Versie historie van MultiPar
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Veranderingen voor v1.3.0.5 - v1.3.0.7
- GUI update
- Change
- URL of web-forum was erased on some help documents.
- GUI update
- Change
- Italian UI was updated.
- PAR2 client update
- Bug fix
- Temporary files should be erased at failed reapir.
Veranderingen voor v1.3.0.4 - v1.3.0.5
- GUI update
- Change: Total filename length of adding external files at verification was increased.
- PAR2 client update
- Improvement: OpenCL implementation is refined for a set of old CPU and GPU.
- It accepts file-list to get many external files.
Veranderingen voor v1.3.0.3 - v1.3.0.4
- This version has minor update only. Those who use a very old PC may see some check-box are grayed out on Option window. If someone has a high-end PC with many core CPU, MultiPar may become lighter somehow. Updating with Installer may become easier, but I'm not sure.
- List of par2j's using threads is like below;
- When a CPU has 2 physical cores, par2j uses 3 threads by default.
- When a CPU has 3 physical cores, par2j uses 4 threads by default.
- When a CPU has 4 physical cores, par2j uses 6 threads by default.
- When a CPU has 6 physical cores, par2j uses 7 threads by default.
- When a CPU has 8 physical cores, par2j uses 8 threads by default.
- Maximum number of threads is 16 currently.
- "CPU usage" slider on Option window means;
- Right most = above default number.
- Next from right = number of physical cores.
- Middle = 3/4 of physical cores.
- Next from left = 1/2 of physical cores.
- Left most = 1/4 of physical cores.
- A chinese user, Deng translated Help documents to Simplified Chinese. From his suggestion, I improved other language documents, too. Now they are slightly easier to read, though most users might not see, hehe. Thanks Deng for patient translation and some tests.
- [ Changes from to ]
- Installer update
- Overwrite installation will check version of EXE/DLL files.
- GUI update
- Change: Absent extra feature in a very old CPU is grayed out.
- Improvemen: When CHM file was blocked by Windows Explorer, it's unblocked before open.
- New: Chinese Help documents is included.
- New: Full text search is possible on Help documents.
Veranderingen voor v1.3.0.2 - v1.3.0.3
- PAR2 client update
- Change: Error number is shown at Win32API error.
- Change: On 32-bit OS, VRAM usage is limited upto 768MB at GPU acceleration.
- Change: For less than 512MB data, GPU won't be used.
- Bug fix: Memory allocation failure on high-end GPU with large VRAM may be fixed.
- Improvement: It skips reading of a file with system error at creation or verification.
Veranderingen voor v1.2.9.9 - v1.3.0.1
- GUI update
- Change: The last year on About window is set by EXE file's date.
- Change: Un-checking "Split Files" doesn't update size of recovery files.
- Change: A user may return to Create window, when creation was failed.
- Improvement: Checking "Split Files" set "Limit Size" for recovery files.
- PAR2 client update
- Change: Each sizing scheme limits size of recovery files.
- New: It's possible to set number of recovered files at creation.
Veranderingen voor v1.2.9.8 - v1.2.9.9
- PAR2 client update
- Bug fix: A rare failure in finding complete slices was fixed.
Veranderingen voor v1.2.9.7 - v1.2.9.8
- GUI update
- Change: Shell Extension DLL won't fail in attempting to delete an absent entry.
- Change: It checks 7-Zip registry entry in both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
- PAR2 client update
- Change: Creation erases a previous verification result of same Set ID.