Versie historie van POP Peeper (Portable)

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Veranderingen voor v4.5.2 - v4.5.3

  • - Fix: Gmail OAuth consent couldn't sign you in
  • - Fix: Potential crash when "use optimal column sizes" for Account list and there are different columns for normal/account view mode
  • - Fix: LED flash switching to wrong state in very specific scenario (rare)
  • - Fix: Issues related to removing HTML background images
  • - Fix: Certain types of messages would show duplicated text (rare)
  • - MOTD data (PPInfo.txt) can now be saved to ProgramData folder if main data folder isn't writable

Veranderingen voor v4.5.1 - v4.5.2

  • - Fix: Hostname matching (aka SNI) is now enabled by default; this improves security and is required by Avast/AVG for Gmail; this may cause some email accounts that are not configured correctly (as specified by the email provider) to error; this potential error condition will only affect email hosted on personal domains (see:
  • - Fix: Multiple accounts simultaneously accessing a server which requires cacert-full.pem may error on the first attempt, but would succeed on the subsequent check
  • - Fix: Certain emails may load slow the first time (e.g. NewEggFlash)
  • - Fix: Attempting to use Gmail OAuth2 when the email address contains "success" would cause the window to close immediately
  • - Fix: Attachments with a semicolon in the filename would get cut off at the semicolon
  • - Changed files (from v4.5.1): POPPeeper.exe, Imap.dll, Smtp.dll, PPtweaker.dll

Veranderingen voor v4.5 - v4.5.1

  • - Fix: cacert-full.pem wasn't always being used when it should ("self signed certificate in certificate chain";
  • - Fix: Certain IMAP servers (Orange) do not support the "special-use" extended flag correctly (resulting in no folder listing and error when deleting email as messages could not be moved to the trash folder)
  • - Fix: Certain IMAP servers (AOL/AIM) may include NULL characters in text response which caused POP Peeper to parse the response incorrectly (note: AOL subsequently fixed this issue)
  • - Fix: POP Peeper may not report an error if IMAP server disconnected during login
  • - Fix: Certain issues with pre-defined servers when creating a new account
  • - Fix: HTTP headers larger than 8KB would fail (this is to fix a recent Yahoo WebMail issue where http headers will sometimes be 28KB or larger, this appears to be a non-intentional Yahoo issue)
  • - Fix: User-flag: In View-message window, the '*' to indicate the current flag might be placed on the wrong item or none at all (if using custom icons where the display order didn't match the index order)
  • - Fix: User-flag: clicking directly on the (top-right) user-flag to bring up context menu would adversely affect subsequently accessing the 'user flag' menu under the 'Message' menu (graphics would be invalid)

Veranderingen voor v4.4.2 - v4.5

  • + Per-account limit for the number of messages retrieved (POP3/IMAP); this setting is on the "Advanced" page for each account
  • + Ini file encryption: The ini file can be encrypted with a user-supplied key; see help for more information
  • - The "View HTML" banner when reading a message now displays full html (images) when engaged; this removes the need to double-click twice (except when the message is evaluated as Junk)
  • - The "Smart view" combobox on the "View messages" Options page is now an "Advanced" setting
  • - Fix: When switching between SSL/TLS and STARTTLS for POP3 accounts, a restart may have been necessary to work correctly
  • - Fix: In certain cases (Pinterest), URLs in messages were being modified causing the links to be invalid when clicked
  • - Fix: When the Oauth2 error "OAuthAccess empty" occurs, it now provides additional instructions to fix the problem
  • - Fix: In certain cases, Imap wasn't reporting pertinent errors
  • - Fix: cacert-full.pem is now included and will be used as-needed; this offers convenience to users who need the file, but doesn't force users/accounts that don't require it to needlessly access the file
  • - Fix: Certain columns on the Outbox/Draft pages were sometimes automatically resized (and saved) in an undesirable manner
  • - Fix: Certain IMAP servers (e.g. Yahoo) may take an excessively long time to return failure if login was invalid
  • - Fix: In certain cases, scrolling in Message List could cause artifacts at the bottom of the window (below the last message) due to clipping
  • - Fix: 'Email client' button on toolbar wouldn't work correctly if using PPtweaker option 'Show buttons using text'
  • - Fix: If the Windows 'Temporary' folder is mis-configured (e.g. read-only or permissions), POP Peeper will use a folder in the POP Peeper Data folder for temporary files (note: data temp folder can be forced in ini file using hidden option: UseDataTemp = 1)
  • - Fix: Activation: in certain cases, POP Peeper may not have loaded the Activation data correctly and could require unnecessary Activations; other factors are involved, but this could most likely occur when using a portable installation on multiple computers
  • - Fix: When using per-account "hide read messages", read messages would be erroneously removed on minimize if that particular account was being viewed
  • - Fix: When using OAuth2, "server requires authentication" setting is assumed on; otherwise, the error response from server may be confusing
  • - Fix: Potential deadlock (hang) on initial checkmail (potential can occur when an SSL account and webmail account check simultaneously in the first mail check)
  • - Fix: When saving real-time logfiles (PP_Log.txt and weblog.txt), files will be split up when a certain filesize is reached for performance reasons
  • - Fix: When using per-account sounds, if a sound was not specified for an account, in certain cases, no sound would play for new mail received on that account
  • - Fix: Potential hang due to certain sound configurations (e.g. using a custom .wav file with Voice Notifier could cause hang when Windows Playback device was changed); note: this fix now forces the "no mci" option in PPtweaker/troubleshooting and may have side-effects for some users (e.g. if you use skin notifier with sounds, the main sound file specified in POP Peeper may not play)
  • - Fix: Stopping a checkmail could get stuck in a loop
  • - Fix: Under certain circumstances, POP Peeper may immediately log back into an IMAP account (when idle disabled, e.g. Yahoo) after it disconnected in order to send a "mark read" command, instead of delaying the command for the next CheckMail
  • - Fix: Editing an account and using "..." for AOL/AIM (and possibly other pre-determined servers), the SSL value would use STARTTLS instead of SSL/TLS, even though the server information specified the latter
  • - Fix: Potential hang when updating trayicon tooltip for "time remaining until next mailcheck" (potential hang only if that option is enabled)
  • - Fix: Potential deadlocks

Veranderingen voor v4.3 - v4.4.2

  • - Fix: certificates that have expired (or not valid yet) won't be imported; this was causing "certificate has expired" errors for certain servers (e.g. Yahoo) when multiple matching certificates were in the Windows certificate store
  • v4.4.1 - May 13, 2017
  • - Fix: Notification plugins in the base folder caused POP Peeper to hang at start
  • - Install: now includes a list of certificates (cacert.pem) that the Windows certificate store may not have
  • - Install: SSL plugin is now enabled/installed by default, regardless of if SSL plugin already exists, to ensure most up-to-date version
  • v4.4 - May 7, 2017
  • * Create new account auto-configuration: POP Peeper now uses an online database to import server settings based on your email address (with capability to customize for your personal domain)
  • * Database and memory optimization. Depending on the number and size of messages, POP Peeper will now:
  • use significantly less memory
  • start significantly faster (less I/O and cpu usage)
  • * SSL certificate verification; uses Windows SSL certificates for verification to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks (thanks: Marc Klenotic)
  • - AntiJunk: Change: If using the "ignore/junk" notification sound, the sound will not play if the message is marked for deletion as a result of AntiJunk
  • - Fix: New algorithm used to determine if black text or white text should be used on account/background color for tray icon
  • - Fix: A new font face is used for the tray icon text which uses anti-aliasing to improve legibility
  • - Fix: In certain cases, "http://" would display at the beginning of an email when viewing it
  • - Fix: Certain SMTP errors should now display more useful information. In particular, sending a restricted file via gmail would previously display "Error verifying message terminator" with no other relevant information; now it will display the reason as described by gmail
  • - Fix: In Classic mode (ie. XP-Theme disabled), the icons in the context menus showing user flags were cut off
  • - Fix: GDI leak introduced in v4.3
  • - Fix: SMTP: when using OAuth2, SMTP was using the login-id instead of the email address to lookup the OAuth2 credentials, which would fail if they were different (uncommon)
  • - Fix: SMTP: Issues would occur if the previously selected "default send account" had been deleted; now: prompt will appear if the account doesn't exist
  • - Fix: In certain cases, if OAuth2 failed for token refresh, POP Peeper would not report an error
  • - Fix: AntiJunk: "Purge bayesian" was not performing its duties
  • - Fix: IMAP: timeouts were calculated incorrectly (ie. not reset when partial data received)
  • - Fix: IMAP: if server disconnects unexpectedly, it would often report a "Send" error; now it will report "server disconnected unexpectedly"
  • - Fix: IMAP: On certain errors, POP Peeper will immediately log back into the server and re-attempt the command (up to 2 retries)
  • - Fix: IMAP: Errors occurring during logout are now ignored
  • - Fix: POP3: improved error handling (similar to IMAP) for unexpected disconnects and retrying
  • - Fix: SMTP: OAuth2 will only be used if the incoming server is using IMAP (this prevents an imminent failure if the account is changed from IMAP to webmail/POP3)
  • - When activating just the Plus Pack (and not Pro), "Pro" would remain selected and indicate that it was not activated; now "Plus Pack" is automatically selected to avoid confusion
  • - Using MouseWheel when viewing a message will always scroll the message body, regardless of what has the focus (e.g. it won't try to open an attachment)
  • - Error log (copy to clipboard format) now includes the number of consecutive errors; helpful for troubleshooting
  • - Logger now includes filters
  • - Storage options (none/header/entire) has now been designated an 'advanced option'
  • - When using Hotmail/Outlook (webmail) protocol, it will default to use SMTP for sending (WebSend is not supported)

Veranderingen voor v4.2 - v4.3

  • * Many changes to enhance and correct DPI settings:
  • Initial window width is defined as 800 and will scale with DPI; previously, the minimum width was 890, but variably larger based on dpi (e.g. >=150% dpi)
  • Default Mail column widths have been re-assessed and now include DPI and font size for calcualtions
  • New "Use optimal column sizes" option on right-click header (account and mail); this will also be prompted after changing font
  • Main statusbar panes have been resized based on DPI
  • Account List can now be twice as wide as before
  • Desktop Alert fonts are resized based on DPI
  • Options lists are resized based on DPI (several locations)
  • Toolbars are resized based on DPI (Main, Message, SendMail, AntiJunk)
  • New graphics for many of the message list icons to better support resizing
  • Other miscellaneous graphics are resized based on DPI and/or available column sizes
  • Additional HTML Zoom levels have been added (300, 250, 175)
  • Custom HTML Zoom
  • Option windows: The list window now matches the height of the options-page window and list window now has 3D look (both were inconsistent depending on DPI in previous versions)
  • Tray Icon: will scale correctly for DPI; other changes to enhance legibility including a different font, no "3D" look on the color background, and the text color will always be either white or black
  • * New "notes" page for Accounts (edit account to access)
  • + The "friend" (smiley) user flag will now only be applied when the sender is in your Address Book and not just white listed; this should make the icon more significant; to revert behavior: main menu: Tools / AntiJunk -> Settings / White List (advanced)
  • - A new method is used for HTML zoom that allows the zoom to occur before displaying the content instead of after (this can be significant when loading slow, remote images); related: navigation sounds are disabled
  • - For Hotmail IMAP with IDLE, POP Peeper will keep-alive the connection every 2 minutes (server address must be
  • - Server Info contains more information such as: last time successfully connected to account, last time error, text of last error, number of consecutive errors
  • - "Online" button is available on upgrade window to allow convenient access to the version list online
  • - AntiJunk: * is included as a default whitelist entry
  • - Fix: AntiJunk: Spam-reporting: In some cases, including multiple recipients in a single service may introduce extraneous characters into the field
  • - Fix: AntiJunk: Spam-reporting: When using a specific account to use for spam-reporting, the status would not get updated to indicate that the message has been reported (ie. whistle status)
  • - Fix: After re-activating Pro, the message list would not immediately update to reflect AntiJunk status (colors, filters)
  • - Fix: Certain types of emails that used relative URIs could cause POP Peeper to hang
  • - Fix: PPtweaker: Troubleshoot / IE emulation did not set emulation value correctly
  • - Fix: IMAP accounts that are disabled will no longer engage IDLE (note: accounts already in IDLE that are changed to disabled will not disconnect)
  • - Fix: Spell-Checker: The typographic apostrophe character (e.g. � - 0x92) is now considered the same as the ascii apostrophe (e.g. ' - 0x27) for better compatibility with languages like French that may use it
  • - Fix: In very rare cases, the default method used to play sounds may cause POP Peeper to hang, this can be fixed under main menu: Tools / PPtweaker; Troubleshooting: don't allow simultaneous sounds (enable only if necessary)
  • Skin Notifier v4.3:
  • - Fixes long-standing issues with DPI:
  • Most significantly, images will stretch to match DPI
  • Text will now fit as intended
  • - Optimizations to load skins more efficiently
  • - Default position is now bottom-right of window instead of center (when slider is disabled)
  • - Information is displayed instead of a blank white box if no skins are available
  • Plus Pack v4.3:
  • - No feature changes, version updated because some modules are affected by DPI changes
  • - Sent Mail Viewer: Fix in certain situation where SMV may crash at startup due to background process stopping automatically

Veranderingen voor v4.1.1 - v4.2

  • * OAuth2 support for GMail, Yahoo and Outlook (IMAP/SMTP)
  • * Fix blurry text in Windows 10/8.1 when using >100% DPI (most noticeable at 125% dpi; system dpi aware)
  • + IE emulation (for viewing HTML messages) can be adjusted -- main menu: Tools / PPtweaker / Troubleshooting
  • + An experimental method to change the email "date/time" field is available; the default will continue to use the most recent "Received" timestamp, but another method is provided which may be more suitable if you've transferred messages from another mailbox; see:
  • - IE emulation will cap at IE10 for default setting
  • - 256x256 icon now included in resources (related to DPI/high-res settings); this was previously excluded because it adds >256KB to the exe size; note: uncompressed file included as reports indicate it may crash on XP (tested with no crash, but insufficient evidence to warrant using compressed)
  • - Fixes and tweaks to the Import Account wizard; of particular note: accounts were defaulting to use Webmail instead of IMAP/POP3 contrary to changes made for the "single account" wizard in v4.0; "Login name" and "server" removed from display and "email address" will be displayed instead (unless the account name is the same)
  • - Fix: IMAP read-sync fixed for certain servers (GMail)
  • - Fix: PPtweaker: if prompted to save, pressing "cancel" was the equivalent of pressing "no" and close PPtweaker
  • - Fix: SMTP EHLO will send ip address as required by strict servers
  • - Fix: SMTP termination octet padding in attachments
  • - Fix: When viewing a message and mark it as "Legitimate", images in the subsequent HTML view would not always display as expected until the message was re-loaded
  • - Fix: POP Peeper would crash if ProfilePicture.dll wasn't loaded and changed 'facebook username' in addressbook entry
  • - Fix: Modifying the "email" value for addressbook entry will spawn image lookup process (ie. for potential and gravatar addresses)
  • - Fix: When POP Peeper is launched from the Installer, often, the Setup Wizard would appear behind other windows and be difficult to notice (especially since Setup Wizard doesn't appear in the TaskBar)
  • - Fix: When registering POP Peeper as email client, POP Peeper can now set itself as the default .eml handler without having to go through Windows Default Programs
  • - Fix: AntiJunk / Reporting Spam services: In certain cases, drag&dropping a new item wouldn't preserve updated information
  • - Plus Pack: Certain features (notably: Sent Mail Viewer and Backup/Restore) have been updated to receive the blurry-text fix
  • - Plus Pack: Sent Mail Viewer: Opening a message from SMV should no longer open the message behind SMV (in case it wasn't previously fixed)

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