Versie historie van Qmmp
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Veranderingen voor v1.4.0 - v1.4.1
- fixed NetBSD build;
- fixed 'jump to track' dialog delay;
- fixed feature to disable formats in the ffmpeg plugin;
- fixed some streams detection in the mpeg plugin;
- fixed losing of equalizer settings;
- fixed codec and bitrate displaying for IceCast streams;
- fixed playback startup detection in the mpris plugin;
- updated Russian translation;
- updated Dutch translation;
- updated Galician translation;
- updated Polish translation;
- updated Portuguese translation;
- updated Spanish translation;
- updated Turkish translation.
Veranderingen voor v1.3.7 - v1.4.0
- ported to qmmp 1.4 api;
- added YouTube plugin;
- improved ffap plugin;
- updated Portuguese translation;
- updated Dutch translation;
- updated Polish translation;
- updated Galician translation;
- updated Spanish translation;
- updated Russian translation;
- updated Ukrainian translation;
- updated French translation;
- updated Indonesian translation;
- updated Greek translation;
- updated Italian translation;
- updated German translation.
Veranderingen voor v1.3.4 - v1.3.5
- added icon for 'play/pause' action;
- fixed 'album artist' tag support;
- fixed issue with missing bitrate after application restart;
- fixed issue with incorrect audio properties displaying;
- fixed crash on corrupted .m4a files;
- fixed duration overflow;
- fixed playlist duration update;
- fixed issue with special symbols in the track change plugin;
- fixed crash on encrypted archives;
- updated Galician translation.
Veranderingen voor v1.3.3 - v1.3.4
- improved mp3 file determination;
- added format name in the ffmpeg plugin;
- fixed pausing logic;
- fixed random crash when changing audio settings;
- fixed crash in the QtMultimedia plugin (1.3.4 only);
- fixed build warning;
- fixed duration formatting;
- fixed ReplayGain support;
- fixed memory leak;
- fixed multiple channels support in the equalizer;
- updated Ukrainian translation;
- updated Italian translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.12.1 - v0.12.2
- added feature to play track on double click in the history plugin;
- enabled mpg123 decoder for Windows;
- using album cover from file by default;
- fixed lyrics plugin;
- fixed API documentation;
- fixed issue with read-only mode for FLAC files;
- fixed issue with missing properties for some CUE tracks;
- fixed shortcuts displaying in context menus under Qt 5.10 or higher (1.3.2 only);
- fixed Qt 5.13 support (1.3.2 only);
- fixed crash under Wayland session (1.3.2 only);
- fixed freezing on some corrupted files in the ffmpeg plugin;
- fixed crash on some streams in the ffmpeg plugin;
- fixed file type determination by content in the mpeg plugin.
Veranderingen voor v0.11.2 - v0.11.3
- added equalizer optimization;
- updated translation list;
- improved PCM WAVE support;
- fixed segmentation fault;
- fixed tag reading in the archive plugin;
- fixed seeking in the archive plugin;
- fixed issue with multiscreen configuration;
- updated Polish translation;
- updated Portuguese translation;
- updated Spanish translation;
- updated Ukrainian translation;
- updated Russian translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.11.0 - v0.11.2
- added qmmp 0.12/1.3 config compatibility;
- disabling global shortcuts during configuration;
- fixed memory leaks;
- fixed issue caused by sending same metadata several times in a row.
Veranderingen voor v 0.10.11 - v0.11.0
- ported to qmmp 0.11/1.2.0 api;
- added history plugin;
- added ffvideo plugin;
- added Goom visualization;
- fixed memory leaks;
- added Finnish translation;
- updated Brazilian Portuguese translation;
- updated Chezh translation;
- updated Chinese Simplified translation;
- updated French translation;
- updated Galician translation;
- updated German translation;
- updated Greek translation;
- updated Polish translation;
- updated Portuguese translation;
- updated Russian translation;
- updated Spanish translation;
- updated Japanese translation;
- updated Ukrainian translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.10.10 - v 0.10.11
- added AAC mime types to the qmmp.desktop;
- added album artist support in the cue parsers;
- using game name as album tag in the gme plugin;
- fixed seeking in the mpris plugin;
- fixed issue with untracked property in the mpris plugin;
- fixed possible segmentation fault;
- fixed cmake warnings;
- fixed cmake 3.10 support;
- fixed file size calculation in the ffmpeg plugin;
- fixed possible segmentation fault in the ffmpeg plugin;
- fixed saving of the equalizer 'auto' mode option;
- fixed control socket permissions;
- fixed rusxmms support;
- updated Spanish translation;
- updated Portuguese translation;
- updated Greek translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.10.8 - v0.10.9
- •using relative skin path for portable configuration;
- •improved WASAPI support;
- •fixed cursors support in the skinned user interface;
- •fixed freezing when using DirectSound output;
- •fixed documentation;
- •fixed issue with 'jump to track' dialog when single click activation is enabled;
- •fixed tray icon tooltip (1.1.9 only);
- •fixed FLAC bitrate calculation;
- •fixed segmentation fault in the ffmpeg plugin;
- •fixed Russian translation;
- •updated French translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.10.7 - v0.10.8
- fixed PCM Wave support;
- fixed Game Boy support in the gme plugin;
- fixed Xing header detection in the mpeg plugin;
- fixed output of the '--status' command line option;
- fixed maximum year in the tag editor.
Veranderingen voor v0.10.4 - v0.10.5
- added ffmpeg 3.2 support;
- fixed file downloading issue in the http plugin;
- fixed directory selection in the qsui plugin;
- fixed possible segmentation fault;
- fixed command line option '--pl-repeat-toggle';
- fixed some cppcheck warnings;
- changed file dialog form.
Veranderingen voor v0.10.3 - v0.10.4
- fixed support of skins with UTF-16 encoded pledit.txt;
- fixed 'index out of range' warning;
- fixed typo in the qsui plugin.
Veranderingen voor v0.10.2 - v0.10.3
- added xesam:contentCreated field in the mpris plugin;
- improved ape/tta detection;
- fixed random stop bug;
- fixed duration calculation in the mpeg plugin;
- fixed scrobbling of tracks with '&' symbol (1.1.3 only);
- fixed ADTS parser in the aac plugin;
- fixed librcc database path in the portable mode;
- updated Brazilian Portuguese translation;
- updated German translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.10.1 - v0.10.2
- fixed path to equalizer presets file in the qsui plugin;
- fixed buffer overflow
Veranderingen voor v0.10.0 - v0.10.1
- added ffmpeg 3.1 support;
- added portable mode for Windows;
- fixed GNOME3/MATE/Cinnamon support (0.10.1 only);
- fixed qt5.7 support (1.1.1 only)
- fixed Russian translation;
- updated Ukrainian translation;
- updated Portuguese translation
Veranderingen voor v0.9.9 - v0.10.0
- using floating point pcm format for all lossy decoders;
- using floating point pcm format for all audio effects;
- added new internal audio converter;
- added dithering setting;
- added feature to change output bit depth;
- added feature to change volume adjustment step;
- added soxr-based resampler plugin;
- added MacOS X support;
- added Qt Multimedia output plugin;
- added feature to refresh playlist;
- added two-panel file dialog;
- added feature to scrobble http streams;
- added multi-thread support in the audio converter plugin;
- added support for m4a files in the ReplayGain scanner;
- added WASAPI output plugin;
- added https support in the http plugin;
- added wildmidi 0.4.0 support;
- added support for XMIDI and MUS (id Software) formats;
- improved skinned interface:
- show track details when double-clicking on song title in the main window;
- improved time indicator in the shaded mode;
- added feature to disable anti-aliasing;
- added feature to seek by mouse wheel;
- dded column alignment option;
- improved simple user interface (qsui):
- added column alignment option;
- added feature to add/remove sliders;
- added feature to create multiple panels;
- added tooltips for the sliders;
- improved volume slider;
- fixed problem with minimum width;
- improved wavpack plugin:
- added some optimizations;
- fixed memory leak;
- improved ffmpeg plugin:
- added support for m4a embedded album art;
- added replaygain support;
- improved ladspa plugin;
- improved command line parser;
- improved details dialog;
- improved "jump to track" dialog;
- improved DirectSound output plugin (24/32-bit and multi-channel support);
- removed libsamplerate-based resampler;
- removed libsamplerate dependency from the jack plugin (using soxr instead);
- changed default settings in the mpeg plugin;
- fixed metadata encoding issue in the http plugin;
- fixed unicode support under windows;
- fixed unity/compiz support;
- fixed disc number parsing;
- updated Bulgarian translation;
- updated Chinese Traditional translation;
- updated Chinese Simplified translation;
- updated French translation;
- updated German translation;
- updated Greek translation;
- updated Hebrew translation;
- updated Japanese translation;
- updated Portuguese translation;
- updated Russian translation;
- updated Ukrainian translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.9.6 - v0.9.7
Veranderingen voor v0.9.4 - v0.9.5
- added error handling in the mplayer plugin;
- fixed problem with some covers embedded in the mp3 files;
- fixed some skins support;
- fixed issue with equalizer not saving low levels in the qsui plugin;
- fixed gcc warnings;
- updated Chinese Simplified translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.9.3 - v0.9.4
- fixed geometry saving in the skinned UI;
- fixed segmentation fault in the ReplayGain scanner;
- fixed hide on close feature;
- fixed Dutch translation;
- fixed build.
Veranderingen voor v0.9.2 - v0.9.3
- improved command line parser;
- fixed crash in the mplayer engine;
- fixed time indicator in the qsui plugin;
- fixed truncated output of the '--pl-dump' command;
- fixed track indexes calculation.
Veranderingen voor v0.9.0 - v0.9.1
- fixed 16-bit converter;
- fixed Russian translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.8.8 - v0.9.0
- added audio-channel sequence converter;
- added 9 channels support to equalizer;
- added album artist tag support;
- added asynchronous sorting;
- added sorting by file modification date;
- added sorting by album artist;
- added multiple column support;
- added feature to hide track length;
- added feature to disable plugins without qmmp.pri modification (qmake only)
- added feature to remember playlist scroll position;
- added feature to exclude cue data files;
- added feature to change user agent;
- added feature to change window title;
- added feature to reset fonts;
- added feature to restore default shortcuts;
- added default hotkey for the "Rename List" action;
- added feature to disable fadeout in the gme plugin;
- added Simple User Interface (QSUI) with the following changes:
- added multiple column support;
- added sorting by album artist;
- added sorting by file modification date;
- added feature to hide song length;
- added default hotkey for the "Rename List" action;
- added "Save List" action to the tab menu;
- added feature to reset fonts;
- added feature to reset shortcuts;
- improved status bar;
- optimized playlist container;
- optimized sample rate converter;
- improved cmake build scripts;
- improved playlist changes notification;
- improved title formatter;
- improved ape tags support in the mpeg plugin;
- improved fileops plugin:
- added feature to move files;
- reworked settings dialog;
- increased details dialog size;
- reduced cpu usage;
- changed default skin to Glare;
- changed default playlist separator;
- using DirectSound output as default under Windows;
- updated Russian translation;
- updated Czech translation;
- updated Hebrew translation;
- updated German translation;
- updated Portuguese translation;
- updated Ukrainian translation;
- updated French translation;
- updated Polish translation;
- updated Greek translation;
- updated Japanese translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.8.7 - v0.8.8
- fixed crash when quitting while playlist is being populated;
- fixed some skins support;
- fixed documentation;
- fixed cmake support.
Veranderingen voor v0.8.5 - v0.8.7
- fixed opus plugin;
- fixed typos.
- added *.med files support;
- added s3m, stm and xm extensions to desktop files;
- updated Japanese translation;
- improved global hotkey settings;
- fixed main window activation;
- fixed minimizing throw taskbar under windows;
- fixed some skins parsing;
- fixed config directory path;
- fixed text scroller colors;
- fixed home page;
- fixed details dialog form;
- fixed documentation;
- fixed support of keyboards with single play/pause button.
Veranderingen voor v0.8.4 - v0.8.5
Veranderingen voor v0.8.1 - v0.8.2
- added Portuguese translation;
- added transifex integration;
- added feature to create a new playlist on double click in the qsui plugin;
- improved image scaling quality;
- fixed color settings in the qsui plugin;
- reduced tag reading delay in the mpg123 plugin.
Veranderingen voor v0.8.0 - v0.8.1
- added rusxmms patch autodetection to the mpg123 plugin;
- fixed selection behaviour when using keyboard in the qsui plugin;
- fixed main window activation in the qsui plugin.
- added rusxmms patch autodetection for all supported platforms;
- added application information to the windows executable;
- fixed --pl-dump/--pl-play command line options;
- fixed regressions in the mpris 1.0 support;
- fixed selection behaviour in the playlist when using keyboard;
- fixed disc number disappearing when using flac with embedded cue;
- fixed main window activation;
- fixed segmentation fault when moving track in the group mode;
- fixed not working 'exit' action when option 'hide on close' is enabled;
- fixed freezing in the alsa plugin;
- fixed m4a support;
- fixed clearing a key combination in the hotkey plugin;
- removed duplicate extensions from the file association page.
Veranderingen voor v0.7.7 - v0.8.0
- added sid plugin;
- added ReplayGain scanner;
- added gnome hotkey plugin;
- added DirectSound plugin;
- added track grouping view;
- added sorting by group;
- added quick search to the playlist browser;
- added multiple tracks support to the details dialog;
- added context menu to the plugin settings page;
- added lazy plugin loading;
- added feature to disable transport plugins;
- added data waiting condition for transport plugins;
- added floating point output for lossy decoders;
- added peak overflow support for lossy decoders;
- added support for id3v2-based ReplayGain tags;
- added clipping prevention using ReplayGain information;
- added delayed initialization in the wildmidi plugin;
- added volume control hotkeys;
- added 'mute' global hotkey;
- added '--toggle-mute' command line option;
- added '--show-mw' command line option;
- added ogg opus preset to the converter plugin;
- added scrobbler 2.0 api for;
- added context menu in the window of the analyzer plugin;
- added window flags access from visual plugin api;
- added atomic playlist saving operation;
- added created playlist auto-selection;
- added feature to not clear previous playlist when opening new one;
- added mplayer command line options setting;
- added Serbian translation;
- blocked one hotkey assignment for several commands in the hotkey plugin;
- limited cover cache size;
- improved 'jump to track' dialog;
- improved projectm plugin:
- added context menu;
- added multi-channel mode;
- added list of presets;
- added win32 support;
- improved win32 support;
- enabled support for the enca library;
- added feature to add files from multiple instances;
- added file associations support;
- added uninstall support;
- fixed noise on buffer underrun;
- fixed title format in the shaded mode;
- fixed alt-f4 behaviour;
- fixed possible race condition;
- fixed possible segmentation fault in the mad plugin;
- fixed 'eject' button function;
- fixed raise of the main window when starting another instance;
- fixed default skin;
- updated Russian translation;
- updated Hebrew translation;
- updated Ukrainian translation;
- updated Serbian translation;
- updated Polish translation;
- updated Lithuanian translation.
Veranderingen voor v0.7.6 - v0.7.7
- fixed typos;
- fixed Polish locale support;
- removed 'OnlyShowIn' key from qmmp.desktop;
- removed useless files.