Versie historie van ShareMouse for Mac OS X (64-bit) (portable)

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Veranderingen voor v1.0.91 - v1.0.92

  • Solved registration issues (re-registration with your license key required).
  • Solved network connection issues if internet connection is missing.
  • Solved keyboard mapping bug.
  • Additional keys can now be used as a panic key
  • Solved mouse drag & drop issues in certain applications.
  • Macs with newer OSX versions can now remotely be waken up from sleep mode.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.89 - v1.0.91

  • Mouse clicks target positions correct if desktop is zoomed. Unfortunately, the cursor is positioned at the wrong place for a short time.
  • Resolved issues with mouse cursor positioning near the monitor borders.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.87 - v1.0.89

  • Improved mouse wheel support.
  • Fixed issue that keyboard input was sent to both computers.
  • Improved compatibility with virtual machines, RDP, etc. (via config entry).
  • Improved mouse wheel support.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.86 - v1.0.87

  • Removed Beta time lock which has been accidentally left.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.84 - v1.0.86

  • Tried to solve mouse coordinate issues in rare situations.
  • Solved with key press simulation after pressing CMD+C or. CMD+Tab
  • Solved issues with CMD / ALT / CTRL modifier keys..
  • Solved issues with key presses in Spotlight.
  • No more alert sound if pressing CMD / ALT / CTRL.
  • Debug mode can be initiated with the parameter "debug=Yes" (without "").

Veranderingen voor v1.0.83 - v1.0.84

  • Solved issues with typing A which opened the diacritic symbol menu.
  • Increased trial period to approximately 8 minutes.
  • Solved issues with remote key presses under OSX Lion.
  • Fixed issues with sending hotkeys CMD-Left/Right between Macs.
  • Fixed intermittent clipboard sync issues.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.80 - v1.0.83

  • Increased trial period to approximately 8 minutes.
  • Solved issues with remote key presses under OSX Lion.
  • Fixed issues with sending hotkeys CMD-Left/Right between Macs.
  • Fixed intermittend clipboard sync issues.
  • Key-repeat bug fixed.
  • Connection Handshaking issue fixed.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.79 - v1.0.80

  • Automatic correction of incorrect monitor layouts can now be disabled by right-clicking into the Monitor Manager.
  • HTML-formatted clipboard contents are now ignored because of browser incompatibilities.
  • Improved support of key repeat.
  • Improved support of function keys.
  • Support of triple mouse clicks.

Veranderingen voor v1.0.78 - v1.0.79

  • Resolved issue with Dock autohide.

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