Versie historie van CSVed

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Veranderingen voor v2.4 - v2.5

  • save fixed file widths
  • copy column to clipboard
  • and other some small things

Veranderingen voor v2.3.3 - v2.3.4

  • bug fixed in delete columns

Veranderingen voor v2.3.2 - v2.3.3

  • in delete columns set a range to delete
  • split files max = 750
  • and some small things

Veranderingen voor v2.2.3 - v2.3.0

  • change rows into columns;
  • count up a column;
  • and some small things.

Veranderingen voor v2.2.2a - v2.2.3

  • small things like:
  • some spinedit components ExtendedAccept enabled
  • label nummer deleted
  • filter global exact enabled again
  • The listview is running in virtual mode, that means the data is displayed on demand. (not the entire CSV file is loaded in the listview) so CSVed can handle big files and is very fast.
  • In other words, you can do everything with a CSV file you wanted.

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