Versie historie van BDedit
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Veranderingen voor v0.39 - v0.39b
- ExtensionData structure views, rewritten data edit/view
- Bug fixes (including Acces violation at start)
Veranderingen voor v0.38b2 - v0.39
- ExtensionData structure views, rewritten data edit/view
- Bug fixes (including Acces violation at start)
Veranderingen voor v0.37b - v0.38b2
- connection_condition and ref_to_STC fields in PlayItem
Veranderingen voor v0.36 - v0.37b
- Multi instance running (separated TEMP files)
- Bug fixes
Veranderingen voor v0.32b1 - v0.33b
- Insert/delete ATC delta entries in ClipInfo
- Find function in CLIPINF checks all m2ts file referenced by mpls files
- Bugfixes
Veranderingen voor v0.31b - v0.32b
- 'Apply to clpi' function to copy the stream attributes of the playlist to the clipinfo.
- Image on About window
Veranderingen voor v0.30b - v0.31b
- Insert/delete Pages
- Insert/delete BOGs (maintain buttons)
- Insert/delete Buttons (maintain ids, neighbours, commands)
- Dragging button on graphic page (free, x/y only, grid only, 2x)
- Load menu from .m2ts file.
- Load menu from command line parameter
- Bug fixes
Veranderingen voor v0.29b1 - v0.30b
- Insert/delete image objects
- Insert/delete palettes
- Cut, copy, paste of movieobject and button commands
- Insert/delete button commands
- Easy NOPing for button commands
- EP fine and EP coarse table in CPI, CLIPINF
- Lot of bug fix
Veranderingen voor v0.28b - v0.29b1
- Mux capaility for IGS menu
- Palettes grid with references
- Save palette at Adobe .act or Scenarist Designer .xml format
- Option to replace object and palette at loading image
- Lot of bug fix