with the local random image changer with large image collections
Veranderingen voor v4.0.0 Beta 14 - v4.0.0 Beta 15
- Change: More languages bundled
- Fix: Taskbar clock text tooltip advanced setting now accepts new line characters (\n)
- Fix: Long menus now appear on-top of the DF taskbar as expected
- Fix: Clicking on a tray icon and moving the mouse quickly no longer selects the wrong tray icon
- Fix: TitleBar Button position issues have been fixed for a number of applications
- Fix: Taskbar button issues have been fixed for a number of applications
- Fix: Some MSI installer issues have been resolved
- Fix: Undocking a laptop or unplugging a monitor will no longer result in orphaned taskbar items
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer get jumbled the first time you configure them in some situations
- Fix: Huge improvements for right-to-left languages
Veranderingen voor v4.0.0 Beta 13 - v4.0.0 Beta 14
- Change: Updated the DisplayFusion icon to be more consistent with the 4.0 graphics
- Change: More languages bundled
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to override the taskbar clock text tooltips
- Fix: Middle-click to close tabs in Google Chrome Canary now works as expected
- Fix: TitleBar Button position issues have been fixed for a number of applications
Veranderingen voor v4.0.0 Beta 12 - v4.0.0 Beta 13
- Change: UI is now text-complete, other translations will be bundled with the new betas!
- Change: You can see a monitor's resolution and aspect ratio by right-clicking the monitor in the Wallpaper window
- Change: deviantART API now supports adult content filtering
- Fix: Taskbar now longer crashes when using a 3rd party taskbar replacement application
- Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented RDP/VNC windows from giving-up mouse control in some situations
- Fix: Blank screen savers now work as expected
Veranderingen voor v4.0.0 Beta 11 - v4.0.0 Beta 12
- Change: Added an "Edit Pinned Item" option to the DF Jump Lists
- Change: Jump Lists are now animated
- Change: Pinned items can now have custom names
- Change: You can now swap Wallpaper settings between monitors by right-clicking on the monitor in the Wallpaper window
- Change: A basic multi-monitor Photos screen saver is now included
- Fix: Taskbar status overlays now work again
- Fix: Pinned apps marked as "require administrator" now launch as expected
- Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented large wallpaper files from downloading while the Wallpaper window was open
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 10 - v4.0.0 Beta 11
- Change: We're making lots of exciting changes in these Betas, so we've bumped the version to 4.0 to reflect that! Still a free update for everyone!
- Change: Taskbars now have optional Jump Lists for the right-click menu (enabled by default, MRU not yet supported)
- Change: Added new HotKeys to open the DisplayFusion Settings, Wallpaper and Monitor Configuration windows
- Change: Added an Advanced Setting to allow invalid language files to be force-loaded
- Change: Removed the "Use Preview Mode" setting for Screen Savers
- Change: Added 4 new preset HotKeys to move windows to the 4 corners of a monitor
- Change: Folder browser now allows you to type in a path (great for UNC paths)
- Change: Added an option to set the Windows Aero colour to match the wallpaper or the currently active window (Win7 and higher)
- Fix: Taskbars now reload if the monitor IDs change
- Fix: Taskbar auto-hide animation is working again
- Fix: Console window hooking is now fixed
- Fix: Steam windows should now redraw correctly when snapped
- Fix: Windows Vista taskbar tray icons for volume, network... etc now show up correctly
- Fix: The "Reset HotKeys" button in the Settings window no longer removes custom HotKeys
- Fix: Dozens of application compatibility fixes
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 9 - v3.5.0 Beta 10
- Fix: DisplayFusion should no longer hang/freeze in some situations
- Fix: Taskbar shortcuts to the desktop now work as expected
- Fix: No longer receive "You need DF Pro" when trying to set Windows Logon background
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 8 - v3.5.0 Beta 9
- Change: Major taskbar internal re-working to allow for future improvements (auto-hide animation has been removed temporarily)
- Change: Added support for Flickr's "Interestingness" API
- Fix: Monitor identification overlays now disappear when clicked
- Fix: Windows gain focus correctly when restoring from tray icons
- Fix: Tray icon menus now close correctly when they lose focus
- Fix: Improved right-to-left language support
- Fix: More CPU performance improvements
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 7 - v3.5.0 Beta 8
- Fix: Improved Windows 8 compatibility
- Fix: More CPU performance improvements
- Fix: Double-clicking a taskbar tray icon no longer performs the single and double-click action
- Fix: Google Chrome can now be moved correctly when middle-clicking the caption (not the tabs)
- Fix: Taskbar window animation on the Windows taskbar is now correct
- Fix: Taskbar tray icons without text are now shown correctly
- Fix: Taskbar font-scaling now works correctly
- Fix: deviantART categories are now correct
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 6 - v3.5.0 Beta 7
- Change: Added deviantART as wallpaper sources
- Fix: DisplayFusion will now auto-start correctly
- Fix: Significant performance improvements for people using random local images with large image collections
- Fix: Windows XP tray clock now looks correct when tray icons are disabled
- Fix: Restoring windows from the tray icons no longer causes the window to become inactive (Skype)
- Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer get cut-off on maximized windows in some situations
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 5 - v3.5.0 Beta 6
- Change: Added Google and Bing image search as wallpaper sources
- Fix: Resolved some performance and freezing issues
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 4 - v3.5.0 Beta 5
- Fix: Resolved more high-CPU issues
- Fix: Excel and Access 2000 windows are now properly detected on the DF taskbars
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 3 - v3.5.0 Beta 4
- Change: Added a new feature to save/load desktop icon profiles
- Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented some applications from opening
- Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented some applications from receiving mouse input
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 2 - v3.5.0 Beta 3
- Change: Added a "Support Request" button to the Settings window for easily contacting us about any issues
- Change: Added a new command line parameter for running HotKeys via DisplayFusionCommand: -HotKeyRun "hotkey-name"
- Fix: Numerous TitleBar Button issues have been fixed
- Fix: Numerous Taskbar issues have been fixed
- Fix: Reduced CPU usage
- Fix: Taskbar shortcut order is no longer reversed incorrectly
Veranderingen voor v3.5.0 Beta 1 - v3.5.0 Beta 2
- Change: HotKey edit window now lets you drag to select a target window to create a HotKey automatically using target's size and location
- Fix: Taskbar tray icons now support multiple rows/columns
- Fix: Lots of Taskbar tray icon related fixes (context menu positioning, icon spacing, font scaling... etc)
- Fix: No longer runs as administrator after an auto-update (updating from B2 will fix this)
- Fix: Taskbar wouldn't come out of auto-hide sometimes when mousing over shortcuts
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 - v3.5.0 Beta 1
- Change: DisplayFusion Taskbars now have system tray icons that mirror that Windows system tray
- Change: DisplayFusion Taskbars now have basic pinning (shortcuts are removed when the app is launched, will be improved shortly)
- Change: Added an "Enable All Taskbars" button in the Settings window to easily enable any disabled taskbars
- Change: "Start Screen Saver" HotKey/TitleBar Button is no longer a Pro-only feature
- Change: HotKeys are now grouped by category in the Settings window and "Run HotKey on this Window" menu
- Change: New HotKey/TitleBar Button: "Lock Desktop"
- Change: New HotKey/TitleBar Button: "Move window to monitor #X and size proportionally"
- Change: You can now add or edit HotKeys while creating TitleBar Buttons
- Change: Taskbar Button Grouping now has 3 modes: Automatic, Enabled or Disabled
- Change: Ctrl+Shift+Click on Taskbar buttons now opens a new elevated instance
- Change: Various UI improvements (better dropdown lists... etc)
- Fix: Improved Window Location compatibility
- Fix: Improved TitleBar Button compatibility
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 - v3.4.1
- Changed: Clicking the DF taskbar clock will now show the same calendar as the Windows taskbar clock
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Confirm Prompt"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "Taskbar: Always Show Preview Window Text"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "Taskbar: Force Classic Style"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "TitleBar Buttons: Force Classic Style"
- Fixed: DisplayFusion Taskbars in Windows 7 using a custom theme and "Icons Only" now look correct
- Fixed: Custom HotKeys that set window transparency can now be edited
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration window now displays the correct colour depth, not the refresh rate
- Fixed: Using the "Use Wallpaper image" setting for Windows Logon no longer requires that you select an image first
- Fixed: Clicking a grouped taskbar button with Win7-style previews now opens/closes the preview window
- Fixed: Win7-style taskbar preview improvements (custom themes, title text, vertical stacking, performance)
- Fixed: Monitor sharing apps, like AirDisplay and MaxiVista, are now fully supported
- Fixed: Enabling monitors with non-standard resolutions now works as expected
- Fixed: Taskbar clock size is now correct in Vista
- Fixed: TitleBar Button glow now loads correctly all the time
- Fixed: Screen Savers now disable correctly when unchecked
- Fixed: Screen Savers now correctly blank the screen when "no screen saver" is selected
- Fixed: General performance, stability and compatibility improvements
- Fixed: TitleBar Button Compatibility: iTunes 10.5, Citrix XenApp
- Fixed: Window Location Compatibility: Outlook 2010
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 10 - v3.4.1 Beta 11
- Fixed: General compatibility improvements
- Fixed: Compatibility improvements for window management
- Fixed: Compatibility improvements for window location detection
- Fixed: Taskbar rendering improvements in Vista
- Fixed: Taskbar rendering improvements for Win7-style previews
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 9 - v3.4.1 Beta 10
- Fixed: Resolved a wallpaper sizing issue that prevented the "NoCrop" sizing from working correctly in rare situations
- Fixed: Taskbar now supports Ctrl+left-clicking grouped buttons to cycle through the open windows
- Fixed: Taskbar now supports the "LastActiveClick" Windows registry setting to reverse the Ctrl+left-click behaviour
- Fixed: DisplayFusion now deletes the installer file from the last auto-update automatically to save space
- Fixed: Resolved an issue that prevented screensavers from being detected in system32 in rare situations
- Fixed: Resolved an issue that caused taskbar shortcut URL icons from loading correctly
- Fixed: Resolved an an issue that caused the taskbar to stick behind windows when set to autohide
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 8 - v3.4.1 Beta 9
- Fixed: Resolved a wallpaper sizing issue that prevented the "NoCrop" sizing from working correctly in rare situations
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 7 - v3.4.1 Beta 8
- Fixed: General compatibility improvements
- Fixed: Fixed a few small installer issues
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 6 - v3.4.1 Beta 7
- Fixed: General compatibility improvements
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 5 - v3.4.1 Beta 6
- Fixed: Taskbar auto-hide now looks better on top/left sides
- Fixed: Taskbar Start Button now works correctly with auto-hide enabled
- Fixed: IE9 tabs no longer disappear when middle-clicked
- Fixed: Window management improvements
- Fixed: Monitor Config now supports resolutions that are forced/missing by default
- Fixed: Wallpaper profiles should now be changed as expected when changing monitor profiles
- Fixed: Various Monitor Profile improvements
- Fixed: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Spotify
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 4 - v3.4.1 Beta 5
- Fixed: Taskbar auto-hide now looks better on top/left sides
- Fixed: Taskbar Start Button now works correctly with auto-hide enabled
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 3 - v3.4.1 Beta 4
- Fixed: Improved Opera browser compatibility (TitleBar Buttons, window detection... etc)
Veranderingen voor v3.4.1 Beta 2 - v3.4.1 Beta 3
- Fixed: Resolved an issue that could cause DisplayFusion to not start correctly on some machines
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 - v3.4.1 Beta 1
- Changed: Clicking the DF taskbar clock will now show the same calendar as the Windows taskbar clock
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Confirm Prompt"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "Taskbar: Always Show Preview Window Text"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "Taskbar: Force Classic Style"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting: "TitleBar Buttons: Force Classic Style"
- Fixed: DisplayFusion Taskbars in Windows 7 using a custom theme and "Icons Only" now look correct
- Fixed: Custom HotKeys that set window transparency can now be edited
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration window now displays the correct colour depth, not the refresh rate
- Fixed: Using the "Use Wallpaper image" setting for Windows Logon no longer requires that you select an image first
- Fixed: Clicking a grouped taskbar button with Win7-style previews now opens/closes the preview window
- Fixed: Win7-style taskbar preview improvements (custom themes, title text, vertical stacking, performance)
- Fixed: Monitor sharing apps, like AirDisplay and MaxiVista, are now fully supported
- Fixed: Enabling monitors with non-standard resolutions now works as expected
- Fixed: Taskbar clock size is now correct in Vista
- Fixed: TitleBar Button glow now loads correctly all the time
- Fixed: Screen Savers now disable correctly when unchecked
- Fixed: Screen Savers now correctly blank the screen when "no screen saver" is selected
- Fixed: TitleBar Button Compatibility: iTunes 10.5, Citrix XenApp
- Fixed: Window Location Compatibility: Outlook 2010
Veranderingen voor v3.3.1 - v3.4.0
- Windows 8 Pre-Beta Support
- Monitor Configuration and Profiles
- Taskbar window previews now support Aero Peek functionality
- Taskbar buttons now support progress overlays and status icons
- TitleBar Button Separators allow for grouping of TitleBar Buttons
- Application Definitions allow us to update compatibility for applications without needing to update DisplayFusion
- New HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons: "Send Window to Back" and "Move All Windows to Current Monitor"
- "Close All Windows" option when right-clicking grouped Taskbar buttons
- Application Hooks can be disabled per-application instead of globally (Compatibility)
- Monitor ID's are now detected correctly to match the Windows 7 display settings. Note that this may cause some Taskbars to lose their settings. Click here for more info and instructions on how to recover the settings.
- 25 languages bundled
- Wallpaper Settings have been moved to the Desktop Wallpaper window and no longer have their own tab in the Settings window
- Uninstaller now provides a "complete uninstall" option to remove all settings, preferences and temporary files
- Tons of bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements!
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 19 - v3.4.0 Beta 20
- Changed: All monitor profiles will be erased and need to be setup again, hurray for beta software!
- Fixed: Screen Saver previews in the Settings window now work as expected with multiple monitors
- Fixed: TitleBar Button Compatibility: Zune
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration now shows all detected monitors, not just the connected monitors plus one
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration now selects and shows the correct monitor when loading a profile
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration is now linked to monitor IDs which should help resolve issues where the incorrect monitors are activated
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration monitors no longer jump around when clicked on slower computers or when the CPU is at 100%
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration monitor no longer jumps/moves when setting as primary
- Fixed: Monitor Configuration refresh rate and colour depth no longer jump around when moving the resolution slider
- Fixed: Dragging the cursor over a selected taskbar button will show the preview window even if it is already focused
- Fixed: DisplayFusion should no longer lockup when trying to exit in rare situations
- Fixed: Windows that are snapped using Aero Snap are now compensated for when moving between monitors
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 18 - v3.4.0 Beta 19
- Fixed: Items launched from Jump Lists no longer incorrectly change monitors
- Fixed: DisplayFusion Taskbars now respect the MaxThumbSizePx and MinThumbSizePx registry values
- Fixed: Monitor ID detection improvements
- Fixed: Improved Windows 8 (pre-Beta) support
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 17 - v3.4.0 Beta 18
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting to hide the system tray icon
- Changed: 23 languages bundled
- Fixed: Opening/closing the Settings window after an install won't show a UAC prompt every time (unless it's required to configure a feature)
- Fixed: When dragging over the DF Taskbar, if Win7 preview mode is selected the preview thumbnails will be shown
- Fixed: Desktop context menu items are now localized when changing the language from the system tray menu
- Fixed: Monitor Selector now updates correctly if the monitor configuration changes
- Fixed: Monitor ID detection improvements
- Fixed: Screen Savers installed in the SysWOW64 folder are now listed
- Fixed: Wallpaper Profiles (that are loaded manually) are no longer overridden by the Monitor Profile setting
- Fixed: Taskbar window minimize animations no longer point to the DisplayFusion Taskbar when "All taskbars show all windows" is selected
- Fixed: Desktop context DisplayFusion menu items now open on the monitor they were selected on
- Fixed: Window Location "run hotkey" option now works as expected in Windows 8 and on slower computers
- Fixed: Non-rectangular windows look correct in the Win7-style Taskbar previews
- Fixed: Improved Windows 8 (pre-Beta) support
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 16 - v3.4.0 Beta 17
- Changed: HotKey key combo edit improvements
- Changed: 6 languages bundled
- Fixed: DisplayFusion's features now work as expected when monitors are in cloned mode
- Fixed: Taskbars now detect touch screens and adjust accordingly
- Fixed: Improved Windows 8 (pre-Beta) support
- Fixed: Desktop context menu entries are now localized
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 15 - v3.4.0 Beta 16
- Changed: Monitor Profiles now support loading Wallpaper Profiles automatically
- Changed: Grouped Taskbar items now have a "Close All Windows" right-click context menu
- Changed: Early Windows 8 support (all DF features should function, but may not look correct yet)
- Fixed: Monitor IDs in Windows 7 should now be correct
- Fixed: Taskbar Compatibility: Album Player, mSecure
- Fixed: Items on the Wallpaper > Info tab are now disabled correctly when unselected
- Fixed: Resolved an issue that prevented the Taskbar shortcut URLs from loading icons correctly on some machines
- Fixed: Taskbar preview thumbnails no longer overlap each other in some situations
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 14 - v3.4.0 Beta 15
- Changed: Added a new HotKey / TitleBar Button: "Send Window to Back"
- Changed: Added a new HotKey / TitleBar Button: "Move All Windows to Current Monitor"
- Changed: Added a new HotKey / TitleBar Button: "Minimize Window"
- Changed: Added a new HotKey / TitleBar Button: "Maximize Window"
- Changed: Added a new HotKey / TitleBar Button: "Restore Window"
- Changed: Monitor Profiles can now be set using a HotKey, TitleBar Button or the tray context menu
- Changed: The DF taskbars now respect the "Use Aero Peek to preview the desktop" setting in Windows
- Fixed: You can now middle-click a Taskbar preview to close the window
- Fixed: You can now right-click a Taskbar preview to show the window's context menu
- Fixed: Closing a window from the Taskbar preview no longer closes the preview
- Fixed: Right-clicking on a TitleBar Button will show the menu more cleanly (no flicker, will disappear when clicking away)
- Fixed: Taskbar no longer loads the wrong icon from the cache when adding new taskbar shortcuts
- Fixed: Fixed a taskbar issue that prevented windows from being detected properly with high a DPI setting
- Fixed: Monitor change revert now works correctly when re-enabling a monitor
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 13 - v3.4.0 Beta 14
- Changed: Added Monitor Profiles for saving different monitor layouts for different locations (hotkey, titlebar button support coming soon)
- Fixed: Taskbars are no longer reloaded when switching between Aero/Basic modes in Windows 7
- Fixed: Default web browser detection has been improved for Taskbar shortcut icons
- Fixed: Taskbar buttons now show a tooltip when thumbnail previews are disabled
- Fixed: Improved proxy server compatibility (no more 407 errors)
- Fixed: Taskbars now cache application shortcut icons
- Fixed: Fixed an issue with the Flickr API and non-English languages
- Fixed: Steam (Valve) now works with the Window Location feature
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 12 - v3.4.0 Beta 13
- Fixed: Taskbars are no longer reloaded when switching between Aero/Basic modes in Windows 7
- Fixed: Default web browser detection has been improved for Taskbar shortcut icons
- Fixed: Taskbar buttons now show a tooltip when thumbnail previews are disabled
Veranderingen voor v3.4.0 Beta 11 - v3.4.0 Beta 12
- Changed: Monitor Configuration only ever shows 1 attached monitor now (some people have dozens of potentially unattached monitors according to Windows)
- Fixed: Some small fixes to the new Application Definitions feature
- Fixed: The desktop context menu entries now only appear when right-clicking the desktop, not folder backgrounds as well
- Fixed: Hooking stability improvements
- Fixed: Taskbar progress state is now correct for Windows Explorer file copies
- Fixed: Translated some missed strings
- Fixed: Window Location items now allow moving to a selected monitor and running a custom HotKey together
- Fixed: Taskbar now stays visible when auto-hide is enabled the Start Menu is visible
- Fixed: Start Menu is now positioned correctly when auto-hide is enabled and the Windows Key is used to open the Start Menu
Veranderingen voor v3.3.0 - v3.3.1
- Changed: Added the option to use the current desktop wallpaper image as the Windows Logon background
- Changed: Disabling the Windows Logon feature now resets your Windows Logon image to the Windows default
- Changed: DisplayFusion Taskbars now support the Start Button in all versions of Windows
- Changed: DisplayFusion Taskbars now have a "Show Desktop" button
- Changed: DisplayFusion Taskbars now support custom icons for all types of shortcuts
- Changed: Added an "Automatic" setting for Taskbar Button Alignment, Taskbar Clock and Taskbar Shortcuts to position them automatically based on where the monitor is positioned relative to the primary monitor
- Changed: Window Location feature now has a "Span" option
- Changed: Window Location feature now has a "Minimize" option
- Changed: Window Location can now run a selected HotKey against the new window, instead of using one of the 5 pre-configured options
- Changed: Added a new option to show a window's size and location when moving/re-sizing it (Settings > Window Management
- Changed: Added a new setting on the Window Management tab: "Allow DisplayFusion to help minimize all windows when Win + M is pressed"
- Changed: You can now middle-click in Firefox 4's caption buttons (min/max/close) to move it to the next window, because middle-clicking anywhere else opens a new tab
- Changed: Added a new HotKey/TitleBar Button: "Lock Mouse Cursor to Monitor"
- Changed: Added a new HotKey/TitleBar Button: "Lock Mouse Cursor to Focused Window"
- Changed: When right-clicking on the TitleBar Buttons, the context menu now contains all HotKeys so you can easily perform other actions on that window
- Changed: Window snapping is now immediate without needing to release the mouse button to snap (called Sticky Snapping)
- Changed: Added a new "Image Info" tab in the Wallpaper Settings window for embedding information about the wallpaper image or system info
- Changed: TitleBar Button offset compatibility settings can now be specified for normal and maximized windows separately
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Taskbar: Windows Key Opens DisplayFusion Start Menu Disabled"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Don't Hide for Top-Tabs (Chrome, Firefox 4)"
- Fixed: Setting the Taskbar size mode to Automatic is now improved when the DF taskbar is on a different edge than the Windows taskbar
- Fixed: A few Win7 Taskbar sizing issues fixed
- Fixed: Issues with Compatibility settings have been resolved
- Fixed: Window Snapping is no longer performed when a window is being re-sized, only when a window is moved
- Fixed: Window Snapping no longer snaps to windows that are behind other windows
- Fixed: Window Snapping no longer snaps to desktop gadgets
- Fixed: Fullscreen Flash videos are no longer moved accidentally by the Window Location feature
- Fixed: Taskbar Shortcuts failed to load some website favicons
- Fixed: Taskbars now adjust correctly when changing Windows theme modes between Aero, Basic, Classic
- Fixed: DisplayFusion taskbar icon updates no longer miss an update
- Fixed: Improved monitor ID detection in Windows 7 (should have more accurate ID numbers now)
- Fixed: Windows can now be dragged to the top of the screen to maximize the window (a Windows 7 feature) while Window Snapping is enabled
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons no longer get hidden behind their parent window
- Fixed: Taskbar sizing, positioning improvements for all rendering modes
- Fixed: Fixed a small proxy password and Vladstudio keycode decryption issue
- Fixed: Context menu colours now look correct in Windows XP and Windows Vista/7
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons no longer cause VLC Media Player to crash while playing a fullscreen video on some computers
- Fixed: Taskbars no longer drop application items when docking/undocking or disconnecting from an RDP session
- Fixed: Taskbar now closes Excel and PowerPoint windows correctly when Taskbar Grouping is enabled
- Fixed: Taskbar now focuses Excel and PowerPoint windows correctly when Taskbar Grouping is enabled
- Fixed: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Skype 5.1, Firefox 4, MetroTwit, Mintty
- Fixed: Clicking on a taskbar button multiple times now works much faster without ignoring any clicks
- Fixed: Taskbar buttons now respect the "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics\MinWidth" setting
Veranderingen voor v3.1.6 - v3.3.0
- Changed: Taskbars can now show a clock which can be configured to display on the left/right or top/bottom of Taskbar
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Taskbar: Clock Text" to control the Taskbar clock's appearance
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Taskbar: Clock Size" for manually controlling the Taskbar Clock's width or height
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Taskbar: Button Dragging Icons" to toggle the Taskbar button dragging icons (the little green arrows that appear by default)
- Changed: Added a new Taskbar setting: "Focus window when mouse is dragged over Taskbar button"
- Changed: Multi-Monitor Screen Savers are now supported and can be configured in the DisplayFusion Settings window
- Changed: Added a new HotKey and TitleBar Button called "Start Screen Saver" that starts the currently configured Screen Saver
- Changed: Added more Window Snapping options (snap mode, snap key modifier... etc)
- Changed: Window application edges are now lined up (if close enough) when snapping
- Changed: Window application edge snapping now performs "inside" snapping as well (snaps the edges of a window the inside edges of another window)
- Changed: Wallpaper Profiles are now supported: create multiple Wallpaper settings, and switch between them with 1 click
- Changed: HotKeys and TitleBar Buttons can now be created to load Wallpaper Profiles (still need TitleBar Button images though)
- Changed: Added a new Colour Mode, "Inverted"
- Changed: Flickr random image loader will now select from the newest 500 images, not the newest 100
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Wallpaper: Run Program After Wallpaper Change" to run an external program after each wallpaper change (like BGInfo)
- Changed: Added a "Move window to specified location" HotKey (custom) and TitleBar Button
- Changed: Added a "Toggle Window Transparency" HotKey and TitleBar Button
- Changed: Installer now accepts a DisplayFusion Pro license key during installation
- Changed: Added a "Backup Settings" button to the Troubleshooting tab in the Settings window for generating a .REG file backup
- Changed: All new hooking method to eliminate the need to reboot when installing updates
- Changed: TitleBar Buttons now show the HotKey key combination in their mouse-over tooltip for quick reference
- Changed: Redesigned the "Edit HotKey" window
- Changed: Redesigned the "Edit TitleBar Button" window
- Changed: Added the ability for system Administrators to set certain settings, look in the FAQ
- Fixed: Proxy server issues resolved
- Fixed: Window snapping with more than 1 application window, or 1 application window and a monitor edge now works as expected
- Fixed: Disconnecting from a LogMeIn session in Windows 7 now returns to Aero rendering correctly
- Fixed: Internal changes to help prevent lockups and stutters on multi-core systems in some situations
- Fixed: TaskbarsButtonGapX advanced setting now works as expected when the taskbar is vertical
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons are now toggled correctly when the corresponding HotKey is used
- Fixed: Item lists no longer flicker when being sized or scrolled
- Fixed: Fixed some font scaling issues at lower scales (110%)
- Fixed: Fixed some localization issues in the Settings window
- Fixed: Hook compatibility improvements with "Classic Shell"
- Fixed: Hooks performance improvements
- Changed: Added a new feature called "Window Location" (in the Settings window), which allows you to specify which monitor an application should open on
- Changed: Added a "Show Monitor Selector" HotKey/TitleBar Button that can be used to easily move a window to any monitor
- Changed: Added 2 new Start Menu shortcuts for opening the Wallpaper and Settings windows directly
- Changed: You can now browse for installed Screen Savers
- Changed: New 'Internet Connection Settings' window to make configuring proxy settings easier
- Changed: Installer now automatically extracts hook DLLs to the installation directory, still avoids reboot prompts
- Changed: ToolTip improvements: TitleBar Button tooltips are now faster to show, more reliable
- Changed: Created a new tool called DisplayFusionCommand as a way to interact externally with DisplayFusion from the command line: supports load wallpaper profile, load next wallpaper images, load/unload application hooks, open wallpaper window, open settings window
- Changed: The EXE installer (not the MSI installer) now automatically closes all DisplayFusion instances when in Silent mode (prevents the need to reboot)
- Changed: Redesigned auto-update window that now shows the highlights of the new release
- Changed: Windows are now moved so that they retain their "restore" location when un-maximizing them (Windows 7 ONLY). Some applications do not like this, so there is an option on Compatibility tab to exclude certain applications from using this new method
- Changed: Added an "Advanced Settings" edit window, just click the "Advanced Settings" button in the Settings window
- Changed: Spanned windows now remember their location, just click the "Span Window" TitleBar Button (or use the HotKey) to restore the window's old position
- Changed: The update check no longer displays an error balloon during the start-up update check
- Changed: Increased the update check startup delay from 45 seconds to 4 minutes to allow for wireless connections to be established
- Changed: The "Show a prompt when applying Wallpaper settings" option is now an Advanced Setting and no longer in the Settings UI
- Changed: Added 2 new Compatibility settings for pausing Taskbars or TitleBar Buttons when an application is detected
- Changed: Taskbar Buttons can now be top/bottom/left/right aligned
- Changed: Per-Taskbar settings are now stored in the "Taskbars\#" registry key (advanced and normal settings)
- Changed: Taskbars now support application shortcuts (pinned applications in Windows 7): Applications, files, folders and URLs
- Changed: Taskbar now supports new Windows 7 thumbnail style previews (on by default, configurable in the Settings window)
- Changed: Taskbar Auto-Hide is now animated (there is also an Advanced Setting to disable the animations)
- Changed: Shift + Left-Click now performs the same action on Taskbar buttons as Middle-Click (configurable in the Settings window)
- Changed: Modified the "Taskbar Clock Text" advanced setting to allow the "week number" to be shown
- Changed: Taskbar now supports button grouping
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Don't use Aero TitleBar Button Positioning"
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "TitleBar Buttons: Show Debug Info" to show extra debug info in the TitleBar Button tooltips
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "TitleBar Buttons: Minimum Window Width" to force DisplayFusion not to add TitleBar Buttons to windows that are below a certain width value.
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "Window: Use New Method To Move Windows" to force DisplayFusion to use an experimental window move method with no window animations (instant), but with less application compatibility
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "General: Application Hooks Disabled" to disable the global application hooks when troubleshooting
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "General: Run as a High Priority Process" to run DisplayFusion as a high priority process
- Changed: Added an Advanced Setting called "General: Memory Trim Disabled" to control how DisplayFusion trim's used memory
- Changed: Added 4 Administrator Advanced Setting to allow admins to disable certain image providers in DisplayFusion
- Fixed: Spanned windows are no longer sized to a height of 0 when monitors are vertically stacked
- Fixed: When a random wallpaper image fails to load, the desktop is no longer left blank
- Fixed: Taskbar performance improvements, reduction in hanging taskbars
- Fixed: Smoother taskbar preview animations
- Fixed: Adobe Reader X window functions now work again in Vista and Win7
- Fixed: Windows 7 taskbar hover colour detection improvements (works with Python 2.7 now)
- Fixed: Window restore now restores the window correctly on the new monitor
- Fixed: Modified "Advanced Settings" window to show "TaskbarClockSize#" entries for 9 taskbar values (you can manually add more if you have more than 9 monitors)
- Fixed: Various performance improvements
- Fixed: Windows Gadget items would be incorrectly added to the Windows Taskbar
- Fixed: Better detection for hung windows
- Fixed: Screen Savers should now be listed correctly on all machines
- Fixed: Clicking "Apply" in the Settings window while on the Windows Logon tab no longer causes the Windows Logon preview to go black
- Fixed: Layered (alpha) windows that are completely transparent (alpha=0) are no longer given TitleBar Buttons
- Fixed: Taskbar clock time zone and time changes are now automatically detected and updated instantly
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons are now removed from applications that are in a "hung" state
- Fixed: When a HotKey fails to bind, a more helpful message with troubleshooting steps is shown
- Fixed: Non-Administrator users are now prompted to login when automatically installing updates
- Fixed: Adobe Acrobat Reader should now maximize properly when being moved between monitors
- Fixed: "Select Application" window now shows all applications, previously it skipped some x86 processes
- Fixed: Taskbar Clock now detects 24 hour time correctly
- Fixed: When a previously used language file is out-of-date, you are now prompted to visit the Languages page
- Fixed: TitleBar Button tooltips now only show the HotKey combination when HotKeys are enabled
- Fixed: Applying settings in the DisplayFusion Settings window while screen savers are being used is much less "flickery" now
- Fixed: The DisplayFusion Taskbar will no longer try to force itself to the front when the Start Menu is open
- Fixed: Hidden Internet Explorer 9 (Beta) windows no longer appear on the taskbar
- Fixed: Taskbar Compatibility improvements: TraceTool, Winamp 2.x
- Fixed: TitleBar Button compatibility: MetroTwit, Skype 5.1, MetroTwit, Steam
- Fixed: Tons of performance improvements and small tweaks
- Fixed: The Settings window is now scaled correctly when using Font Scaling in Windows
- Fixed: Monitor detection failed in rare situations on Windows start-up
- Fixed: Taskbar now shows & signs correctly when in Classic mode (no visual styles)
- Fixed: Taskbar no longer hangs/crashes when the system is under heavy load
- Fixed: Taskbar items no longer get shuffled in Windows XP when the taskbar isn't on the primary monitor
- Changed: Taskbars can now be disabled per-monitor by right-clicking on the Taskbar and selecting "Multi-Monitor Taskbar Position > Disabled"
- Changed: Taskbar settings can now be reset to defaults using the "Reset All Taskbars" button in the Settings window (also restores disabled Taskbars)
- Changed: Added a new Advanced Setting called "Taskbar Button Gap Size (X)" for overriding the distance between DisplayFusion Taskbar buttons
- Changed: Added a "Vertical TitleBar Button Offset" setting to the Compatibility settings
- Changed: Wallpaper image scaling now accepts up to 2 decimal places for more accurate scaling
- Changed: The UI language can now be changed in the Settings window, as well as the tray context menu
- Changed: Taskbar "auto-hide" setting is now a per-Taskbar setting, accessed by right-clicking the Taskbar
- Changed: New custom HotKey action: "Move to Monitor #X and Maximize"
- Changed: The Window Snapping tab in the Settings window now shows a visual guide for the snapping settings
- Changed: Added an option to force default TitleBar Button backgrounds, recommended for use with custom themes only
- Changed: New HotKey/TitleBar Button: "Toggle Freeze Current Wallpaper Images"
- Changed:Added a new Compatibility option to prevent Taskbar items from being removed from the Windows Taskbar (if desired)
- Fixed: Fixed an issue that caused the DisplayFusion Taskbar to get "stuck" behind some applications in rare situations
- Fixed: Taskbar now auto-hides correctly when Winamp has scrolling text enabled
- Fixed: Taskbar compatibility improvements: Winamp, Light Alloy Media Player, Foobar2000 Fullscreen Visualizations
- Fixed: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Skype, PSPad, Google Chrome, Adobe Photoshop CS, CS2, CS3, CS4 and CS5
- Fixed: Window Snapping compatibility improvements: Reaper
- Fixed: Using the "Move to Next Monitor" HotKey with a maximized Windows Explorer window no longer causes it to go fullscreen
- Fixed: Wallpaper is no longer incorrectly clipped in rare situations
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons are no longer added to windows that are too narrow
- Fixed: Spanned window edges (using the HotKey or TitleBar Button) no longer hide behind the Windows taskbar when the taskbar is vertical
- Fixed: Significantly lower CPU usage when performing fullscreen application checks
- Fixed: Forced wallpaper changes (using HotKey or TitleBar Button) now work even when a fullscreen or an application with Compatibility options set is running
- Fixed: The "Move Window to Monitor #X" HotKey and TitleBar Button now moves the window using the same method as "Move to Next Monitor", instead of moving and sizing proportionally
- Fixed: The "Move Window to Monitor #X" HotKey and TitleBar Button no longer makes the window flicker if it is already on the target monitor
- Fixed: RDP windows are now moved correctly when using the HotKeys or TitleBar Buttons
- Fixed: Windows Explorer windows in Windows XP SP2 no longer go fullscreen when using the Ctrl + Win + A HotKey
- Fixed: Window snapping didn't work when one edge was snapped to an application window edge, and another edge was snapped to a monitor edge
- Fixed: PhotoShop CS4/CS5 tool windows can now be dragged correctly when TitleBar Buttons are enabled
- Fixed:Taskbar buttons are now sized and spaced correctly in Windows 7 when themes are disabled
- Fixed: Vladstudio integration now works again, and works with the new Vladstudio API
- Changed: Added a "Pause wallpaper changes while on battery power" option
- Changed: Added a new HotKey and TitleBar Button: "Toggle Window Always on Top"
- Changed: Added a new HotKey and TitleBar Button: "Move window to monitor #X"
- Changed: Added a new HotKey and TitleBar Button: "Move all windows to monitor #X"
- Changed: Added a "Check for Beta Updates" option in the Settings window, on the Options tab
- Changed: Added an "Automatically select the best image" option in the "Edit TitleBar Button" window
- Changed: Added an "Image" column to the TitleBar Button tab in the Settings window to show the selected button image's filename
- Changed: Added a new Advanced Setting called "TitleBar Button Vertical Offset" for forcing the TitleBar Buttons position up/down
- Changed: Vladstudio random image changer now chooses from all the images, not just the newest 100 images
- Changed: Each HotKey in the HotKeys list in the Settings window now has a tooltip describing it's actions
- Changed: Improved taskbar button dragging
- Changed: Wallpaper and Settings windows now open on the monitor the mouse cursor is currently on (instead of always opening on the primary monitor)
- Changed: Wallpaper window now automatically re-sizes itself to fit on smaller resolution monitors (like netbooks)
- Changed: Wallpaper window now has a "Copy settings from Monitor #x" in each monitor's context menu
- Changed: Wallpaper window now only prompts to apply settings when you have changed something
- Changed: Wallpaper images can now be scaled by a certain percent to enlarge or shrink the image
- Changed: Added new options for middle-clicking taskbar buttons on the DisplayFusion taskbars
- Changed: Added 2 new Compatibility settings for disabling maximized window dragging and middle-click window moving
- Changed: Added an "Edit" button to the TitleBar Buttons tab in the Settings window for editing existing buttons
- Fixed: Taskbar compatibility improvements: Stardock DeskScapes, Stardock WindowBlinds, Winamp, Microsoft Office 2007/2010
- Fixed: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Stardock DeskScapes, Stardock WindowBlinds, Trillian Astra, LogMeIn Hamachi, Google Chrome, Opera 10.50
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons no longer disappear when partially hidden by another window
- Fixed: TitleBar Button glow effect is now much improved, no longer flickers (Windows 7, Vista)
- Fixed: Taskbar buttons no longer show double ampersands
- Fixed: Taskbar is correctly adjusted when another docked application is closed (no more gaps along the monitor edge)
- Fixed: Taskbar performance improvements (reduced update latency, less blocks)
- Fixed: Taskbar buttons for windows with a title text length of 0 are now displayed correctly
- Fixed: Improved Windows version detection (now detects Windows Server 2008 R2 correctly)
- Fixed: Taskbar colour is now almost perfect when Windows Aero translucency is disabled
- Fixed: Sometimes TitleBar Button image would shift with custom theme
- Fixed: When a taskbar is set to auto-hide, the taskbar is now shown when a taskbar button starts flashing
- Fixed: A window is no longer restricted to the workspace size when specifying a value for width or height in a custom HotKey
- Fixed: Taskbars are correctly refreshed when a program disables desktop composition for compatibility
- Fixed: Log file has been moved into the temp folder and the old log is deleted
- Changed: Taskbar can now be re-sized very easily by right-clicking on it and selecting "Multi-Monitor Taskbar Size"
- Changed: Now shows an optional monitor indicator when dragging a maximized window between monitors
- Changed: Rearranged the Desktop Wallpaper window and added icons to some of the dropdowns to simplify it
- Changed: Added a "Don't stretch smaller images" option to the Desktop Wallpaper window - this option will force DisplayFusion to centre images that are smaller than the monitor, instead of stretching them
- Changed: Added an option to snap window edges to other application's windows, not just to monitor edges (disabled by default)
- Changed: The "Move to Next Monitor" and "Move to Previous Monitor" HotKey and TitleBar Buttons now use the monitors in their logical layout, not sorted by ID
- Changed: Right-clicking on the TitleBar Buttons will now show the DisplayFusion context menu
- Changed: All DisplayFusion windows now respond correctly to the Enter and Esc keys, as well as accelerator keys (Alt + key)
- Changed: HotKeys can now be set to use a single key with no modifier keys (alt, ctrl, win)
- Changed: Added a "Compatibility" tab in the DisplayFusion Settings window for managing TitleBar Button exclusions, TitleBar Button Offset (per application), Window Snapping exclusions and Wallpaper Changing exclusions - instead of managing these exclusions separately on each tab
- Changed: Added an option to allow random wallpaper changes to be paused while a specified application is running - configure this in the Compatibility tab
- Changed: Added a new Advanced Setting called "AutoUpdateBeta" for checking for new beta versions
- Changed: Added a new Advanced Setting called "TitleBarButtonsBackgroundCustom" for using a custom TitleBar Button background image
- Changed: Added a new Advanced Setting called "TaskbarsPreviewAnimation" for enabling/disabling the Taskbar thumbnail preview animations
- Changed: Added a new Advanced Setting called "TaskbarsColourTrackingRGB" for forcing the Taskbar to use a specific tracking colour
- Changed: Added a new Advanced Setting called "MonitorsForceOrder" for forcing the monitors to be treated in a specific order
- Fixed: Taskbar compatibility improvements: Winamp
- Fixed: TitleBar Button compatibility improvements: Console Windows
- Fixed: Taskbar is now more responsive to Windows theme colour changes
- Fixed: Taskbar text anti-aliasing is now much better, and text looks exactly like the Windows taskbar (Vista, Win7)
- Fixed: Taskbar now supports hacked themes in Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (custom taskbar backgrounds, buttons and text effects like text glow)
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons now supports hacked themes in Vista and Windows 7 (custom titlebar button backgrounds and Windows Aero glow effects)
- Fixed: When a monitor is added, removed or re-sized DisplayFusion reacts much quicker
- Fixed: Changing a taskbar's position using the taskbar context menu is now much faster
- Fixed: Restarting DisplayFusion doesn't cause the hooks to silently fail to load in rare cases (silently prevented certain features from working with no indication as to why)
- Fixed: Improved full-screen application detection
- Fixed: Moving a window that isn't sizable isn't accidental re-sized in rare situations
- Fixed: Fixed a problem that caused taskbar items to not be added back correctly when disabling a secondary monitor
- Fixed: Better application compatibility with the Windows 7 Snipping Tool
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons no longer appear 1px too high when monitors are vertically stacked
- Fixed: "Font 'Tahoma' does not support style 'Underline'" error appeared sometimes when open the Flickr image search in Windows 7
- Fixed: Taskbar and TitleBar exceptions now work correctly with VMware Player
- Fixed: TitleBar Buttons now scale properly and don't get blurry when font scaling is being used
- Fixed: System Tray message balloon text is no longer truncated incorrectly (prevented error messages from being fully displayed)
- Fixed: Taskbar buttons now respect the "MinWidth" taskbar button size hack ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics\MinWidth")
- Fixed: Taskbar previews now show the correct window for Microsoft Excel