Versie historie van Right Click Enhancer

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Veranderingen voor v4.4.2 - v4.5.0

  • ! Fixed an issue in Smart Renamer that doesn't prevent the user from entering invalid DateTime format in Attribute Renamer resulting in a crash.
  • ! Fixed an issue with Directory permission in Right Click Tweaker.
  • ! Fixed an issue where New Menu Editor crashes if it can't get access to template file while removing an entry from the new menu.
  • ! Fixed an issue in File Types Editor where adding a command to newly added File Type leads to crash.
  • + Added support for more file types in Smart Renamer to rename files using IDv3 tags.

Veranderingen voor v4.0.1 - v4.0.2

  • * State of all the lists in the applications will be saved on exit in all the applications.
  • ! Fixed bug in rename functionality where entering invalid characters while renaming leads to crash.
  • ! Fixed bug in Files Type Editor where even if the removal of extension or file type failed, that entry removed from the list.

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