Versie historie van Subsonic

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Veranderingen voor v6.1.4 - v6.1.5

  • Bugfix: Fix error in getIndexes REST method causing wrong/missing artist name to be returned

Veranderingen voor v6.1.3 - v6.1.4

  • New: Bundle Java 8 JRE with Windows installer.
  • •New: Update French translation, courtesy of Denis
  • •REST: Added artistImageUrl to Artist and ArtistID3
  • •Bugfix: Upgrade to reCAPTCHA V2 (for resetting password)
  • •Bugfix: Avoid duplicate scrobbles

Veranderingen voor v6.1.2 - v6.1.3

  • Bugfix: Avoid player getting stuck when playing transcoded tracks.
  • •Bugfix: Externally modified tracks disappear in Subsonic.
  • •Bugfix: Hide links, buttons etc in the web interface if a user is not allowed to play music.

Veranderingen voor v6.1.1 - v6.1.2

  • Bugfix: Make it work with latest Sonos firmware.
  • •REST: Added create/update/deleteInternetRadioStation methods.

Veranderingen voor v6.1 - v6.1.1

  • Bugfix: Fix broken streaming for some apps.
  • Bugfix: Fix error in REST getLyrics method.

Veranderingen voor v6.0 - v6.1

  • New: Support lyrics in ID3 tags.
  • •New: Add Shuffle button to playlist
  • •New: Update Japanese translation, courtesy of ChameleonCyber.
  • •Bugfix: Fix broken jukebox.
  • •Bugfix: "Clean-up database" throws exception when using MySQL/PostgreSQL

Veranderingen voor v6.0 - v6.1 beta 2

  • Bugfix: Reverted to HSQLDB 1.8 due to performance issues and errors. If you previously installed 6.1.beta1, please restore your database backup when upgrading to 6.1.beta2.
  • •Bugfix: Reduce memory usage. (Fixed a serious memory leak in the embedded Jetty used by the Windows, Mac and Linux packages).
  • •New: Updated Dutch translation, courtesy of Toolman.
  • Subsonic 6.1.beta1 - Mar 11, 2017
  • •New: Improved video streaming with HLS.
  • •New: Added support for manually selecting video bitrate (in addition to HLS adaptive bitrate switching).
  • •New: Bookmark support for podcasts, audio books and videos. Works across web players, SONOS and apps.
  • •New: Improved artist radio feature. Prioritize top songs.
  • •New: Improved search relevance.
  • •New: Added support for using MySQL, PostgreSQL and MariaDB as database backends.
  • •New: Upgraded default database HSQLDB to version 2.3.4.
  • •New: Show album and artist images on search result and "starred" pages.
  • •New: Added tag support for AIFF files.
  • •New: Added table headers in web interface.
  • •New: Nicer cover art images on hi-res screens.
  • •New: Nicer top and left menus.
  • •New: Added controls for selecting all tracks in album/podcast/play queue.
  • •New: Moved menu above play queue.
  • •New: Moved shuffle button next to player controls.
  • •New: Added tooltip to player buttons.
  • •New: Updated Dutch translation, courtesy of Toolman.
  • •New: Updated Korean translation, courtesy of Rhetor Choi.
  • •New: Updated Estonian translation, courtesy of Olav Mägi.
  • •Bugfix: Fixed broken Chromecast support.
  • •Bugfix: Avoid multiple submissions to
  • •Bugfix: Missing artist images.
  • •Bugfix: "Save as playlist" broken in Firefox.
  • •Bugfix: Left pane reloads when reloading random albums.
  • •Bugfix: Download play queue broken if containing duplicate songs.
  • •Bugfix: Windows uninstaller should only delete known files.
  • •Bugfix: "Download all" sometimes causes corrupt zip file.
  • •Bugfix: Some podcasts with https don't work.
  • •Bugfix: Delete all pertaining files when deleting a podcast channel.
  • •REST: Added getScanStatus and startScan methods.

Veranderingen voor v5.3 - v6.0

  • New: Updated French translation, courtesy of Christophe
  • •New: Updated Dutch translation, courtesy of Toolman
  • •New: Updated German translation, courtesy of deejay2302
  • •New: Updated Japanese translation, courtesy of ChameleonCyber.
  • •Bugfix: Fixed broken "External player with playlist"
  • •Bugfix: Embedded internet radio player now works with most streams.
  • •Bugfix: Don't queue following songs when playing from search results / starred songs.

Veranderingen voor v6.0. beta 1 - v6.0 beta 2

  • New: Replaced JW Player with native HTML5 (audio) and Flowplayer (video).
  • New: Use HLS transcoding (with Flowplayer) for video playback.
  • New: Improved breadcrumbs for easier navigation.
  • New: Keyboard shortcut "q" to toggle play queue.
  • New: Keyboard shortcut "l" to toggle list/grid mode.
  • New: Use tabs for media folders on Index page.
  • New: New page for playing internet radio stations.
  • New: Added repeat button in player.
  • New: Added "View as list" option for podcasts, playlists and starred pages.
  • New: Show [+] icon when hovering over cover art.
  • New: Nicer play queue action buttons.
  • New: Updated Japanese translation, courtesy of Kenji Maekawa.
  • New: Show last 100 chat messages (instead of 10).
  • New: Store converted videos in configurable directory.
  • New: Added option to set bitrate when converting videos.
  • New: Configurable disk usage threshold for video conversion.
  • New: Added option "Show index in left sidebar" in Settings > Personal
  • New: Added button to show/hide play queue. Only visible if "Settings > Personal > Auto-expand play queue" is turned off.
  • New: Add button to star currently playing song (keyboard shortcut "*")
  • New: Increase default transcoding bitrate from 192 to 320 kbps.
  • New: Self-host fonts (internet connection no longer required).
  • New: Use Open Sans font.
  • Bugfix: Play count and "last played" not always updated.
  • Bugfix: Play queue doesn't collapse in Firefox.
  • Bugfix: Play queue shows wrong format for transcoded files.
  • Bugfix: Unstarring from starred.jsp broken
  • Bugfix: Hide index letters when filtering on Index page.
  • Bugfix: Use correct protocol and port from custom URL (in Settings > Network)
  • REST: Support for retrieving converted videos (see stream method).
  • REST: Added getVideoInfo method.
  • REST: Added getCaptions method.
  • REST: Added "audioTrack" to hls method.
  • REST: createPlaylist now returns the created/updated playlist.
  • REST: Added avatarLastChanged to User.
  • REST: Return error code 41 if trying to authenticate LDAP users by token.
  • Sonos: Added option to play all top songs for an artist.

Veranderingen voor v5.3 - v6.0. beta 1

  • New: Completely overhauled user interface.
  • •New: HTML5 audio and video playback.
  • •New: Integrated video converter for converting to streamable MP4 format. Selectable audio track.
  • •New: Video subtitles, also on Chromecast. Supports SRT and VTT formats.
  • •New: Keyboard shortcuts (press "?" to get started).
  • •New: New "Index" page replaces artist list in left frame.
  • •New: Artist thumbnail image and album notes (from
  • •New: Show album year, song count, genre and duration
  • •New: Show personal rather than average rating.
  • •Sonos: Star/unstar tracks.
  • •Sonos: Artist bio and album notes.
  • •Sonos: Improved radio feature.
  • •Sonos: Artist top songs.
  • •Sonos: Nicer presentation on Android and iOS controllers.
  • •Sonos: Show artist image, if cached.
  • •REST: Added getAlbumInfo and getAlbumInfo2.
  • •REST: Added playCount.
  • •REST: Added musicFolderId parameter to getArtists.
  • •Bugfix: Reimplemented cover art search using
  • •Bugfix: Ensure changed cover art is displayed.
  • •Security: Authenticate stream endpoints with tokens.

Veranderingen voor v5.3 beta2 - v5.3

  • New: Show sidebar by default. Remember state across sessions.
  • •New: Update Japanese translation, courtesy of Kenji Maekawa
  • •New: Update German translation, courtesy of deejay2302
  • •New: Added "Show all albums" overflow button.
  • •Bugfix: Fixed error with list of newest podcast episodes.
  • •Bugfix: Much faster artist bio.
  • •Bugfix: Display shorter artist bio.
  • •REST: Add method to get newest podcast episodes.
  • •REST: Improved performance of getArtists.

Veranderingen voor v5.3.beta1 - v5.3 beta2

  • Bugfix: Fixed performance issue when retrieving "top songs".
  • •New: Allow custom URL as an alternative to *
  • •New: Display proper message when visiting a non-existent or expired share.
  • •New: Added option to delete all expired shares.

Veranderingen voor v5.2.1 - v5.3.beta1

  • New: Show top tracks for artist.
  • New: Improved artist bio design.
  • New: Redesigned podcast pages.
  • New: Hide left frame by default, added toggle button.
  • New: Support custom redirects.
  • New: Make default album list on home screen configurable.
  • New: Make play button behaviour configurable (Settings > Personal > Queue following songs on play)
  • New: Improve UI when no media is found.
  • New: Updated German translation, courtesy of deejay2302.
  • New: Show info even if artist name is slightly wrong
  • Bugfix: Ensure correct playback speed for mono and high sample frequency files in jukebox mode.
  • Bugfix: Grant access to media folders when auto-creating LDAP users.
  • Bugfix: Improved performance for podcast channels with many (>1000) episodes.
  • Bugfix: Chromecast stops casting before movie ends.
  • Bugfix: Expiration date not updated when upgrading from normal to lifetime subscription.
  • Bugfix: Starred image not shown for videos
  • Bugfix: "Show artist info" should be turned on by default when creating new users.
  • Bugfix: Include cover art when downloading whole album.
  • Bugfix: Downloading png album art doesn't always work.
  • Bugfix: Limit number of concurrent cover art requests, to avoid out-of-memory.
  • Security: Fixed some XSS vulnerabilities
  • Security: Log failed login attempts. Can be used by fail2ban for IP banning.
  • Sonos: Manage Subsonic playlists from the Sonos controller.
  • Sonos: Show track numbers
  • REST: Added more secure authentication scheme.
  • REST: Added getTopSongs
  • REST: Consider disc number in sorting for getAlbum
  • REST: Added original width and height for videos.
  • REST: Added album rating to getIndexes and getMusicDirectory.
  • REST: Added maxBitRate to getUser, getUsers and updateUser.
  • REST: Added license and trial expiration dates in getLicense.
  • REST: Added cover art (and original image url) for podcast channels.
  • REST: Support reverse chronological album lists.
  • REST: Improved metadata updates of ID3 albums, e.g., changing cover art.
  • REST: Add changed date to playlists.
  • REST: Avoid duplicate Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers.

Veranderingen voor v5.2 - v5.2.1

  • Bugfix: Fixed popping sound when starting songs in jukebox mode.
  • •Bugfix: Download playlist is broken.
  • •Bugfix: Hide dock icon on Mac OS.
  • •Bugfix: Unable to play podcast if located outside media folders.
  • •Bugfix: Scrobbled songs don't appear in "Now playing".
  • •Bugfix: Support native streaming of ALAC and AAC to Sonos, see description.
  • •Bugfix: Support streaming to Sonos from remote Subsonic servers, see description.

Veranderingen voor v5.1 - v5.2

  • New: Added option to save/load current play queue, including current song and position.
  • •New: Bundle Java 8 JRE with Mac installer.
  • •New: Use Java 8 for Windows installer.
  • •Bugfix: Fixed bug in Settings > Users that occured with Java 8.
  • •Bugfix: Fixed broken global shuffle play in Sonos.
  • •Bugfix: Make scrobbling work for Sonos.
  • •REST: Added savePlayQueue, getPlayQueue.

Veranderingen voor v5.1 beta 2 - v5.1

  • Bugfix: Misc improvements to list mode

Veranderingen voor v5.1.beta 1 - v5.1 beta 2

  • New: Drag and drop to rearrange playlists and play queue.
  • •New: Added buttons for toggling between thumbnail and list mode.
  • •New: Don't remove songs from playlists if they become unavailable.
  • •New: Show toast when adding songs to queue.
  • •New: Nicer display of "No media folders found", "New version available" etc
  • •New: Make title clickable in video thumb
  • •New: Show song count and duration in play queue.
  • •New: New favicon
  • •New: Support starring/unstarring videos.
  • •New: Added video category in "Starred".
  • •Bugfix: Show correct "siebling" albums.
  • •REST: scrobble method now also updates play statistic and the list of "now playing" songs

Veranderingen voor v5.0 - v5.1.beta 1

  • New: New video page, with preview thumbs.
  • New: New playlists page, with cover art.
  • New: Automatically show/hide play queue.
  • New: Show artist image and bio.
  • New: Show similar artists, with radio feature.
  • New: Instant search (show search results while typing)
  • New: Refreshed design.
  • New: Added "shuffle play" to album lists in home page.
  • New: Show song title in browser window title.
  • New: Filter home screen by selected music folder
  • New: Auto-start videos.
  • New: Sort artists using locale-specific collation.
  • New: Updated Estonian translation, courtesy of Olav Mägi.
  • New: Show avatar in upper-right corner.
  • New: Removed external ads.
  • Bugfix: Video playback broken behind proxies.
  • Bugfix: Wrong aspect rate for shared videos.
  • Bugfix: Configure Windows firewall for all network profiles.
  • REST: Added getSimilarSongs and getArtistInfo.
  • REST: Support playlist cover art
  • REST: Added musicFolderId parameter to getAlbumList

Veranderingen voor v5.0 Beta 2 - v5.0

  • Bugfix: Use UTF-8 encoding for filenames in ZIP archives. (Requires Java 7+)
  • Bugfix: Fixed problem with unresponsive dialogs in web interface.
  • Bugfix: Use 2000 kbps as default video bitrate.
  • Bugfix: Sort playlists alphabetically.
  • Bugfix: Fixed some sorting issues (e.g., for same artist found in multiple media folders).
  • Bugfix: Make password recovery work with https.

Veranderingen voor v5.0 beta1 - v5.0 Beta 2

  • New: Support casting to remote Chromecasts (requires * address)
  • New: Added video bitrate selector.
  • New: Make DLNA media server name configurable.
  • New: Updated Czech translation, courtesy of Trottel.
  • New: Enable compression for XML, JSON and JSONP in the REST API
  • New: Set X-Content-Duration to support opus encoding.
  • Bugfix: Fixed problem with whole tab being sent to Chromecast rather than just the video.
  • Bugfix: Access-Control-Allow-Origin header sometimes missing in REST responses.
  • Bugfix: Fix DLNA recursion bug.
  • Bugfix: Fixed mixed content errors when changing cover art, and using https (courtesy of daneren2005)
  • Bugfix: Fixed errors on certain podcast feeds where they were being incorrectly labeled as video files (courtesy of daneren2005)
  • Bugfix: Updated ffmpeg commands to fix some transcoding issues.
  • Bugfix: Fixed bug in REST method changePassword
  • Bugfix: Avoid creating duplicate players when switching from Chromecast to local.

Veranderingen voor v4.9 beta 4 - v5.0 beta1

  • New: Chromecast support.
  • New: Added play overlay button in cover art images.
  • New: Added browser notification.
  • New: Nicer scrollbar (in Webkit browsers).
  • New: Nicer styling of input fields and buttons.
  • New: Nicer icons.
  • New: Added Estonian translation, courtesy of Olav Mägi.
  • New: Added Korean translation, courtesy of Rhetor Choi.
  • New: Added link to Jamstash.
  • Bugfix: Fixed broken Mac installer.
  • Bugfix: External player doesn't auto-advance.
  • Bugfix: Improved support for https in UPnP.

Veranderingen voor v4.9 beta 3 - v4.9 beta 4

  • New: Support playlist sharing on Facebook etc.
  • New: Added "Play next" button to playlist view.
  • New: Added "Play all" to starred songs.
  • New: Added "Save as playlist" to starred songs.
  • New: Show cover art for starred albums.
  • New: Show album/song count in genre list.
  • New: When playing a song from a playlist, queue other songs in that playlist.
  • New: When clicking the play icon for a song, add whole album to play queue.
  • New: Clicking on album thumb in "Now playing" now opens album page.
  • New: Cache generated album art.
  • Bugfix: Don't create zip file when downloading a single song.
  • Bugfix: Show cover art in the right order.
  • Bugfix: Hande genres names with special characters (e.g., "R&B").
  • Bugfix: Fixed character encoding problems in some translations.
  • Bugfix: Use locale-specific names for automatically created playlists.
  • REST: Added album/song count in getGenres.

Veranderingen voor v4.9.beta 2 - v4.9 beta 3

  • New: Modernized web interface. Nicer fonts, colors and layout. Larger album art.
  • New: Show thumbnails for "siebling" albums.
  • New: Generate automatic album art.
  • New: Replace Download button with Play next.
  • New: Use max gain 0 dB in jukebox mode to avoid distortion caused by clipping.
  • New: When playing a song, queue rest of album.
  • New: Added album lists "By decade" and "By genre".
  • New: Support playlists in DLNA.
  • New: DLNA now browses by folder, not tags.
  • New: Updated Dutch translation, courtesy of Toolman.
  • Bugfix: Fixed DLNA song duration and album art.
  • Bugfix: Newly added media was sometimes not picked up when scanning libraries.
  • Bugfix: Fixed font problem when using https.
  • Bugfix: Validate input in Settings > Internet TV/radio.
  • Bugfix: Honor "" system property when resolving local IP address.
  • Bugfix: Playlist management was broken on Tomcat 7.
  • Bugfix: Settings > Users was broken on Tomcat 7.
  • Bugfix: Settings > Personal was broken on Tomcat 7.
  • Bugfix: When clicking "Create new playlist", automatically expand list of playlists.
  • REST: Add year and genre to albums.
  • REST: Added "byYear" and "byGenre" to getAlbumList and getAlbumList2.
  • REST: Add "bookmarkPosition" to songs.
  • Performance: Fixed slow queries on large media collections (>100,000 files): get starred, get files in playlist, get genres

Veranderingen voor v4.8 - v4.9.beta 2

  • New: Use modern icons and fonts.
  • New: Added light icons for dark themes.
  • Bugfix: Proper support for album artist.
  • Bugfix: Remember DLNA settings when restarting server.
  • Bugfix: Play next/last popup menu was unreadable in some themes.
  • Bugfix: Created signed installer for Mac OS.
  • New: Added Estonian translation, courtesy of Olav Mägi.
  • REST: Created updateUser method.
  • REST: Added "starred" to "Directory" and "Artist" in xsd.
  • Subsonic 4.9.beta1 - Oct 12, 2013
  • New: Added a DLNA/UPnP Media Server. This feature is experimental and might not work with all DLNA clients.
  • New: Added "Play next" option.
  • New: Updated Estonian translation, courtesy of Olav Mägi.
  • REST: Escape special characters in XML for getGenres.
  • REST: Added ignoredArticles to getIndexes.
  • Bugfix: Improved lyrics search.
  • Bugfix: Trim license key when registering.
  • Bugfix: Fix download file names with special characters.
  • Bugfix: Don't create a new player for each download.
  • Tech: Make Subsonic work on Tomcat 7.
  • Tech: Increased limit of internal database from 2 to 8 GB (fresh installs only).
  • Tech: Set MIME type for cover arts.
  • Security: Added CAPTCHA to password recovery page

Veranderingen voor v4.7 - v4.8

  • New: Introduced Subsonic Premium. (Note: Existing licenses will remain valid)
  • New: Re-import playlists if file timestamp has changed.
  • New: Make playlist folder setting visible again.
  • New: Changed bitrate to video resolution mapping.
  • New: Added Norwegion Nynorsk translation, courtesy of Kevin Brubeck Unhammer.
  • New: Updated Dutch translation, courtesy of W. van der Heijden.
  • New: Updated German translation, courtesy of deejay2302.
  • New: Updated French translation, courtesy of Yoann Spicher.
  • New: Updated Simplified Chinese translation, courtesy of Zhenghao Zhu.
  • Bugfix: Settings > Network doesn't show error if a address is in use.
  • Bugfix: Improved speed of tag editing.
  • Bugfix: Ogg dates not always parsed properly.
  • Bugfix: Sort songs by filename if track number is missing.
  • Bugfix: Fix init exception in podcast bean.
  • Bugfix: Links to minisub and apps icons doesn't honor context path.
  • Bugfix: Less aggressive removal of track number from title.
  • Bugfix: HLS broken with context path.
  • Bugfix: Video player didn't require authentication.
  • Bugfix: Download cover to replace in-metadata image results in renaming music file (".old").
  • REST: Added Podcast methods.
  • REST: Added bookmark methods.
  • REST: Added getInternetRadioStations.
  • REST: Added getGenres.
  • REST: Added getSongsByGenre.
  • REST: Added option to disable transcoding when streaming.
  • REST: Fixed a bug in getAlbumList which caused it to return non-albums in some cases.
  • REST: Support CORS.
  • REST: Support "parent" attribute in getMusicDirectory.
  • Tech: Install Java 7 rather than Java 6.

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