Versie historie van QuiteRSS for Mac OS X
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Veranderingen voor v0.18.11 - v0.18.12
- Added: Share. Hacker News
- Changed: Support for Qt 5.11 (Linux)
- Changed: High DPI support
- Changed: SQLite 3.24.0
- Fixed: Downloading feeds' icons for some feeds
Veranderingen voor v0.18.9 - v0.18.11
- Added: Notifications. Option "Close notification after opening news"
- Added: Support for Youtube feeds
- Changed: SQLite 3.23.1
- Changed: OpenSSL 1.0.2o (Windows)
- Changed: Folder property. Option "RTL" for all feeds in folder
Veranderingen voor v0.18.8 - v0.18.9
- Changed: SQLite 3.21.0
- Changed: Displaying news is no more than width of window
- Fixed: Parsing of some feeds (RDF)
- Fixed: Resetting news list columns when switching between feeds
Veranderingen voor v0.18.5 - v0.18.8
- Fixed: "Show Unread" news filter was not working
- Version 0.18.7 (23 Aug 2017)
- Added: Share. Reddit, Instapaper
- Changed: SQLite 3.20.0
- Changed: Displaying icon in system tray
- Fixed: Copying folder properties when adding feed
- Fixed: Duplicated news without headings
- Fixed: Share. Email (Linux)
- Fixed: Application crash when open browser tab and layout switching
- Fixed: Sometimes regular expressions in filters did not work
- Fixed: Some content links of the news description has no "http" schema
- Version 0.18.6 (20 Jun 2017)
- Changed: SQLite 3.19.3
- Fixed: Displaying dialogs in mode "Stay on top"
- Fixed: Mark displayed news as read when switching feeds
Veranderingen voor v0.18.4 - v0.18.5
- Changed: SQLite 3.19.1
- Changed: OpenSSL 1.1.0f (Windows)
- Changed: Application icon size
- Fixed: Parsing of some feeds
- Fixed: Switching between feeds in Newspaper view
- Fixed: Layout in Newspaper view
- Fixed: Notification. Displaying of previous news
Veranderingen voor v0.17.4 - v0.17.5
- Added: Button "Clean Up"
- Fixed: Application crash
Veranderingen voor v0.17.3 - v0.17.4
- Added: Saving SSL Certificates
- Fixed: Application crash
Veranderingen voor v0.17.2 - v0.17.3
- Fixed: Application crash
- Fixed: Enable option "Stay on top"
- Fixed: Operating with Cookies
Veranderingen voor v0.17.1 - v0.17.2
- Added: Save page as HTML in "newspaper" mode
- Added: Option to display notification on same as QuiteRSS display (option value: -1)
- Added: SSL-certificate check
- Added: Language: Bulgarian
- Changed: Drag links from embedded browser to Firefox
- Fixed: Displaying main menu when using several monitors
- Fixed: Value inversion of the transparent option of notifications
- Fixed: Updating some feeds (server returns 302)
- Fixed: Displaying control buttons in newspaper view when images are disabled
- Fixed: Dragging several feeds at once
- Fixed: Determine home page of some feeds
- Fixed: Displaying notifications (Mac OS)
- Fixed: Opening links in external browser (Mac OS)
- Fixed: Feed list navigation (Mac OS)
Veranderingen voor v0.17.0 - v0.17.1
- Added: Button and shortcut to switch layout
- Added: Ability to delete news in newspaper layout
- Added: News list search: "Find in links"
- Added: Ability to choose monitor to display notifications
- Added: Notification transparency option
- Added: Notification text and background colors options
- Added: Notification option "Show when main window is inactive"
- Added: Additional options for notification layout
- Added: Scroll by page shortcuts in embedded browser
- Changed: Retain search text while switching feed
- Changed: Show deleted news number after clean up wizard
- Changed: Multi-select behavior in news list
- Fixed: Host-name absence in some feed links
- Fixed: Inactive filters with "Link" field and "is" condition
- Fixed: Update of the feeds which last update date is 1970
- Fixed: Occasional error of restoring feed list columns length
Veranderingen voor v0.16.2 - v0.17.0
- Added: The Newspaper view (View->Layout->Newspaper)
- Added: Socks5 proxy support
- Changed: News opening in external browser
- Fixed: Sorting by feed title in news list