Versie historie van AHD Subtitles Maker

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Veranderingen voor v5.22.555 - v5.23.10

  • - Updated: Download subtitles from requires now user log in, now it is implemented in AHD Subtitles Maker and AHD Subtitles Downloader.
  • - Improved: Upload subtitles into in AHD Subtitles Maker and AHD Subtitles Downloader, now IMBID can be set manually when the program fails to set it automatically.

Veranderingen voor v5.22.133 - v5.22.555

  • - Fixed: minor issues.

Veranderingen voor v5.21.23 - v5.22.133

  • - Added: Windows Media Player as a media player option.
  • - Fixed: issue in meida player, sometimes it fails to detect the opened media video size it become invisible.

Veranderingen voor v5.20.512 - v5.21.23

  • - Added: Ability to change media player in settings.
  • - Added: Play media using VLC media player.
  • - Fixed: changing media while generating wavform crashes ASM.
  • - Removed: check for update feature temporary in this version.

Veranderingen voor v5.19.239 (64-bit) - v5.20.512

  • Added: Chinese language interface for the program (thanks to Johnson.Ren)
  • Added: line-break feature in the subtitle text editors.
  • Added: ability to line-break subtitle(s) at one go (Ctrl+B)
  • Improved: subtitles track translate feature (now it can apply the translation of a subtitle into onther ones with the same text)
  • Fixed: bug when subtitle timings become less than 0 the program crashes.
  • Fixed: bug when attempting to show a waveform of a media file and the media file path is not set.
  • Fixed: styles shortcuts was not applied into the prapered text control.
  • Fixed: bug when selecting vertical timeline in the subtitles data control, the program sometimes ignore subtitle selection.
  • Fixed: bug in the vertical timeline control.
  • Fixed: missed interface translations.
  • Fixed: translate feature was not work in some cases.
  • Read more:

Veranderingen voor v5.18.632 (64-bit) - v5.19.239 (64-bit)

  • - Added: vertical timeline control in the subtitles data editor tab.
  • - Added: ability to play selected subtitle(s) in the Timeline control.
  • - Added: Subtitles Track captions extraction ability.
  • - Added: options for subtitle-line visual control.
  • - Improved: waveform generating in timeline.
  • - Improved: timeline now can save status.
  • Notes:
  • - To use the vertical timeline control, click on "Timeline" in the Subtitles Data tab. The vertical timeline works as same as the Timeline control,
  • but not all features that can be found in the Timeline control are implemented in this Vertical Timeline control.
  • But still you can select subtitles, edit start/end time and text.
  • - To play selected subtitle(s) in the Timeline control, simply select the desired subtitles then click on the blue-play button. To make the control
  • play the subtitles forever, simply click on the blue button next to the blue-play button. To cancel play any time, simply click the blue-play button.
  • - Now you can extract captions from subtitles track into a new subtitles track. Simply select the subtitles track that you need to extract captions from
  • then chose Subtitle Tracks>Extract Captions. After that, select the options that you need in the dialog that appears.

Veranderingen voor v5.17.113 - v5.18.632 (64-bit)

  • Added: options for media player subtitle previewing
  • Added: added "auto generate/show wave form when media changes" option.
  • Added: 10 slots for styles that can be accessed through keyboard shortcut (Atl+*) while * can be from 1 to 9. (See below for explaintaion)
  • Fixed: resizing timeline control reset zooming.
  • Improved: media player was stopping after editing subtitle. Now it only pause instead.
  • Improved: split subtitle now sets split time as the media time when possible.
  • Notes:
  • About waveform auto generate:
  • This option will force the program to generate/show waveform each time media changes in the project (or at project opening).
  • By default, this option is turned off. To turn it on, please go to Settings>Playback.
  • Please note the generating waveform may take a long time depending on media length but happens once unless media file edited.
  • About styles shortcut:
  • When editing subtitle's text, you can select and set style directly using keyboard shortcut or using the buttons on the styles toolbar.
  • First, use Edit Styles to setup the styles needed for your project.
  • After that, when editing a text, simply press Alt+1 to set the first style then start typing the text.
  • Or, select the text on the subtitle text editor (in properties, media player or subtitle properties dialog) then press the shortcut Alt+1.
  • Let's say we have 10 styles, then we can access them using Alt+* while * is the style slot number. For example, to set the first style, we press Alt+1.
  • To set the second style, we press Alt+2, Alt+3 for the 3rd style...etc. Note that the styles slots are limited to 9 slots (thus, we can use Alt+9 as maximum slot).
  • Also, note that at the styles bar, only 7 buttons are available, to set styles from 1 to 7.
  • The limitation is due to control space ... anyway, all styles from 1 to 9 can be accessed through shortcut Alt+* while * is style slot number, can be 1 to 9.

Veranderingen voor v5.16.55 - v5.17.113

  • * Added: AHD Subtitles Downloader, a new tool allows to download/upload subtitles into the Internet without the need to open ASM.
  • * Added: Stretch to previous/next functions as hot keys.
  • * Improved: stretch to previous function.
  • * Improved: stretch to next function.
  • * Fixed: bug in Translate window when switching subtitles using Next/Previous buttons.

Veranderingen voor v5.16.36 - v5.16.55

  • * Fixed: some bugs in the timeline control when editing subtitles.

Veranderingen voor v5.15.239 - v5.16.36

  • * Added: ability to show waveform in the timeline control.
  • * Added: new subtitles format "AHD Customized Subtitles", allows to export and import a user customized subtitle formats.
  • * Improved: timeline control, now it show grid lines when editing subitles to perfectly line the edited subtitles with waveform.

Veranderingen voor v5.11.55 - v5.12.12

  • * Added: support for subtitle position tags for the SubRip format handler
  • * Added: support for subtitle position tags for the Advanced Substation Alpha format handler
  • * Added: support for subtitle font, color and position tags for the Substation Alpha format handler
  • * Improved: media player control now can show subtitle position in review.

Veranderingen voor v5.10.10 - v5.11.25

  • * Added: Portuguese (Portugal) and German (Germany) language interface support.
  • * Improved: Download/Upload subtitles form/to
  • * Fixed: The program was holding keyboard inputs that assigned as 'hotkeys' so that the user was not able to use these keys outside the program.
  • * Fixed: Bug in SubRip subtitles format implementation.
  • * Fixed: The Spell Check was never save 'Ignore Always' and/or 'Use Always' words user had to enter them every time.
  • * Fixed: Search and download subtitles from not work when the movie file is bigger than 1 GB.
  • * Fixed: Upload to was not work for some movies (imbd id invalid issue)
  • * Fixed: User was unable to enter search word in the quick search word box if that word include chars that mapped as hotkeys.

Veranderingen voor v5.9.25 - v5.10.10

  • Added: AHD Encoding converter, a tool that convert between text encoding for text files.
  • Added: new hotkeys for "Next Frame (FWD)" and "Previous Frame (REW)" with default assignment with arrow keys.
  • Improved: SubRip subtitles format now support "Advanced SubStation Alpha" tags for import and export, also new export options added to this subtitles format.
  • Improved: event lines fields (font and color tags) for Advanced SubStation Alpha subtitles format.
  • Improved: auto detect encoding in export/import subtitles format window now done automatically.
  • Improved: auto detect encoding in import subtitles format window will also refresh and detect subtitles format depending on encoding used.
  • Fixed: bug after finished exporting a subtitles format file and user disables (close this wizard) option in the export finish message the window closes anyway.
  • Fixed: playback can be triggered via 'Space' button (Add Subtitle hotkey) while editing text in the "Prepared Text" and/or "Project Description" tab.
  • Fixed: bug when attempting to 'auto fix subtitle errors' when there is no subtitles track selected.
  • Fixed: bug when attempting to save the log into file while the project is not saved.

Veranderingen voor v5.8.20.15 - v5.9.25

  • Added: Prepared Text new feature, ability to prepare a text to be used directly in the subtitle editor window.
  • Added: ability to use Hunspell dictionaries files directly if already downloaded, user can just place the downloaded dictionary file(s) (with extension .oxt) in Dictionaries folder.
  • Added: ability to drag files to the converter to import directly.
  • Added: ability to import file to the converter via command-line.
  • Added: ability to import media file via drag-and-drop files into media tab.
  • Fixed: bug after editing one subtitle the subtitles data entries never updated.
  • Fixed: bug with Spell Check feature when spell-checking a subtitle track and uses (Use always, Ignore) the changes never applied to the subtitles.
  • Improved: media player improved using Directshow instead of Windows Media Player ActiveX control.
  • Improved: subtitle display in media player, was making problems when attempting to edit also subtitle hides in wrong times.

Veranderingen voor v5.8.13 - v5.8.20.15

  • Added: ability to add subtitle using a shortcut on keyboard.
  • Added: hot keys support, ability to add shortcuts for some functions such as subtitle selection.
  • Added: new options such as an option indicates whether the program should add to each added new subtitle.
  • Added: ability to export/import settings to/from file.
  • Improved: auto saving window now displayed on the right corner to avoid interrupting work.
  • Fixed: spell check feature, the dictionaries download links were not work.

Veranderingen voor v5.7.500.32 - v5.8.13

  • * Added new control "Multiple Subtitle Tracks Viewer" which allows to view subtitle for multiple tracks at a time. Usefull for viewing track and translation tracks at same time.
  • * Added new method for MKV ripping (in the Sub-Picture sub window).
  • * Improvments made to make it easier to use some features like translate.
  • * Fixed bugs in MKV rip feature; it was impossible for user to rip some mkv files.

Veranderingen voor v5.7.250.11 - v5.7.500.32

  • Added: auto save feature, allows to auto save project at period specified at settings to avoid losing work.
  • Added *: using the auto save feature, the program automatically save a backup for translation subtitles track when the program crashes on translating mode (subtitles track translation)... so opening the project after program crash should give the ability to retrieve translation. (To avoid losing work during translation.)
  • Fixed: attempting to delete a text from the properties tab considered as a Subtitle Track/Subtitle delete.
  • Fixed: find and replace doesn't replace the word if it comes at the end of a subtitle text.
  • Fixed: find and replace doesn't active 'save required' flag.
  • Fixed: bug when using google translate feature in the subtitles track translate window.
  • * The auto save feature should be enabled via settings to active this feature.

Veranderingen voor v5.7.189.1560 - v5.7.250.11

  • Improved: upload subtitles to now it does more check for IMDB to ensure uploading subtitles for correct movie.
  • Fixed: the timeline control doesn't have context menu strip.

Veranderingen voor v5.6.22.5466 - v5.7.189.1560

  • Added: service intergation. Ability to search,download and upload subtitles directly from/to server.
  • Added: "Auto create Subtitles Track after creating new project" option.
  • Added: option that allow errors in the subtitle properties window.
  • Added: the TimeLine zoom box that allows to enter zoom value.
  • Added: Kurdish language translation for ASM interface.
  • Removed: "search the internet for subtitles" feature, replaced with "Download subtitles from"
  • Improved: added option to the Timeline control allows to auto scroll to time line's position after changing the time using the time line.
  • Improved: Timeline zoom bar, now holding zoom in/out button will work instead of (click by click).
  • Improved: Timeline control tooltip.
  • Improved: subtitle editor control, now the text area is expandable.
  • Fixed: translate feature when the user translate a subtitle, the translation editor become unaccessable.
  • Fixed: bug in SubRip format handler.
  • Fixed: bug in export window causes hang sometimes in export operation.

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