Versie historie van Mobile Atlas Creator

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Veranderingen voor v1.9.15 - v1.9.16

  • ! Background color does not work in case of a multi-layer map source with only one layer (#252)
  • ~ The atlas format Maverick was changed from OSMTracker format to RMaps SQLite format (request from Maverick author).

Veranderingen voor v1.9.14 - v1.9.15

  • + Selection around GPX track: preview map selection while selecting distance
  • + Selection enclosed by GPX track (inner region)
  • ! Minimum and maximum zoom level of custom multi-layer map sources in
  • combination with local file-based map sources corrected
  • ! Maverick: Corrected that all files are expected to have ".jpg.tile"
  • ! Maplorer: Custom tile width and height reactivated
  • extension, even if it is a PNG file.
  • + Updated xerial SQLite library that comes with MOBAC to v1.3.15-M1.

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