Versie historie van TuneJack

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Veranderingen voor v6.2.2 - v6.2.3

  • Updated to fix possible errors when accessing song data from devices when running iTunes 11.1.3 and later.

Veranderingen voor v5.2 - v6.2.2

  • Additional updates to the playlist transfer plugin to resolve errors some people experienced when transferring playlists.
  • Updated the playlist transfer function to help resolve errors some people experienced during the playlist transfer phase.
  • Updated to work better with Windows 8 (no longer have to install .NET Framework 3.5).
  • Updated to fix error when used with iOS 6 devices.
  • Added "Super Rescue Tracks" feature. This means that TuneJack now can see all the tracks that the device itself sees. Even if iTunes no longer sees everything on the device, there is still a very good chance that you'll be able to recover all your songs from the device in any case. This feature is available with any device running iOS 5 or later (iPhones, iPads and iPod touches).
  • Updated to fix a few minor bugs.
  • Updated to work with devices running iOS 5.
  • Updated to resolve possible errors that could occur when transferring ringtones from an iPhone to iTunes.
  • Added instructions on how to enable iPod "disk use".
  • Added support for playlist folders. In the past when transferring playlists, playlist folders would transfer over simply as a large playlist. With this version, playlist folders will be restored as playlist folders in iTunes.
  • Updated to resolve crash caused by changes in iTunes 10.1.

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