AutoPatcher XP November 2006

AutoPatcher could be described as an offline Windows Update. AutoPatcher provides an interface to a large collection of updates, common applications and registry tweaks, that can be easily and quickly applied to your computer system.

The main advantage is that you just have to do one download in order to have all the patches and add-ons, such as Sun Java, MSN Messenger and Windows Media Player. If you have many computers or if you format your computer frequently, it saves both time and bandwidth. With AutoPatcher, you can install critical patches offline, eliminating the risk of getting infected while using Windows Update.

autopatcher windows microsoft update security patch patches

Licentietype Freeware1
Datum waarop toegevoegd 23 aug. 2007
Downloads 47
Bestandsgrootte 330.84 MB (44min @ 1Mbps)
Besturingssystemen WinXP1

1De licentie en de besturingssysteem informatie is gebaseerd op de laatste versie van de software.

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