Versie historie van Ant Movie Catalog (portable)
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Veranderingen voor v4.1.2.2 - v4.1.2.3
- It fixes some bugs (including the display bugs when using large fonts) and add fields to statistics.
Veranderingen voor v4.1.1.2 - v4.1.2.2
- The changes affected by the official version 4.1.2 (26/12/12):
- - All adds and fixes applied to versions 4.1.2 beta.
- - Dynamic definition of tab order for custom fields according to its positions in associated frame.
- - Fix minor bugs.
- The changes affected by the official version 4.1.2 [BETA] update (09/12/12):
- - Add possibility to copy/paste a movie on several movies at the same time with the ability to select fields to include or not.
- - Deselected fields for copy/paste are now saved in memory and in file "prefs.xml".
- - Add possibility to define a custom formatted title using a template.
- - Add possibility to create custom fields of type virtual that can contain several fields using a template.
- - Add possibility to make an advanced sort on movie list.
- - Add possibility to invert sort order on one or more fields in advanced sort (movie list, renumber, export, print).
- - Add possibility to import the number of audio channels (2.0, 5.1, ...) during extract of media info.
- - Add new engine to resize automatically custom fields in custom fields frame.
- - Add a new property for scripts "Requires movies" to specify if a script requires or not movies of catalog to work.
- If script don't need movies, then no selection of movies will be asked before execution and no movie will be given to the script.
- This can be usefull for scripts such as "UpdateScripts", "AddNewMovies", ...
- - Add functions IsSelected and SetSelected for scripting to select or not movies in movie list.
- - Add functions SetOption and SetParam for scripting to change the value of an option or a parameter.
- - Add new basic functions to create reports for printing: RegExprSetSubstitute, RegExprSetReplace and RegExprSetReplaceSimple.
- - Fix some bugs during printing (text orientation 180/270°, margins page, object borders,...) and fix some templates.
- - Add a little time before to refresh all after movie selection and search text typing to avoid to slow down a fast navigation or fast typing.
- - Add new features (Ctrl + Up/Down/Left/Right/Enter) and some fixes on rkSmartView component.
- - Add SearchFontTextColor, SearchBackTextColor and NoMoviePage properties for HTML display in "prefs.xml" for users who want to change it.
- - Fix minor bugs.
- - Help updated.
- The changes affected by the official version 4.1.2 [BETA] update (29/10/12):
- - Add formatting options on groups during group by on a field: Extract first letter, extract date year, round numbers, ...
- - Improve search of movies to compare strings without regard to accents.
- - Add functions AnsiCompare, AnsiNatCompare, AnsiPosEx, AnsiLastPosEx and AnsiBestFitUS for scripting to compare and search strings with more options (ignore case or not, ignore accents or not, ...).
- - Add possibility to add parameters to scripts, in addition to options, in order to enter values such as a custom field tag for example.
- - Improve window to manage the properties, options and parameters of the script.
- - Display script progress in window caption when it is running.
- - Fix minor bugs.
- - Help updated.
- The changes affected by the official version 4.1.2 [BETA] update (04/10/12):
- - Charset encoding specified in catalog properties and used to save XML catalogs is now defined according to user language by default.
- - Add possibility to delete old copied pictures of a catalog when this one is replaced by a new catalog during save as or export.
- - Add new functions for scripting : GetCurrentDir, SetCurrentDir, ExpandFileName and ExtractRelativePath.
- - Add new basic functions to create reports for printing: Length, Pos, LastPos, StringReplace and StringReplaceCaseSensitive.
- - Fix and add some report templates for printing.
- - Fix some bugs during reports generation for printing.
- - Fix a bug during conversion of real from string on some configurations.
- - Fix other minor bugs.
- - Help updated.
- The changes affected by the official version 4.1.2 [BETA] (15/09/12):
- - Add support of BMP pictures.
- - Add possibility to choose the accuracy of reals for custom fields (1, 2 or 3 décimals).
- - Add possibility to copy pictures in a subfolder pictures ("Catalog name"_pics) instead of copy them directly in catalog folder.
- - Add a pictures manager to change the way pictures are stored in catalog, rename them, delete them, ...
- - During export in HTML, CSV and SQL format, add possibility to copy pictures in a subfolder pictures ("Exported file name"_pics) instead of copy them directly in exported file folder.
- - During export in XML and AMC format, add possibility to export a part of movies of catalog (checked, selected, ...) and choose pictures export method.
- - During scan of media in import window, a full log file is now created (file 'scan.log' in 'Ant Movie Catalog' data folder).
- - Add possibility to delay the extract of advanced movie info during import of media files (faster if you only want add/update some of movies in preview list).
- - Add possibility to resize the column "Nr" of movie list.
- - Add possibility to activate or not autofocus on movie list and HTML viewer.
- - Add possibility to reverse results of search expression.
- - Add possibility to paste just a part of movie info of copied movie.
- - Add possibility to copy/paste movie pictures.
- - Add possibility to select directly a template in a subfolder for HTML display.
- - Add HTML templates editor to modify easier templates used for HTML display.
- - Add functions GetPictureStatus and ImportPicture2 for scripting to manage pictures in catalog easier.
- - Add new functions to manage selection windows PickTree and PickList for scripting.
- - Add functions to create, delete and copy a folder for scripting.
- - Add a button "Abort" on all messages showed by scripts in order to stop script execution.
- - Help updated.
- - Fix minor bugs.