Versie historie van WideStream Download Manager

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Veranderingen voor v1.0.8.758 Beta 4 - v1.0.8.237 Beta 5

  • Fixed A bug fixed with wrong autosave interval calculation for 20 and 30 minutes setting.
  • Fixed Now autosave is not executed for the first time right after the program starts and is invoked only after the time period configured through options dialog (5 mins by default).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied (Tracker #2811574).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Load Config dialog is not localized (Tracker #2808671).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: The process cannot access the file 'widestream_queue.xml' (Tracker #2811571).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Captions in About dialog/Release information (Tracker #2808669).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the.... (Tracker #2811572).
  • Changed A URL crawler was enhanced so it is able to capture more links from the pages.
  • Changed A RapidShare adapter was changed according to the recent RapidShare authorization changes. Now adapter is more intellectual and simulates a browser in our to obtain an authorization cookie.
  • Added A new tags filter was implemented. Now it is possible to associate a custom string tag with a download and to filter downloads based on tags using navigation pane or filter menu.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (Tracker #2811573).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: ArgumentOutOfRangeException (Tracker #2814223).
  • Added A new setting System Style Progress Bar was added to the Display options of Download Manager. This settings enables rendering of downloads progress bar using system style.
  • Added A new Clevver Video adapter ( was implemented.
  • Changed The code response for download adapters handling was changed in order to allow download adapters to make an unlimited number of roundtrip to gather all the required information for a resource.
  • Changed Google Video download adapter now generates a unique name for a each video (a generic 'video.flv' supplied by server was used before).
  • Changed Now License tab in the Aboug dialog shows full text of license.
  • Fixed A bug in Extreme traffic usage mode was fixed that was preventing to open additional connections for downloads.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: File size indication for big files (Tracker #2821884).
  • Changed Now it is possible to associate multiple tags with a single download.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Downloads selecting when filtering is enabled (Tracker #2819886).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: An item with the same key has already been added (Tracker #2815979).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: DirectoryNotFoundException (Tracker #2819224).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied (Tracker #2819223).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: NotSupportedException: The URI prefix is not recognized (Tracker #2824560).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Not able to change/remove creds (Tracker #2830516).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Row index provided is out of range (Tracker #2830515).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: A warning dialog when WS is first lunched (Tracker #2808670).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: About -> Release details crash (Tracker #2831020).

Veranderingen voor v1.0.7.400 Beta 3 - v1.0.8.758 Beta 4

  • Fixed A bug fixed: FTP explorer doesn't recognized cyrillics letters (Tracker #2735220).
  • Added A new setting added to FTP explorer - listing encoding - that allows to specify which encoding to use to display directory listings.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: NullReferenceException when starting download (Tracker #2779882).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Strange logging bahavior (Tracker #2779520).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: The process cannot access the file (Tracker #2779515).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Add Download doesn't allow to input several links (Tracker #2779952).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Tooltips in Add Download dialog are not localized (Tracker #2779964).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: WideStream may crash when logging is enabled (Tracker #2777398).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Log menu is not disabled for Host Manager (Tracker #2779973).
  • Changed A list of encodings for config encoding in Options/Recovery settings now displays full names of code pages.
  • Changed Minor wording and russian localization fixes.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Multiple links in Clipboard are not processed - they are added as a single link when opening an Add Download dialog (Tracker #2780009).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: No prompt when change menu/toolbar position (Tracker #2779950).
  • Added A feature request implemented: No prompt when removing a host. Also a new setting was added that allow to enable/disable host remove prompt dialog (Tracker #2775145).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: More button in the grid header menu (Tracker #2780004).
  • Added New items Allow Resize/Allow Regroup are added to the context menu that opens when you right click columns headers in Download Manager, FTP Explorer or Host Manager.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: WideStream continue download after aborting (Tracker #2779519).
  • Added A new setting FTP Discovery Method was added for an FTP download. This settings allows to specify which method will be used for discovery - FEAT, HELP, FEAT then HELP (if FEAT fails) or none.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Host settings are not applied when a download is added using command line (Tracker #2782521).
  • Added An URL crawler that can scan a specified web page and retrieve a list of link specified by a wildcard mask is implemented. It can be access through Downloads->URL Crawler menu or using a toolbar button.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Configure Download dialog title is not localized.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Log in View menu is not checked (Tracker #2775150).
  • Added Now a proxy can be configured for both FTP and HTTP download through the standard Add Download dialog.
  • Added Now it is possible to specify default proxy settings in the Options dialog (Download Manager -> Default Proxy settings).
  • Added Now it is possible to specify proxy settings for a host in a host manager.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: The stream does not support concurrent IO read or write ops (Tracker #2783302).
  • Added A new column Download Position was added to the downloads grid. It is possible to show/hide this columns through Options dialog and download grid columns context menu.
  • Added An ability to sort download grid by all columns was added.
  • Added A new Date column that shows a date when a download was completed, aborted or paused is added. This column is hidden by default.
  • Added A new setting Downloads Display Period was added. This settings is available in Options, Download Manager/Display tab. It allows to show only downloads for today, for the last two days, two weeks, etc.
  • Added Now WideStream can automatically determine download file type - Video, Audio, Archive, etc.
  • Added A new Navigation Pane available for Download Manager mode was added. This pane allows to filter out the downloads list by date, downloads status and file types.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: program could hang on some downloads (in chunked mode only).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Error icon in FTP Explorer (Tracker #2777888).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: FTP Explorer : Auto Retry (Tracker #2775161).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: FTP Explorer : Stop doesn't work (Tracker #2775134).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Status text (that displays in status strip when connection is active) in FTP explorer wasn't localized.
  • Added A feature request implemented: There should be a configurable prompt when clearing log entries (Tracker #2783301).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Speed change indicator doesn't always work correctly (Tracker #2784054).
  • Added A feature request implemented: Stripping number of log entries in the log window (Tracker #2784430).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: No speed info for short downloads (Tracker #2785831).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Duplicate entries in FTP explorer (Tracker #2785835).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Connection information is shown for paused downloads (Tracker #2785834).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Sort order for grids is not saved (Tracker #2785850).
  • Added A feature request implemented: Copy download URL should be in context menu (Tracker #2785853).
  • Added A feature request implemented: Copy File Link/All File Links in context menu (Tracker #2785853).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Ampersand signs in tooltips (Tracker #2786072).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Sequence contains no elements exception (Tracker #2786090).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Press 'Enter' and double click on a download works different (Tracker #2787812).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Speed is not displayed accurately when it is in MBs (Tracker #2787927).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Speed info should be cleared when stopping/pausing (Tracker #2788124).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Download info is lost after reload (Tracker #2785846).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Bug with segments creation (Tracker #2787961).
  • Added A feature request implemented: Total connections per downloads management (Tracker #2785855).
  • Added A new Filter button was added to the toolbar in the download manager mode - this button allow to the same filtering as navigation pane.
  • Added A feature request implemented: No shortcut for Active Downloads Window (Tracker #2785837).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (Tracker #2789392).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: OK and Cancel button captions weren't correctly displayed in the Change File Path dialog (shown in several cases, i.e. when config file is missing).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Large directory listings are displayed slowly (Tracker #2785848).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Log entries for a download are loaded slow (Tracker #2785843).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Column resizing in grid (Tracker #2788120).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Log entries are not always correctly stripped off (Tracker #2787811).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Log is not scrolled to the last entry in FTP explorer (Tracker #2786091).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: FTP log can be mixed up with download log (Tracker #2787816).
  • Added A feature request implemented: The download(s) log(s) and info should be saved (Tracker #2185711).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Bug: Collection was modified: Enumeraion operation may... (Tracker #2791302).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: FTP Explorer doesn't update history when an URL is changed (Tracker #2790643).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax (Tracker #2789747).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Log performance when selecting multiple entries was optimized.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: File corruption possibility when pausing (Tracker #2788117).
  • Added Now About dialog contains a Release Details tab page that contains description and full release log for the current version.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Attempted to divide by zero (Tracker #2796019).
  • Changed A virtual file system mechanism was implemented that allows to automate download code and to download content to the memory files and as well as to the physical files.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Unable to overwrite file problem in DM (Tracker #2791990).
  • Fixed A bug fixed that was causing a download to hang after 10-15 unsuccessful attempts to connect to the server (when an expected behavior is to try to connect unless the error limit is exceeded).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: A connection closed may be raised as an expection (Tracker #2799230).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute (Tracker #2799234).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: An URL with unknown protocol is passed via command line (Tracker #2799233).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: High CPU usage (Tracker #2788207 and #2788119).
  • Added A new FTP setting was added, ForceConnectionsMode, that allows to force WideStream to try to open multiple connections for an FTP download if an FTP server doesn't explicitly report about multiple connection support. (Tracker #2804998).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the pat (Tracker #2804154).
  • Changed Correct error indicator was implemented for the case when queue definition file cannot be opened.
  • Fixed A bug fixed: InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements (Tracker #2804155).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: System.ArgumentException (Tracker #2804159).
  • Fixed A bug fixed: IOException: The process cannot access the file... (Tracker #2804384).
  • Added A new 'Extreme' traffic usage mode was added that only has difference with several active downloads and allows to open more connections per download.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.5.864 Beta 1 - v1.0.6.1854 Beta 2

  • Notes:
  • Beta 2 release adds a lot of functionality to WideStream such as multiple connections downloads, fully rebuilt host manager, extensibility engine, download adapters and much more. It also resolves a lot of problems and bugs discovered in Beta 1 release.
  • This version is more stable and provides more functionality. Upgrade is recommended.
  • Changes:
  • 1. Download logic for HTTP and FTP was fully rewritten. Now download process architecture is more flexible and extendable and allow to easily add new protocols.
  • 2. Download accelleration (opening several simultaneous connections to one server) was added to FTP and HTTP.
  • 3. A new maximum connections per download setting was added to Configure Download fialog and to the program options.
  • 4. A new Accellerate Download For Files setting was added to the program options. It allows to specify the file size starting from which a download accelleration will be enabled.
  • 5. Logging logic totally changed for downloads in order to provide better download information.
  • 6. Multiline log entries are now highlighted and displayed as a solid entry.
  • 7. Now it is possible to select and copy multiple entries to clipboard.
  • 8. Now WideStream has an extensible command line support. Current command line switches supported are /uri (add an URL) and /minimized (start in minimized state).
  • 9. SSL certificate validation logic added for HTTPS downloads (also log displayed detailed certificate information and information about validation errors)
  • 10. Now progress bar works in a marquee style for chunked downloads.
  • 11. Now instead of a Section column a Connection columns is used in a download queue grid. Connections column shows the number of sumultaneous connections for a download.
  • 12. Program configuration logic and program options dialog were completely redesigned for better flexibility.
  • 13. Configure download dialog was redesigned.
  • 14. New Log settings were added - now it is possible to fully control log scrolling and to configure more colors such as background colors, colors for important messages and warning, colors for success messages.
  • 15. A new download queue management algorithm was implemented that dynamically manages the number of connections per download based on the connections limit, bandwidth usage and download priority.
  • 16. A completely new host manager is implemented that display all hosts in a grid-like manner, allows to specify host names using wildcards and not only to specify default credentials for a host, but also maximum connections, connections settings and FTP/HTTP settings.
  • 17. Now FTP download sends a FEAT command to determine features supported by FTP server - such as resume download feature (REST) and request file size (SIZE).
  • 18. A bug fixed that was causing the application to quickly switch between FTP Explorer and Download Manager when selecting files for download in FTP Explorer (Tracker #2210308).
  • 19. A bug fixed - speed for small files that are downloaded under 1 sec. wasn't calculated. Download Manager was showing 0 speed in such cases (Tracker #2210312).
  • 20. Fully configurable download notifications (for download add, download completion and download fail) are added. Notifications are displayed as popup windows in a tray area. It is possible to configure colors, display time and animation effects as well as to choose which notifications to enable (Tracker #2178048).
  • 21. A bug fixed that could cause status bar, toolbar and log to be hidden if Windows is restarting when WideStream is running (Tracker #2212515).
  • 22. A bug fixed that was converting all URLs passed as command line parameters to lower case.
  • 23. An FTP explorer doesn't display a "..." entry anymore for the subfolders, but you can use Up button to navigate to the parent folder.
  • 24. FTP explorer performance was enhanced for the large directory listings.
  • 25. Now it is possible to configure whether to show a progress bar in the status area when saving data such as queue definition (Tracker #2185479).
  • 26. Now it is possible to switch between Download Manager, FTP Manager and Host Manager using keyboard shortcuts (Tracker #2187683).
  • 27. Now WideStream can integrate with Internet Explorer 6 and 7. Integration is fully controllable through program options and can be enabled/disabled at any moment.
  • 28. Now autocomplete is used for all inputs that require to enter a folder name (a button that open a Folder Browse dialog is also in place).
  • 29. A floating window in a topmost ticker style with only active downloads information was implemented. It is also possible to tune appearance and behavior of this window through program options (Tracker #2183245).
  • 30. Credentials dialog for FTP Manager was redesigned to make it more transparent for the user how to add/clear credentials (Tracker #2159090).
  • 31. An ability for an HTTP download to be redirected to FTP was implemented (Tracker #2187736).
  • 32. Now it is possible to configure what should be done if a download file already exists - stop download, overwrite file, autogenerate new file name or show a dialog that allows to specify an alternate file name (Tracker #2412720).
  • 33. Now WideStream support an extendable download adapters engine. Download adapters allows to perform specific steps for some of the hosts or even URLs. Currently and adapters are used.
  • 34. Now WideStream is able to simulate a browser session when it is required for a successful download.
  • 35. A new download queue manager option 'Delete File For Downloads' was added. This options allows to specify whether to delete file when download aborted and when download fails (and resume mode is not supported).
  • 36. Now WideStream has an extensible architecture - it allows to plug-in browser integrations, new protocols and new download adapters. It can be done by writing a manifest.xml file. A default manifest file is embedded in the application.
  • 37. Now it is possible to view currently registered protocols and add-ins with their description through the Addins Dialog (menu Tools->Addins...)
  • 38. Now it is possible to disable/enable download adapters through Addings dialog. These settings are remembered by an application.
  • 39. Now it is possible to view/select download adapter from the Configure Download dialog.
  • 40. A VBulletin download adapter was implemented. This adapter allows to download attachments from the forum threads that require authorization.
  • 41. Now a file name provided by a server when downloading through HTTP (via Content-Disposition) header is decoded from URL encoding.
  • 42. A YouTube video download adapter was implemented.
  • 43. A bug fixed - when opening a downloaded file a wrong file may be opened if a name of a file was changed during download (Tracker #2433109).
  • 44. Fixed a crash when opening a downloaded file through context menu -> Open File feature (Tracker #2440313).
  • 45. Download log now provides additional information when a download process is posting a form using HTTP POST, also all private information in the log is masked using Base64 encoding.
  • 46. A Queue Definition setting for the Queue Manager is removed. Now queue definition file location is fully controlled using open/save/new/save as features.
  • 47. Now if WideStream can't load a queue definition file a dialog with an appropriate warning is displayed and a user is able to specify an alternate queue definition file location.
  • 48. Now remaining time is shown in active downloads window and all displayed downloads are ordered in the same way as in the download queue.
  • 49. A new settings was added to the Queue Manager that allows to specify on which SSL errors a download (HTTPS/FTPS) should be stopped. It allows all errors by default.
  • 50. Now it is possible to open/hide active downloads window from the tray menu.
  • 51. Now it is possible to configure FTP Keep-Alive setting for the FTP Explorer (Tracker #2433401).
  • 52. An option Apply these settings to all downloads was added to Configure Download dialog that allows to apply settings for a one download to all download links in the list (Tracker #2433398)
  • 53. A new -log command line option added. This option allows to specify a location of an error log file. If it is omitted then a log file is not created.
  • 54. Keyboard controls for the categorized list box in the Options dialog were corrected (Tracker #2466239).
  • 55. Now download manager always loads when a program is loaded even when it opens in another mode such FTP explorer or host manager (Tracker #2463052).
  • 56. Now WideStream writes the last location of its executable to the registry (HKCU\Software\WideStream, StartupPath key). This setting can be used by other programs to integrate with WideStream.
  • 57. Now it is possible to pause downloads in Waiting status.
  • 58. A bug fixed: an already started download that was paused before any bytes were written to the file can be considered as a download started from scratch when you try to run it one more time (therefore a warning that the file already exists will be displayed).
  • 59. A bug fixed: Menu items in Copy File URL and Copy All Files URLs in FTP Explorer are always disabled (Tracker #2507091).
  • 60. A MegaUpload adapter was implemented.
  • 61. A new option Use GET method for Discovery is added to HTTP downloads (Configure Download, Program Options and Host Manager).

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