Versie historie van DocPad

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Veranderingen voor v21.0 - v22.0

  • * Added the ability to set a default document type (ASCII, UTF-8, Unicode) for new documents. This setting is on the Preferences window.
  • * The block selection (Alt+Drag) is now compatible with most editbox tools.
  • * The toolbar can now have more than one row of tools.
  • * Speak: added a Pause button.
  • * Added the "File Information" tool to the File menu.
  • * Reduced memory usage by approximately 34%, which allows larger files to be opened.
  • * Regex Tester: if the regular expression is invalid syntax, a description of the error is now presented.
  • * Text drag and drop: the dropped text is now selected.
  • * The status bar now displays the document type (ASCII, UTF-8, Unicode).
  • * Preferences: Character Set: added a "Preview" button.
  • * Discard Paragraphs Containing: added the ability to discard paragraphs that are shorter than a specified length.
  • * Spell Check: the number of changes is now reported.
  • * Added the ability to put the Print and Restore Backup tools on the toolbar, although they are hidden by default.
  • * When DocPad is launched to open a file, the Welcome Panel no longer flashes on the screen briefly before the file is opened.
  • * The Print tool now has a hotkey, Ctrl+P.
  • * Visit Hyperlink: this now supports unicode, and is tolerant of HTML encoding.
  • * Visit Hyperlink: added support for file:/// URL's that contain hex encoded UTF-8.
  • * Insert Date/Time: added ISO 8601 formats.
  • * The Customize Toolbar window now remembers preferences such as its position and the table column widths.
  • * After pressing an unknown hotkey, the error message on the status bar will now display the hotkey.
  • * Added the "Multiline Search" option to the Options menu.
  • * Welcome: added the "Check For Update" tool.
  • * Print: the job name, which is the same as the filename, now supports unicode.
  • * Improved how Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right deal with certain situations.
  • * Welcome: there is now an icon next to the title.
  • * The /? command line switch will now display the help file chapter on the command line.
  • * Moved the Jump tools to the More menu.
  • * Fixed: Auto-Open Last Document: the last document was opening unnecessarily when a document filepath was specified on the command line.
  • * Fixed: block selection: Copy was not working right if the selection was taller than the editbox.

Veranderingen voor v19.0 - v20.0

  • * Editbox: Search/Replace: added support for Regular Expressions.
  • * Big endian unicode files are now saved in big endian. Previously they were converted to little endian.
  • * Added the "Show Welcome Panel" option to the Options menu.
  • * Numerous interface improvements, especially regarding 4K monitors.
  • * Added the "Show Rules" option to the Options menu. This draws a faint line between each line of text.
  • * Welcome Panel: added the "Associate" tool.
  • * Added the "Clipboard Inspector" tool to the Interface menu.
  • * Pressing Ctrl+V in the Welcome Panel will now create a new document containing the clipboard contents.
  • * Discard Paragraphs Containing: added the "Has Prefix" and "Has Suffix" modes.
  • * The "Associate", "Import HTML As Text", and "Preferences" tools can now appear on the toolbar, although they are hidden by default.
  • * Open on the File menu now ignores the selected file in the Welcome Panel and prompts you to specify a file.
  • * Open Nonstandard Document: a warning now appears if there is a byte order mark. The user is not allowed to specify a character set, as it will have no effect anyway.
  • * The Preferences window now has a hotkey, Alt+P.
  • * Now supports installation to a path that contains unicode.
  • * Added a Help option to the bottom of the "Document Type" sub-menu.
  • * Associate: .MSI and .MSC file types are now prevented from being associated.
  • * The "Register As View Source Editor" tool now reports an error if DocPad is running on a portable drive.
  • * Fixed: the /paste command line switch was broken by the introduction of the Welcome Panel.
  • * Fixed: Integer Increment/Decrement: unnecessary scrolling could occur.
  • * Fixed: certain low-level hotkeys were inappropriately displaying "Hotkey not recognized" on the Status Bar.
  • * Fixed: the "Document Type" sub-menu should be disabled when no document is open.
  • * Fixed: when maximized, the window's border could possibly be visible on a secondary monitor.
  • * Fixed: possible window flicker on 4K monitors, or when many System-G windows are open, or when kernel memory becomes scarce.

Veranderingen voor v18.0 - v19.0

  • * When no document is opened, the window interior now displays a "Welcome Panel". This contains a list of recently opened documents on the left, and some tool buttons on the right. This helps you get to work quicker.
  • * Added the "Preferences" dialog, which appears on the Options menu. Some options from the Options menu have been moved there. Added a new option to control the Line Spacing.
  • * The file size is now reported on the Status Bar.
  • * Block selection: Paste: instead of deleting the selection, the selection is replaced on a line-by-line basis with the clipboard text. Or, if the clipboard only contains one line, that line will replace each line in the selection.
  • * Drag and drop: an excerpt of the selected text is now shown beneath the mouse cursor as it moves. Previously the word "Text" inside a balloon appeared beneath the mouse cursor.
  • * Added the ability to disable support for multiple lines in the search/replace tool that was added in version 18.0. The advantage to searching for single line text is that there is a drop-down list of the search history, and the Enter key will start the search.
  • * Discard Paragraphs Containing: added the ability to discard paragraphs that don't contain a specified string.
  • * Added the /dold command line switch, which will suppress the "Auto-Open Last Document" feature.
  • * When an unrecognized hotkey is pressed, an error is now reported on the Status Bar.
  • * Upon launching DocPad for the first time, the user is now prompted to choose a skin, font, and zoom factor.
  • * An example document is now installed.
  • * Open Nonstandard File: on the second dialog, the displayed filepath now supports unicode.
  • * The "Associate File Type" tool is no longer permitted if DocPad is installed on a portable drive.
  • * The "Help" menu option now goes to the Introduction, not the Cover Sheet.
  • * Fixed: when pasting unicode into an empty document, the document was automatically switching to unicode correctly, however the Character Map toolbar icon was not changing its appearance.
  • * Fixed: if a DocPad instance is locked up for some reason, trying to open a file in another instance will cause it to lock up.
  • * Fixed: block selection: Copy: if the selection runs past the last line, this will not copy extra blank lines at the end.
  • * Fixed: double clicking was selecting to the beginning of a word instead of the whole word.
  • * Fixed: the "Lock File" option was preventing backups from being made.

Veranderingen voor v17.1 - v18.0

  • * Search and Replace: added support for search/replace strings that contain multiple lines.
  • * Added support for selecting columns of text. Hold down the Alt key while selecting with the mouse.
  • * Added support for selecting whole words. Double click and hold the mouse button while dragging.
  • * The "Convert Encoding" sub-menu is now available when editing a unicode document. Previously these tools could only be used in ASCII documents.
  • * The line spacing has changed from 1.0 to 1.1 to improve readability.
  • * Discard Paragraphs Containing: added the ability to discard paragraphs that are longer than a specified length.
  • * Discard Paragraphs Containing: this window will now remember its previous settings.
  • * Print: added a Preview tool for the Font Face field.
  • * The Print Preview window is no longer sluggish when the document contains hundreds of pages.
  • * Moved the "Document Type" setting from the Options menu to the File menu. This is a more logical location for it, as every other option on the Options menu is a global setting and not related to the currently open document.
  • * Help file: added a chapter on the File menu.
  • * Customize Toolbar: added a new column that contains an overview of the tool.
  • * Added 32 tools to the System Tools tool.
  • * Deleting a large amount of text is now much faster.
  • * Various improvements when running from a USB flash drive.
  • * Fixed: Statistics: the stats for the current selection were incorrect when editing unicode.
  • * Fixed: Restore Backup: an error would occur if you specified to copy the backup to a new, non-existing file.
  • * Fixed: Associate File Type With DocPad: the "Install to 'New' menu" option was not being obeyed when DocPad had to be restarted with admin rights to complete the association.
  • * Fixed: some minor installation problems on Windows Vista/2008.
  • * Fixed: Print Preview: when Word Wrap was disabled, text would run off the right side of the page, and horizontal scrolling would affect the preview.
  • * Fixed: when a document filename contains unicode characters and System-G draws the window caption instead of the system, the taskbar text was not correct.
  • * Fixed: the Fixed Pitch and Word Wrap global settings were not being synced across instances.

Veranderingen voor v17.0 - v17.1

  • * Restore Backup: the number of document backups kept is now limited to 1000 files.
  • * The uninstaller now removes all document backup files.
  • * Fixed: on Windows XP/2000, the uninstaller was failing to remove some files (17.0 only).
  • * Fixed: the Restore Backup tool was completely broken.

Veranderingen voor v16.0 - v17.0

  • * When a global setting is changed, it will now be automatically applied to all other running instances. Previously, each instance held an independent copy of the global settings, and the global settings file was completely overwritten when an instance closed. If a global setting was changed while multiple instances were opened, the change would not affect the other instances, and might not be permanent depending on the order that the instances were closed.
  • * Added the ability to open files with unicode characters in their filename.
  • * Print: added the ability to control the Line Spacing.
  • * Added support for unicode characters in command line parameters.
  • * Unicode surrogate pairs are now supported.
  • * Added tools to open the next/previous file in the folder (alphabetically, includes only files with the same extension). These tools do not appear on a menu. The hotkeys are Ctrl+Alt+F11 and Ctrl+Alt+F12.
  • * Numerous improvements to the Spell Checker. Download the latest version of the Spell Checking Module from Gammadyne.
  • * Large speed improvement when saving a large document with many paragraphs. Also improved speed of the "Delete Line" tool.
  • * A file can now be dropped on DocPad's window caption, causing the file to be opened.
  • * Larger files can now be opened. Files are opened slightly faster.
  • * Discard Paragraphs Containing: added support for unicode.
  • * Statistics: added the "Reading Time" stat.
  • * Statistics: Sentences that are less than 3 characters are no longer counted.
  • * The "Redo" tool can now appear on the toolbar, although it is hidden by default.
  • * Fixed: Associate File Type: this was not always reporting the existing association, and prompting if it should be changed.
  • * Fixed: rarely, balloon help was not appearing promptly, or not at all.
  • * Fixed: the /last command line switch was not working (since 16.0).
  • * Fixed: executables were signed with a revoked SHA1 cert. Because the SHA256 cert is valid, this would only be reported to the user on systems prior to Win7.

Veranderingen voor v15.0 - v16.0

  • * Unicode Character Map: added the ability to create a list of favorite characters.
  • * Added the "Auto-Open Last Document" option to the Options menu.
  • * Print Preview: added the ability to print a select range of pages.
  • * Paste: added support for pasting unicode characters into an ASCII file so long as the characters are present in the chosen Character Set.
  • * Save Document As: if a document is open, its filename will appear in the Save dialog so you can edit it or type over it. Previously, the filename was blank.
  • * The Unicode Character Map now inserts characters into an editbox located below the character table, where you can either copy them to the clipboard, or insert them into the document.
  • * Added the "Double Click On Word Selects Spaces" option to the Options menu.
  • * Statistics: the "Lines" statistic now includes soft line-breaks.
  • * The toolbar's Character Map icon now gives you a visual indication as to whether the document is ASCII or unicode.
  • * The Interface menu now has two choices for Character Map: one for ASCII and one for Unicode.
  • * Statistics: the "All/Characters/Present" stat is now reported when the document is unicode.
  • * The "Customize Toolbar" window now allows you to change the toolbar size.
  • * Added the "Visit Hyperlink" tool to the toolbar.
  • * Double clicking on a word to select it will now support non-ASCII letters. Previously this was only supported in unicode documents.
  • * Drop Files: added an option to insert the files as hyperlinks.
  • * Spell Check: while the Spell Checker window is visible, the highlighted selection will now flash between light and dark.
  • * Fixed: the ASCII Character Map's width was growing a little bit each time it was launched.
  • * Fixed: Auto-Indent: extra tabs were being inserted after pressing Enter when the caret is in front of a tab.
  • * Fixed: a DLL injection security vulnerability.
  • * Fixed: some pairs of characters, in certain fonts, were displayed too close together.
  • * Fixed: a rare but serious problem could cause a window to render incorrectly.

Veranderingen voor v14.0 - v15.0

  • * Added support for creating and restoring backups of changed documents. Added the "Create Backups" option to the Options menu. Added the "Restore Backup" command to the File menu.
  • * Improved the appearance of icons. Changed from 8-bit GIF's to 32-bit PNG's. Many icons have been redesigned.
  • * Numerous improvements to pasting/dropping files. The user is now asked if the file contents, filenames, or filepaths should be used, and how this will affect the editbox's existing contents (insert, append, or replace). Unicode characters in the filepath and/or file contents are now supported.
  • * When opening a file, if access is denied, DocPad will now offer to relaunch itself with admin rights.
  • * Added the "Tools" and "More" menus. Previously all of these options were on the "Edit" menu.
  • * Added the /landscape command line switch, which will force a print job to use the landscape orientation.
  • * Import HTML As Text: unicode and UTF-8 HTML files are now supported provided there is a byte order mark.
  • * Unicode Character Map: double clicking on a filter will now take you to the first character in that filter.
  • * The following tools can now be put on the toolbar: Delete Line, Insert Date, Integer/Increment, Integer/Decrement, Select All.
  • * Fixed: Convert To Sentence Case: was not working with unicode letters.
  • * Fixed: when printing, there could sometimes be one or more extra blank pages.
  • * Fixed: when using the /pd switch, the user will no longer be informed if the document is open in another instance.
  • * Fixed: a glitch was sometimes apparent at the bottom of a toolbar icon.

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