Versie historie van Wavosaur (64-bit)
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Veranderingen voor v1.2.0.0 - v1.3.0.0
- - Discover new Wavosaur Widgets: Widgets are plugings completely dockable windows with high performance measurements for various audio parameters:
- Real time ouput FFT (multichannel)
- RMS power measurements
- Scope mode for output signal visualization
- Panning for stereo analysis
- - Lot's of bug corrections/optimizations x86 & x64 bits
- + Channel processing
- - Auxiliary left and auxiliary right channel convertion to mono
- - Convertion to mono optimized with mix of only selected channels
- - New "Select all" feature on right click
- - New FXP and FXB management with strong support of Steinberg VST program and bank files
Veranderingen voor v1.1.0.0 - v1.2.0.0
- - New spectrum analysis: with precise real time display!
- - Output routing is in cfg file
- - New option to keep *.rec files (in case of crash)
- - Oscilloscope bug fixed for sample view
- - Mp3 decoder bug fied (synchro during decoding, without user impact)
- - Transport playing flag for VST plugins
- + New time bar:
- - Selection
- - user view
- - flickering improved
- + New keyboard control:
- - to avoid switch to mainframe view for spectrum analysis/sonogram & 3d view keyboard shortcuts
- - wavosaur.keys : lot's of wavosaur shortcuts are now customizable in this "ini" format file (editable)
- - new "Keyboard shortcuts" configuration dialog box: in menu "Option"