Versie historie van Fotosizer

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Veranderingen voor v3.05.2.558 - v3.06.0.564

  • Resizing
  • Fixed issue where use of the "Do not resize if smaller" setting leads to the image file not being saved and a "Could not find file" error.
  • Fixed Overwrite choice apply to all not working where the rename option only applies to first photo.
  • Added ability to load/save Windows metafile (.wmf) images.
  • Added ability to load/save Windows Enhanced metafile (.emf) images.
  • Fixed conversion of transparent png images to jpeg that would cause the background to be black.
  • General
  • Added corrections for Greek translations.
  • Added language translations for Japanese, Armenian.
  • Fixed issue where on startup Fotosizer window is displayed back on primary monitor instead of where you had it open before.
  • Added icons to Colour Adjustment section for each setting.
  • Rotation
  • Added 180 degree rotation setting.
  • Watermarks (Professional Edition)
  • Added more text watermark variables such as EXIF metadata and date taken.
  • Added ability to reduce text watermark font size to fit target image.
  • Added ability to resize image watermarks both proportionally to target image and a fixed size.
  • Added auto-rotation of image watermarks by EXIF orientation of the image

Veranderingen voor v3.04.0.554 - v3.05.2.558

  • General
  • Fixed problem that caused Fotosizer not to load on Windows XP and Windows 7.
  • Rotation
  • Fixed updating of After resize size in image selection list when auto rotate setting is enabled.
  • v3.05.0.557 - [26th June 2017]
  • Resizing
  • Fixed issue where saving animated gifs would result in error and blank image in preview.
  • Fixed issue with JPG to PNG conversion with PNG optimization enabled that failed when resizing at 100%.
  • Fixed "The process cannot access the file ... because it is being used by another process" error when no resizing is performed and overwriting existing files
  • Rotation
  • Fixed auto rotation of images so that it now removes the EXIF Orientation setting from the image.
  • Destination settings and Saving
  • Fixed changing output format so that triggers the "after resize" size in image selection list to be changed.
  • Fixed issue with output to compressed zip file where falsely prompt was made for overwriting files.
  • Installation
  • Fixed issue in installer .NET Framework detection that would sometimes prompt that .NET Framework not installed even when v4.6.2 is installed.

Veranderingen voor v3.02.0.552 - v3.04.0.554

  • Resize Settings
  • Fixed conversion of inches sizes to pixels to use new DPI when Change DPI is ticked.
  • Fixed saving of resize measurement units (inches, cm, mm) to profiles.
  • Rotation
  • Fixed issue with saving and resetting of rotation settings.
  • Miscellaneous Settings
  • Fixed changing of DPI that had been broken in last release.
  • Fixed saving of EXIF information Date taken.

Veranderingen voor v3.01.0.550 - v3.02.0.552

  • General
  • Fixed crash on startup when running with .NET Framework 2.0 where splitter fails to initialise.
  • Fixed error when loading using Spanish on some computers running Windows XP.
  • Fixed error when using the Add Folder button on Windows XP.
  • Fixed out of memory error on some computers updating progress bar in resize progress dialog.
  • Fixed error when closing resize progress dialog before resizing finished.
  • Fixed error when changing profiles resetting the destination settings output format.
  • Applied minor UI updates.
  • Added Large icon size to Fotosizer application icon so that it can be displayed when Windows desktop is set to show large icons.
  • Resizing
  • Fixed resizing when "Do not resize if smaller" is selected so that no resizing is performed. Previously it was sizing to the same dimensions as original.
  • Watermarks (Professional Edition)
  • Fixed text watermark shadow placement.
  • Added Extruded shadow (3D) setting.
  • Added Glow effect on Text Watermark outline.
  • Fixed issue with text wrapping in Text watermarks.
  • Destination settings and Saving
  • Added warning prompt when a filename mask contains invalid filename characters.

Veranderingen voor v3.00.0.549 - v3.01.0.550

  • General
  • Fixed overlapping text in UI caused by custom dpi text sizes in Windows.
  • Improved performance of adding images to image selection list.
  • Added error logging and send error report dialog.
  • Fixed error with setting exif thumbnail when photo does not support or previously didn't have it set.
  • Resizing
  • Fixed loading of percent side resize setting.
  • Watermarks (Professional Edition)
  • Fixed text watermark font size usage to be correct the same as other applications.
  • Fixed saving of Text watermark background colour enabled setting.

Veranderingen voor v2.08.0.545 - v2.09.0.548

  • Fixed setting of DPI in EXIF photo information when DPI value changed.
  • Fixed automatic check for updates so that it does not crash when retrieving setting from Windows registry if user does not have access.
  • Added Czech translation corrections.
  • Applied minor UI fixes to buttons.
  • Changed browse for folder dialog in Windows Vista to be old style as new style pre v2.08.
  • Changed default selected Filename option to be "Create copies".
  • Changed rotations to be applied before resize.
  • Added "Center image in target resolution" resize setting.
  • Added "Insert symbol option" to watermarks to add copyright, registered, trademark and other common symbols to text watermarks.
  • Fixed reloading of saved rotation settings.
  • Fixed display of text watermark setting textbox.

Veranderingen voor v2.07.0.540 - v2.08.0.545

  • Fixed problem with Auto-rotate feature that caused images without EXIF Orientation setting not to be resized. (Professional Edition)
  • Applied minor UI fixes to buttons.
  • Changed browse for destination folder and browse for Add from folder dialogs for Windows 7+ to be Windows 7 style.

Veranderingen voor v2.06.0.538 - v2.07.0.540

  • Added Fit to window/original size toggle buttons to Preview window.
  • Added slider bar for watermark rotation. (Professional Edition)
  • Minor UI updates.
  • Fixed high CPU usage issue when running Fotosizer.
  • Added setting to Options window to turn off sorting on photo list for adding and removing images.
  • Added corner radius setting for rounded corners. (Professional Edition)
  • Updated Turkish translations.
  • Updated Dutch translations.

Veranderingen voor v2.04.0.535 - v2.05.0.536

  • Fixed Image watermark rotation so that it no longer gets clipped in Professional edition.
  • Fixed Image watermark positioning in Professional edition.
  • Fixed Text watermark positioning in Professional edition.
  • Added "After resize" filename display in Image selection list tiles, showing the filename after the filename mask has been applied.
  • Updated Russian translations.
  • Applied minor UI updates.

Veranderingen voor v2.03.0.534 - v2.04.0.535

  • Fixed "Add Images" so that photos in iPhone folders are displayed in the Open File Dialog.
  • Fixed batch rotation so that it does not apply horizontal or vertical flip.
  • Updated Portuguese Brazilian translations.
  • Added slider bars for change of quality and dpi Miscellaneous settings section.

Veranderingen voor v2.02.0.532 - v2.03.0.534

  • Fixed problem with having just %N in filename mask that didn't replace number correctly.
  • Fixed Auto rotate in Professional edition.
  • Fixed preview to show when Negative effect is applied.

Veranderingen voor v2.01.0.530 - v2.02.0.532

  • Fixed problem with settings sections being displayed too small when Windows Large font sizes are enabled.
  • Minor UI changes for text alignment.
  • Fixed problem with conversion from transparent PNG images to JPEG images that caused black background to be saved. Now saved with white background.
  • Fixed problem saving some images that caused grey/black border to be added to the images.
  • Added Close "X" button to Preview changes window.
  • Updated Dutch translations.

Veranderingen voor v1.38.0.528 - v2.01.0.530

  • Added export to CSV file of resized file list on completion of resizing operations.
  • Minor UI changes including new icons.
  • Corrected some of the size calculation logic that was slightly different from previous versions of Fotosizer.
  • Fixed problem with resizing over existing images that caused the file not to be saved.
  • Updated Dutch translations.
  • Re-added support for drag and drop of folders into Fotosizer.

Veranderingen voor v1.37.0.526 - v1.38.0.528

  • Added Chinese Simplified translations.
  • Fixed problem with resizing some JPEG photos that caused Fotosizer to crash.

Veranderingen voor v1.36.0.524 - v1.37.0.526

  • Added corrected Russian language translations.
  • Added corrected German language translations.
  • Added corrected Italian language translations.
  • Fixed resizing of Transparent PNG images to maintain the transparency.
  • Added corrected Hungarian language translations.
  • Fixed minor UI issue.

Veranderingen voor v1.35.0.519 - v1.36.0.524

  • Fixed error when clearing the width and height boxes. Now defaults to 1px or 1% if cleared.
  • Added expand and collapse of settings sections when clicking on section headings.
  • Removed Dealio toolbar from installer.
  • Added percentage presets to Resize preset list (10%,20%,25%,30%,40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%,100%,125%,150%,200%,400%).
  • Added destination folder into tooltip for Destination folder selection box.
  • Added Donate link in header of Fotosizer application window.
  • Fixed resizing so that even if an image file is read-only it will still get resized and saved.

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