Versie historie van Flock
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Veranderingen voor v2.6.1 - v3.5.0
- Hello everyone, and thank you for trying Flock. As with everything, there are bound to be bumps and snags along the way. Here is a list of the most prominent issues that you may come across as you journey about the web, and workarounds where they are available.
- This release sees a revamp of how you create accounts. In addition, please welcome LinkedIn to the repertoire of supported services. To configure your LinkedIn account, just go to and sign in, and then provide the authorization LinkedIn requests; Flock will do the rest.
- Security Information
- The latest version of Flock 3 contains these security fixes.
- Another development in this version is a modified way to configure service accounts. All areas within the browser to sign in to supported services have been removed in favour of simplicity. Now, all you have to do is sign in to your accounts on their respective websites and they will appear in your sidebar momentarily.
- Known Issues
- Sometimes the sidebar will be blank when first starting the browser, especially if LinkedIn is the only configured account. Activities will flow in after five minutes (the next update cycle for fetching activities). This will be fixed in an update coming very early in December.
- Occasionally signing in to a Flock account will not complete. Closing and reopening Flock will fix this.
- To download Flash properly, Flock must be closed when Flash is installed.
- Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn cannot be configured in Flock if the system clock has been changed. If this happens, just change the clock back to what it was previously and restart Flock.
- When viewing a public profile page, Facebook and LinkedIn updates will not appear in the "What I'm talking about" section.
- Some feeds do not show date or time in the feeds page.
- Kapersky antivirus program is pegging Flock as a Trojan. We assure you, we have no maliciousness within our code.
- Extremely long statuses with no spaces do not always wrap properly.
- On the Explore page, you cannot search your own Facebook or Twitter name.
- Websites with https cannot be made public.
- Favorites imported from other browsers are imported backwards.
- Occasionally, public feeds present in your Profile page will show the Flock logo instead of the feed's favicon.
- On startup, the selected group in the sidebar is not always matching with the people that are in the sidebar.
- Tags that are imported from another browser are not searchable on the Favorites page.
- Some YouTube feeds are giving bad links leading to error pages.
- Changing the Flock password may cause service accounts to throw errors. To fix this, sign out and then sign in on the service site.
- Cancelling a group edit window can sometimes remove several of the members of the aforementioned group.
- Some Flock accounts cannot have their favorites or feeds be reordered in the favorites bar.
- Talk and Favorite panels will occasionally close immediately after being opened. Clicking on the Favorite or Talk button a second time will open it once more.
- The favorite star will disappear when typing in the URL bar in windows.
- Adding a service with one format (ex. username) and then signing into the service with another format (ex. email address) will add separate entries in the accounts panel.
- Favoriting a page while selecting “Show on my profile page” and “Show in my favorites toolbar” at the same time will make the favorite not appear on the Profile page.
- Facebook has changed how pokes work, so poke notifications for Facebook are going to the wrong link.
Veranderingen voor v1.2.2 - v1.2.3
- Incorporated Mozilla's patch for Firefox.
- Several fixes for a better Digg experience
- Several fixes for sharing media with Yahoo! Mail.
- A fix for the Media Magic bar and YouTube videos.
- A character encoding fix for importing Favorites.
- A fix for displaying the YouTube avatar.
Veranderingen voor v1.1.1 - v1.2.1
- Digg has been integrated as a people service.
- AOL Webmail has been added as webmail service.
- Pownce has been added as a people service.
- Several performance and stability enhancements have been implemented and several memory leaks have been fixed.