Versie historie van Brute Force Uninstaller (BFU)

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Veranderingen voor v1.11 - v1.12

  • Fixed HostsFileReset
  • FileWrite now inserts a linebreak first before appending data to files
  • FileWrite, HostsFileAddLine, SystemMsgBox, SystemRestart now accept \t and \n when applicable (see the BFU manual for details)

Veranderingen voor v1.10.0 - v1.11

  • Added RegSetExpandValue to set REG_EXPAND_SZ values
  • Added RegDeleteKeyIfNameContainsText/Hex to delete keys matching a mask
  • Online scripts can now be executed from the commandline (i.e. bfu.exe
  • Fixed RegResetPermissions (and others) not being recognized
  • Added OptionShowLog command to force showing the logfile after script completion
  • Added OptionSaveLog command to save the logfile to disk after script completion
  • More extensive logging
  • Fixed bug in CRC32 module with leading zeroes
  • Updated CRC32 module to read files ~3 times faster

Veranderingen voor v1.00.9 - v1.10.0

  • Added wildcard for all Registry functions that need it
  • Added: RegDelValueIfNameContainsText, RegDelValueIfNameContainsHex and RegDelValueIfDataContainsText, RegDelValueIfDataContainsHex to replace RegDelValueIfContains[x] for clarity
  • Added: OptionShowLog to force show log after the script ends
  • Added: LogIfFileMD5Match, LogIfFileSHA1Match, LogIfFileMD2Match, LogIfFileMD4Match, LogIfFileCRC32Match
  • Added: LogDoesFileExist, LogDoesRegKeyExist, LogDoesRegValExist
  • Added: FolderClear, will attempt delete to delete all files and folders in a given folder
  • Added: RegKeyResetPermissions, resets all permissions on a Registry key to the defaults (if possible)
  • Added: OptionBFUExit, quits BFU
  • Added: %Favorites% environment variable
  • Changed FolderDelete so it uses FolderClear on fail and deletes the folder on reboot (if that option is set)
  • Changed: OptionRunSilent is ignored if scriptfile is passed as commandline parameter, for safety
  • Changed: Any file commands with wildcards will apply to any matches in subfolders as well
  • Fixed: Windows 2003 SBS was detected as Windows XP 64-bit
  • Fixed: CRC32 checksum was reversed
  • Fixed: lines with unexpanded environment variables are skipped
  • Removed OptionSetStatusOn command, the first OptionSetStatus triggers the status messages

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