RunScanner v1.6.1.0

Vista / Win2k / WinXP
RunScanner is a freeware Windows system utility which scans your system for all configured running programs and autostart locations.

You can use RunScanner to detect autostart programs, spyware, adware, homepage hijackers, unverified drivers and other problems. You can import and export your results and let other people help you to solve your problems.
Licentietype Freeware1
Datum waarop toegevoegd 6 mrt. 2012
Downloads 57
Bestandsgrootte 1.68 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Besturingssystemen Vista / Win2k / WinXP1

1De licentie en de besturingssysteem informatie is gebaseerd op de laatste versie van de software.

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