Versie historie van ESET NOD32 Antivirus (64-bit Nederlandse 30 dagen testversie)

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Veranderingen voor v7.0.302 - v8.0.304.1

  • Botnet beveiliging alleen in ESET Smart Security
  • Deze gloednieuwe functie voorkomt dat u het slachtoffer wordt van botnets - netwerken van geïnfecteerde computers, bestuurd door een aanvaller op afstand. ESET controleert alle uitgaande netwerkcommunicatie op kwaadaardige patronen en blokkeert deze bij verdachte signalen. Hierdoor kan uw computer niet worden misbruikt om spam te versturen of om aanvallen op servers op afstand te starten. Een extra geruststelling.
  • VERBETERD Exploit Blocker ondersteunt nu ook Java
  • Exploit Blocker beschermt toepassingen welke vaak het doelwit zijn van misbruik: webbrowsers, PDF-readers, e-mail clients en MS Office-onderdelen. De verbeterde Exploit Blocker wordt geleverd met de mogelijkheid om nog meer malware te ontdekken die zwakke plekken in Java uitbuit door het monitoren en blokkeren van verdachte activiteiten.

Veranderingen voor v6.0.314.2 - v7.0.302

  • New features:
  • Advanced memory scanner provides protection against obfuscated threats
  • Exploit blocker protects browsers and other popular applications from threats exploiting vulnerabilities in these applications
  • Improved cleaning of rootkits ensures that even in case of infection with persistent malware, the system will be restored to a working malware-free state
  • Device control allows for controlling access to removable devices
  • Automatic first time scan cleans potential malware on the computer and improves performance of future scans

Veranderingen voor v5.0.95 - v5.2.9.12

  • Enhancement: Added Statistics of Scanned Files in the main Home Screen
  • Enhancement: Added more information about running processes reputation from ESET Live Grid
  • Support: Able to activate product using proxy server
  • Support: Ability to use the renewal keys in product
  • Added: Settings for Removable Media blocking and Antirootkit present in main User Interface under Setup
  • Fix: Shadow of the "quick menu" is being repainted during openeing
  • Fix: GUI opened in a large window
  • Fix: irrelevant notification buble is shown when no action is required
  • Fix: issues with stopping of ESET service during installation
  • Fix: Runtime error with HP Protect Tools, ESET gui crash
  • Fix: Removable media blocking functionality does not block devices for particular Windows Accounts
  • Fix: Files are still scanned by real-time protection after swithing it off
  • Fix: Schedule update task can not be started from main menu in SysRescue User Interface
  • Fix: Several Crashing of ESET User Interface under some circumstances
  • Fix: Advanced scanning options are not working in Computer Scan
  • Fix: Activated product reports it's not activated
  • Fix: IMAPS,POP3S checking of protocols and ports for selected applications does not work correctly
  • Fix: Notification window about disabling some type of protection is not displayed if some other protection is already disabled
  • Fix: inconsistence in status for updated virus signature database within User Interface
  • Fix: Any windows user can force execution of planed task
  • Fix: SSL filtering in Chrome does not work under some circumstances

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