Versie historie van Jaangle (Teen Spirit)
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Veranderingen voor v0.95h.866 - v0.96
- New features
- Skin Framework update. More options
- Different Full Screen on Maximize
- GUI: Toolbar has been re-added
- Toolbar: Add the Close/Restore/Min buttons and show them on Maximize
- Toolbar: Increase/Decrease/Reset font size buttons
- Pane Captions: Switch pane containers / Alternate layout introduced
- m3us are supported for association with the application
- Basic Skin Editor. Changes in skin options.
- Search operation in play list context menu
- Tagging. Options For Selective Tag Support (List box with mp3/wma/m4a ... Read support .. and the same for write support)
- Option added for safe mode of player. Use it with the Realtek driver when there is bad sound quality.
- Changes - Fixes:
- Dblclicking on a tree item now expands the item if it is expandable. Otherwise it is added to the playlist.
- Fix in the Advanced search window, Track List, Play List, Tree View onOver behaviour
- Player Bar has been refreshed
- Track list control default display changes (Title is first and controls may be removed)
- DblClicking on the info control opens the current picture.
- Change colors in Advanced Search / History List boxes -> White/grey
- PlayList - Options: Show the number of the track in front
- Improved font scaling
- Track List. Option not to show info icons (Lyrics / Comments etc)
- New Option pages - rearrangements
- New Option. Turn off the cleartype fonts
- Delayed update of PlayList Items for faster load of large playlists.
- Lyrics downloading (iGoogle) fix
- Some translation changes / removals
- History window size is now remembered
- DoubleClicking on Lyrics Search plays the item.
- Default language selection fixed
- Minimum number of characters for Quick search is 3 now
- Automatic restore on Quick Search "Clear"
- New skins/languages
- Clear button added in Quick Search Edit
- Skin Preview Added
- "Play" button now restarts the playing track
- Fix on delete from database not existing tracks.
- Crossfading / MiniPlayer options updated
- "Update Local Folders" now also updates network shares
- fix minor bug on player pos
- Transfer settings from teen spirit has been added
- Holding Right Click Down and using the mouse wheel the Volume is changing
- Fix on Delayed Playlist track update.
- Add help links in the options / properties
- Application Monitor Transfer Settings
- "Force Cleartype fonts" bug fixed
- Some dialogs beautification
- BugFix. It couldn't remove a file from database if it didn't exist in the file system.
- ESC key now works in every window except the main
- Right Alignment for Hits in history
- Some gui glitches fixed
- 3 lines in Collection List
- When playlist is finished player returns to the start of the last track
- Some Message Dialogs have been beautified
Veranderingen voor v0.95g.863 - v0.95h.866
- Bug fixed in "Various" Tree mode
- Tag update. Now supports it reads also "oga, wv, spx, tta, m4b, m4p, 3g2, aif, wav"
- New support for "oga, wv, spx, tta, m4b, m4p, 3g2" files
- Support embedded pictures in mp3
- SetDefault artist/album picture while adding a new one is now working.
- Page Up/down now is working in tree & playlist controls
- Insert Random tracks now, adds new tracks after the selected track
- Quiz: answers can now be controlled by keyboard using (1,2,3,4,5) keys.
- Quiz: ambersand is now correctly displayed
- Quiz: "I don't know" has been removed
- Quiz: 3 second delay added before the sound
- Quiz: much bigger question buttons
- Some more translation options
- Minor tweak in the search for bio/picture of an artist
- TS does not close by pressing ESC any more
- Ambersand display fixes
- DblClick on a tree item now plays all the associated files
- Style 7 Added. Only Names in tree control (32p height)
- TS does not turn off when you press ESC anymore
Veranderingen voor v0.95f.862 - v0.95g.863
- Change the relative font size, Increase: CTRL + +, Reduce: CTRL + -, Reset: CTRL + *
- New Tree Style added (a bigger one)
- 2 .ini options added for player. If you are having problems with bad audio quality then try these two UseSampleFloat=0 (default = 1), UseFloatDSP=0 (default = 1)
- Bug fix in the rare case (?) when curItem is null in InfoControl
- Bug fix on Special Info Display Settings
- Bug fix in saving GlobalHotkeys
- Rare Bug fix in selecting a node
- English GetLastError Messages
- Bass (audio engine) has been updated to (from
- Autocontinue avoid video files when selecting the next track
- CrashReport does not start manually any more.
- CrashReport can display a personalized message.
- Ogg support for lyrics/rating tagging has been temporary removed for further testing
Veranderingen voor v0.95e.858 - v0.95f.861
- Language may be created / updated using a new integrated (sort of) environment
- Debugging on language files
- New FolderDialog (CommonDialog Based)
- Translated buttons in Options Dialog
- Options are stored when closing the options dialog
- Immediate Crash Reporting with optional user feedback
- More accurate crash detection.
- Fixed some leaked resources
- Fixed a case in Google Lyrics Failure
Veranderingen voor v0.95d.857 - v0.95e.858
- Logging Changes. TRying to clean all bugs from the next version
- Rating (Tagging) Fix
- Focus capture on tree/playlist control on clicking scrollbar
- Rare bug fix on downloading images
- Better performance on checking for already tried requests
- Bug Fix in Next Shuffle
- A fix on locating local folders
- Safer Collections Update
- More Progress Bars on tagging tracks
- Delete files is working again.(Bug introduced in 0.95d)
Veranderingen voor v0.95c.856 - v0.95d.857
- Very rare Crash fix in selecting random tracks
- Focus on List controls even on clicks on the scrollbar
- Pause Player On End Session
- Possible crash bug fixed. (DB FixStringField)
- Unlimited loop case on adding random tracks corrected
- Faster adding tracks to the player (No existence check)
- Portability updated. Teen Spirit checks better for travelling mounted tracks while playing
Veranderingen voor v0.95b.855 - v0.95c.856
- New features
- Tablature support added
- Google Lyrics download tablatures / chords also.
- progress bar added in tagging
- Online History
- Submit Game Results
- Crash Info added
- "Default Picture" setting added.
- Jump +/- 5 sec added (see shortcuts)
- Shortcuts added:f1: focus on tree. Enter: Play / Back: Enqueue / Insert: Insert Random / Home: Properties. f2: focus on list. Enter: Play / Back: Enqueue / Home: Properties. f3: focus on Quick Search. f4: focus on playlist. Enter: Play / Delete: Delete / Home: Locate track. f5: focus on Info Control (if avalaible). Global: Num5: Play-Pause / Num0: Stop / Num4: Back 5s / Num6: Forward 5s / Num 8: Previous / Num 2: Next. Add: Vol +5% / Subtract: Vol -5%
- Native LastFM scrobbling support.
- Changes - Fixes
- Add New / Update Collections at twice the speed (optimization)
- Updated Most Dialogs UI
- Database structure updated (comID,lyrID,perID, album infoID, artist infoID removed)
- Save Settings fix
- CPU FREQ by registry
- Collection - Albums mode added
- Personal Tag Write Support Removed (Not in spec)
- Crash Dialog added
- LastFM / Amazon fix for "&"
- Tablatures support added
- "Skins" / "Languages" added in the new start menu
- Crash bug fixed on LastFM Module
- Bug fixed on amazon album picture/review module. It could fail to retrieve info
- Bug fix on saving lasttraks.m3u
- TS search less frequently for already searched (and failed) images
- Fixed a load last playlist issue
- LastFM: Detect no info (add info) page
- LastFM: Download the english page if the localized is not available.
- Proper url encoding of query strings ==> better international results in GoogleLyrics / LastFM / Amazon modules
- Proper html entities replacement
- Crash bug fixed #1
- Media/Downloading animation returned in status bar
- Bug fixed on show all album images.
- When refreshing the tree control expanded state (for the selected item is remembered
- PlayList better delete handling
- Changed "Empty Database" Dialog.
- Added Option Confirmation Dialog
- Added Overload protection for servers who provide Information.
- New Local Image Storage module to avoid name conficts
Veranderingen voor v0.95.854 - v0.95b.855
- Crash on LastFM scrobbler module when playing external files
- Internal changes in the player objects
- MultiLine tooltips on player controls
- TS now reads the tags when plays a file which is not in database (coming from explorer drop or from an m3u file)
- TS now searches for a "services.user.xml" in the program folder. It may contain extra user services (XC)
- Fixed a bug in selecting the proper audio player (DShow or Bass).
- Some benchmarks have been removed so there will be one more increase in the speed of Collection Add/Update
- TS Internet connection could fail because of some large urls.
- Some more efficiency in logging user messages
- Advanced Search - Rating is working again
- Crash Bug Fixed in the way the player handles invalid files.
- PlayList now marks the invalid files as "grey" (no icon)
- Player Controls (numpad) are disabled when you are inside an edit box
- Some more logging in suspicious functions
- Better startup time (player modules are loaded at first play)
Veranderingen voor v0.94c.806 - v0.95.854
- New features
- Tablature support added
- Google Lyrics download tablatures / chords also.
- progress bar added in tagging
- Online History
- Submit Game Results
- Crash Info added
- "Default Picture" setting added.
- Jump +/- 5 sec added (see shortcuts)
- Shortcuts added:
- f1: focus on tree.
- Enter: Play / Back: Enqueue / Insert: Insert Random / Home: Properties
- f2: focus on list.
- Enter: Play / Back: Enqueue / Home: Properties
- f3: focus on Quick Search
- f4: focus on playlist.
- Enter: Play / Delete: Delete / Home: Locate track
- f5: focus on Info Control (if avalaible)
- Global: Num5: Play-Pause / Num0: Stop / Num4: Back 5s / Num6: Forward 5s / Num 8: Previous / Num 2: Next
- Add: Vol +5% / Subtract: Vol -5%
- Native LastFM scrobbling support.
- Changes - Fixes
- Add New / Update Collections at twice the speed (optimization)
- Updated Most Dialogs UI
- Database structure updated (comID,lyrID,perID, album infoID, artist infoID removed)
- Save Settings fix
- CPU FREQ by registry
- Collection - Albums mode added
- Personal Tag Write Support Removed (Not in spec)
- Crash Dialog added
- LastFM / Amazon fix for "&"
- Tablatures support added
- "Skins" / "Languages" added in the new start menu
- Crash bug fixed on LastFM Module
- Bug fixed on amazon album picture/review module. It could fail to retrieve info
- Bug fix on saving lasttraks.m3u
- TS search less frequently for already searched (and failed) images
- Fixed a load last playlist issue
- LastFM: Detect no info (add info) page
- LastFM: Download the english page if the localized is not available.
- Proper url encoding of query strings ==> better international results in GoogleLyrics / LastFM / Amazon modules
- Proper html entities replacement
- Crash bug fixed #1
- Media/Downloading animation returned in status bar
- Bug fixed on show all album images.
- When refreshing the tree control expanded state (for the selected item is remembered
- PlayList better delete handling
- Changed "Empty Database" Dialog.
- Added Option Confirmation Dialog
- Added Overload protection for servers who provide Information.
- New Local Image Storage module to avoid name conficts