Versie historie van Utilu IE Collection
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Veranderingen voor v1.7.1.1 - v1.7.2.0
- Updated Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar from 1.00.2188.0 to 1.00.2189.0
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.1.0 - v1.7.1.1
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.9 - v1.7.1.0
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.8 - v1.7.0.9
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.7 - v1.7.0.8
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.6 - v1.7.0.7
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.5 - v1.7.0.6
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.4 - v1.7.0.5
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.3 - v1.7.0.4
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.2 - v1.7.0.3
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.7.0.1 - v1.7.0.2
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.6.0.6 - v1.7.0.0
- Added the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer
- Improved the uninstaller
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.6.0.5 - v1.6.0.6
- Improved the default settings of Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.00.6001.18702)
- Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.00.6001.18702) which prevented links with a target attribute to open
- Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925) which in certain cases removed JScript and VBScript support for 32-bit applications
- If you have run Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925) previously you can fix the removed scripting support issue by installing the new version
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the previously visited pages dropdown not to expand when IE8 was installed
- Added Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
- Added Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925)
- Added an option to create a shortcut to the native version of Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.6.0.4 - v1.6.0.5
- Improved the default settings of Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.00.6001.18702)
Veranderingen voor v1.6.0.3 - v1.6.0.4
- Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.00.6001.18702) which prevented links with a target attribute to open
- Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925) which in certain cases removed JScript and VBScript support for 32-bit applications
- If you have run Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925) previously you can fix the removed scripting support issue by installing the new version
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the previously visited pages dropdown not to expand when IE8 was installed
- Added Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
- Added Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925)
- Added an option to create a shortcut to the native version of Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.6.0.2 - v1.6.0.3
- Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925) which in certain cases removed JScript and VBScript support for 32-bit applications
- If you have run Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925) previously you can fix the removed scripting support issue by installing the new version
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.6.0.1 - v1.6.0.2
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the previously visited pages dropdown not to expand when IE8 was installed
- Added Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
- Added Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925)
- Added an option to create a shortcut to the native version of Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved default
Veranderingen voor v1.6.0.0 - v1.6.0.1
- Added Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
- Added Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925)
- Added an option to create a shortcut to the native version of Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.5.0.1 - v1.6.0.0
- Added Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
- Added an option to create a shortcut to the native version of Internet Explorer
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.5.0.0 - v1.5.0.1
- Fixed a bug which made it impossible to enter anything in input and textarea fields when IE6 was installed
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.4.0.2 - v1.5.0.0
- Fixed a bug which made it impossible to enter anything in input and textarea fields in IE5 up to IE7 when IE8 was installed
- Fixed a couple of bugs which sometimes caused the Favorites menu to break
- Fixed a bug in which .url shortcuts associated with Internet Explorer sometimes showed a print dialog instead of opening
- Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented Internet Explorer from opening new windows
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused Quick Keys not to work
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the About box to give a JavaScript error
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the built-in Developer Tools of IE8 standalone not to work
Veranderingen voor v1.4.0.0 - v1.4.0.2
- Fixed a bug which caused SELECT boxes to trigger the Pop-up Blocker when clicked, so drop-down lists didn't expand
- Fixed a bug which caused the Internet Options Custom Level Security Settings window to be blank on certain systems
Veranderingen voor v1.3.0.1 - v1.4.0.0
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved the uninstaller of Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved default settings
- The Phishing Filter question will now no longer be asked
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.3.0.0 - v1.3.0.1
- Updated Internet Explorer 8.0 from 8.00.6001.18372 (RC1) to 8.00.6001.18702 (Final)
- Improved the uninstaller of Internet Explorer Collection
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.2.0.3 - v1.3.0.0
- Updated Internet Explorer 8.0 from 8.00.6001.18372 (RC1) to 8.00.6001.18702 (Final)
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.2.0.2 - v1.2.0.3
- Internet Explorer Collection is now compatible with the latest Microsoft Updates
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows 7 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Server 2008 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 now
- All 32-bit Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows XP x64 Edition Service Pack 2 now
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Individual components can now be uninstalled separately during the installation
- It is no longer needed to uninstall first before partly installing Internet Explorer Collection
- Internet Explorer Collection can now be installed completely unattended by entering the /SILENT or /VERYSILENT parameter
- Improved the launch procedure of the multiple standalone versions of Internet Explorer
- Made the standalone versions of Internet Explorer even less system dependant
- Improved the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
- Improved the uninstaller of Internet Explorer Collection
- Added a check function which verifies that Internet Explorer is not running prior to installing or uninstalling Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved protection against a critical bug in Internet Explorer 1.0 (4.40.308)
- Improved compression
- Improved icons
- Improved default settings
- Fixed a bug which caused the installer to not start correctly on some non-English Windows versions
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7
- Various optimizations
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.2.0.0 - v1.2.0.2
- Internet Explorer Collection is now compatible with the latest Microsoft Updates
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows 7 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Server 2008 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 now
- All 32-bit Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows XP x64 Edition Service Pack 2 now
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Individual components can now be uninstalled separately during the installation
- It is no longer needed to uninstall first before partly installing Internet Explorer Collection
- Internet Explorer Collection can now be installed completely unattended by entering the /SILENT or /VERYSILENT parameter
- Improved the launch procedure of the multiple standalone versions of Internet Explorer
- Made the standalone versions of Internet Explorer even less system dependant
- Improved the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
- Improved the uninstaller of Internet Explorer Collection
- Added a check function which verifies that Internet Explorer is not running prior to installing or uninstalling Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved protection against a critical bug in Internet Explorer 1.0 (4.40.308)
- Improved compression
- Improved icons
- Improved default settings
- Fixed a bug which caused the installer to not start correctly on some non-English Windows versions
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.1.1.1 - v1.2.0.0
- Internet Explorer Collection is now compatible with the latest Microsoft Updates
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows 7 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Server 2008 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Vista Service Pack 2 now
- All Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 now
- All 32-bit Internet Explorer versions can also be used in Windows XP x64 Edition Service Pack 2 now
- Improved the installer of Internet Explorer Collection
- Individual components can now be uninstalled separately during the installation
- It is no longer needed to uninstall first before partly installing Internet Explorer Collection
- Internet Explorer Collection can now be installed completely unattended by entering the /SILENT or /VERYSILENT parameter
- Improved the launch procedure of the multiple standalone versions of Internet Explorer
- Made the standalone versions of Internet Explorer even less system dependant
- Improved the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
- Improved the uninstaller of Internet Explorer Collection
- Added a check function which verifies that Internet Explorer is not running prior to installing or uninstalling Internet Explorer Collection
- Improved protection against a critical bug in Internet Explorer 1.0 (4.40.308)
- Improved compression
- Improved icons
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.1.1.0 - v1.1.1.1
- ternet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 can also be used in Windows Vista now
- Added Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2900.2180)
- Added Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar 1.00.2188.0
- Improved default settings
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.1.0.1 - v1.1.1.0
- Updated Internet Explorer 8.0 from 8.0.6001.18241 (beta 2) to 8.0.6001.18372 (RC1)
- Minor improvements
Veranderingen voor v1.0.0.0 - v1.1.0.1
- Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer 8.0 which caused 8.0.6001.18241 (beta 2) not to start after 8.0.6001.17184 (beta 1) was run on the same system
- Improved compression
- Improved default settings
- The question "Internet Explorer is not currently your default browser. Would you like to make it your default browser?" is now no longer asked by each version of Internet Explorer
- Minor improvements