Versie historie van KoolMoves

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Veranderingen voor v9.3.0 - v9.4.0

  • Added detection of a more recent version of KoolMoves available for download.
  • Added wizard page for exporting Flash animation as an Android mobile app.
  • Added display of object size information in bottom status window during transform drag operations like scale.
  • Added additional short cuts for zoom in and zoom out -- + and - keys.
  • Added separate zoom in and zoom out icons.
  • Added option for adding a mobile viewport tag to html file.
  • Added a link in Motion Scripts window to a tutorial on combining effects.
  • Added information popups concerning text effect and clip art libraries.
  • Fixed problem with selection of jQuery Mobile Gui in Preferences.
  • Fixed problem with default play directory when an image is added from a subfolder when previewing for Html5 export prior to saving.

Veranderingen voor v9.2.2 - v9.3.0

  • Created 85 new bolder and larger icons for Tools toolbar.
  • Added option to display larger icons on Tools toolbar.
  • Added option to change icon spacing on Tools toolbar.
  • Added option to display submenu selections on Tools toolbar as a popup menu.
  • Added ability to export as Flash version 16 (without new AS3 functionality).
  • Added link to a SurveyMonkey questionnaire so we can better understand our customers.
  • Fixed Tools toolbar so size is independent of Windows dpi setting.
  • Increased limit on number of AS3 namespaces for swf export containing AS3 code.
  • Fixed one problem in importing SVG with a defs tag but more work is needed.
  • Fixed minor cursor problem when drawing a freehand shape.
  • Fixed minor problem in activating the submenu selections when hitting the small lower, right triangle on a Tools icon.

Veranderingen voor v9.2.1 - v9.2.2

  • Reversed previous fix from 9.2.1 "Reduced internal memory useage for images when exporting as Html5" due to problems.
  • Fixed rendering problem with viewing main movie objects while inside a movie clip.

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