Versie historie van fsLock

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Veranderingen voor v2.0 Beta 3 - v2.0

  • Updated all menu icons to new 24 bit, Windows Vista style designs.
  • All list images now use new 24 bit images, replacing the standard flat images used before (much nicer).
  • Added to the ability to start the 'Secure Files', 'Program Security' and 'Monitoring' engines on file dropping.
  • All sections now have their own specific icons assigned to them.
  • Lots of small tweaks.
  • Enabled directory dropping for 'Secure' and 'Delete' files (adds all files from directory).
  • Pressing 'Escape' on the main window minimizes it to the system tray (when on).
  • In 'Delete Files', 'Encrypt & Delete' option will now change the filename as well (more secure).
  • Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes for the 'Menu Hover' text.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the program to close on engine start (when system tray support is disabled).
  • Fixed a fault that caused the program to close when the 'Secure Files ' list was not saved (on exit).
  • Confirmation is now shown when the window is minimized to the system tray (on start-up or by force).
  • Lots of fixes here and there.
  • Fixed a tabbing fault in the 'Add Program' window.
  • Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes in the wndExit() function.
  • Updated the status messages shown when engines are started (makes more sense).
  • Fixed a fault that caused error messages to be shown on start-up when not required.
  • Fixed a fault that caused error messages to be shown on closing when not required.
  • Fixed a fault that caused a couple of colour faults in the 'Add Program' window.
  • Fixed a massive bug that caused the program to close on protecting (system tray support off).
  • Fixed a fault that caused the search bar to be enabled for the 'Monitoring' section at all times.
  • The search bar now completely supports the 'Monitoring' section.
  • Fixed a couple of website/email loading problems. Have been re-written and should be faster.
  • All 'No Entries' panels on the main window are now more correctly aligned and better laid out.
  • You can now disable event logging directly from the 'Logs' section on the main window.
  • Fixed a fault that caused the 'No Logs' part of the monitoring section to not be correctly centred.
  • Lots of small fixes and improvements.
  • Added direct access to the new fsLock website via the 'About' window and 'Help' menu.
  • Slightly updated the registration window to have access to the new purchase system (stand by!).
  • The 'Program Security' context menu item 'Add Program' no longer has a shortcut or image.
  • After removing dead or duplicate files, the top item in the list(s) is now re-selected by default.
  • MAJOR: Brand new section called 'Monitoring' that monitor’s file activity in specific directories.
  • All engines now have their own specific start-up settings (better customization for advanced users).
  • Fixed a fault that caused the menu item 'New' to remain disabled after stopping specific engines.
  • Lists are no longer disabled when engines are started (only adding tools remain disabled).
  • Fixed a couple of status message and logging faults when securing empty files.
  • The 'Program Security' section now supports full logging.
  • Menu items 'New' and 'Save As' are only enabled when text is available.
  • Fixed a fault that stopped the program remembering if the window was maximized when re-loading.
  • Fixed a fault that allowed the main fsLock executable to be added to the 'Program Security' list.
  • Fixed a massive fault that caused the progress bar not to show the correct value in several functions.
  • All engines will only continue to run when items have been started (blocking, locking, monitoring, etc).
  • Added support to transfer file locations from 'Secure Files' to the 'Monitoring' list.
  • Fixed a Directory_GetPath() fault that sometimes returned an incorrect value (tiredness!).
  • Slight update to the 'About' window (better blending with the rest of the program now).
  • Fixed a few faults that allowed certain menus items to be enabled when an incorrect area is focused.
  • Ensured that nothing is selected when any of the engines are started.
  • Fixed a couple of faults that caused buttons to not show up in the correct style.
  • Added Drag & Drop support to the 'Program Security' section (for EXE and DLL files only).
  • When logs are not available, a new displayer is shown indicating that no event logs have been made.
  • You can now turn off Window Position saving via the 'Options' window (on by default).
  • Section tabs on the main window now show tooltips to help you understand each section better.
  • You can now turn off tooltip support on the main window via the 'Options' window (on by default).
  • Slight updates to the 'Options' window (creating more space, better organizing, labeling, etc).
  • You can now turn off Time Stamping in the Logs on start-up via the 'Options' window (on by default).
  • You can now turn off logging support via the 'Options' window (will speed fsLock up on slower systems).
  • Fixed a fault that shows incorrect corner images on the side panel (again, tiredness!).
  • Lots of fixes and small changes here and there.
  • All directory accessing and controlling codes has been completely re-written from the ground up.
  • All file accessing and controlling codes have also been re-written.
  • Fixed a massive fault that caused Recent File/List menu items to be displayed incorrectly.
  • Massively improved directory scanning when searching for files.
  • MAJOR: All settings are now stored in 'settings.xml' (all previous settings will not work).
  • When the 'Secure Files' engine is running, the status bar shows the number of files locked.
  • MAJOR: List saving and opening now uses true XML (all old list files will have to re-created).
  • You can now set how many 'Recent Files' and 'Recent Lists' to remember in the 'Options' window.
  • You can now set fsLock to remember its logs within each use (check the 'Options').
  • You can now turn off system tray support via the 'Options' window.
  • You can now do complete recursive scans on directories you add (off by default in the 'Options').
  • Small changes here and there and general code improvements.

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